Chapter - 16
He knew his soul mate was worth waiting for.
It was October. Early October, to be precise. And although they were no longer in summer, the heat seemed not to want to go yet. Sometimes the day would start with a cool breeze, then give way to the sun for the rest of the day, without a single cloud or breeze to ease the oppressive heat. Living in the middle of the city made it more unbearable, with all the crowded people and thousands of cars in motion, immense queues to get to work, both on the roads and in the subway. Too many people and too little space.
Today had started with the same cool breeze as every morning, but this time it seemed to want to stay permanently, penetrating his body through the multiple layers of fabric he wore. He was not a lover of the cold, because despite wearing all the coats that his body could bear, it always found a hole to get in and numb his limbs. But he was not a lover of heat, and even less so if it was that humid and suffocating heat that did not let you breathe and that, despite drinking litres and litres of water, always left you with the feeling that you had not drunk a single one. Gout.
Not counting the inconsistency of the weather, his day had started pretty decently. Well, how decent it can be when you have to get up at seven in the morning. It wasn't the worst time, but for a night soul like him, it was too early. Despite wanting to sleep early, because he was tired and because he had to get up early the next day, his body seemed to come back to life when the sun went down. It was not all bad, because in the night's quiet is when he concentrated better and when inspiration visited him. But when you go to bed at two or three in the morning, it is no longer so great.
However, after so many years of following this routine, he had already built an immunity to its adverse effects. It is known by all that inspiration goes as fast as it comes, without warning, and Min Yoongi prefers to go to bed late but satisfied with having advanced in a song, rather than spending the night up without being able to write a single word that captures his thoughts. It is the risk that every artist faces in his career, but knowing it does not make it any easier.
By now he was lucky enough to have finished all the projects with a deadline, leaving him with only a few songs that needed revision or touch-up; small things if you compare it to creating an album. He wasn't sure how long this off-peak period would last, but it was the perfect time to take advantage and focus on his own songs.
After getting off at his stop, he passed by the cafeteria was near the company and bought a coffee, something necessary to finish waking up. As he drank it, he looked at the work plan on his cell phone as he headed to work. Just as he was about to enter someone called out to him in the distance and, if his hearing was correct, it was Namjoon.
"Hey Hyung. Good morning." The boy greeted between gasps once he caught up with Yoongi.
"Are you so eager to work that you come running?" Yoongi asked, amused.
"Nah. The alarm clock didn't go off." Namjoon replied as he ran a hand through his hair, which was now a pinkish colour. "If it weren't for the neighbours, I'm sure I would have been late."
"Don't tell me your neighbours know your hours too," Yoongi commented as they entered the company and headed towards the elevators.
"No, it's just that they got up early to make the rest of the world share in their love. Unsubtly, I must add."
At this, Yoongi couldn't help but laugh, practically doubling over on himself, while Namjoon groaned and leaned his head against the glass of the elevator. Once they reached the showed floor, they went to the study they shared and worked.
The place was silent, except for the characteristic sounds of all the equipment and the occasional comment or question concerning a note in the wrong place, or that had to be retouched. Beyond that, it was as if there was no one in the room and for Yoongi it was the best. He worked well with Namjoon, even long before they were friends.
The first time he heard about Namjoon was at one of the good deal of underground rap concerts he attended. Most of the time Yoongi attended as a rapper, but tonight he was part of the audience. Days later they met backstage, and at that moment he met Namjoon, known by the name of Rap Monster, with whom he immediately connected not only in a matter of musical tastes and trends but also personally.
It was logical that, after connecting in that way, they ended up collaborating on many of their songs, as was the fact that they ended up working for the same company, although at first, they did not know it. Of course, each of them had their own workload, but more times they worked together on the same project than they did not, so the company left them together.
Yoongi was immensely grateful for it, as Namjoon knew where his limits were; he knew when to push and when to stay out, at least in most cases. The point is, Yoongi wasn't a person you could get close to so easily, not because he rejected others out of the blue, but because at first when you know nothing about the other person, he didn't know what to say. This icebreaker was not his strong suit, and neither was striking up a long conversation with anyone outside his circle of friends. That is why he always gave the impression of being a cold and disinterested person, almost as if the rest of the world bothered him. Only those who stayed around long enough realized that Min Yoongi was tough on the outside and soft on the inside.
After reviewing the songs that were missing, the two boys ended the day, since there were only about ten minutes left to finish the day. Namjoon got up from the chair and stretched to remove the stiffness from his body after spending hours in the same position, just like Yoongi.
"Do you want to go get something to eat, Hyung?" Namjoon asked as he put his things in his backpack. "If you have nothing to do, of course."
Normally Yoongi had nothing to do, apart from lounging on the couch while watching TV or composing something of his own; write your thoughts on paper and then order them to later decide that the result was not what you wanted. And so the cycle repeated.
"Sure, why not? I don't have anyone waiting for me at home." Yoongi said as he put on a cap.
It was the truth, there was no one waiting for him at home. He had no pets to worry about, nor did he have roommates. He lived alone, although there was a time when he was not. Because of the latter, and because Namjoon had stayed to put it back together after the breakup, Yoongi realized that he might have sounded depressed.
"What I mean-"
"Okay Hyung, I know what you mean. Don't worry." Namjoon said with a squeeze on the shoulder. "Come on, I'm starving."
With that said, they left work for the coffee shop that was a few blocks away from the company. It was their favourite place to hang out after work when neither of them had anything to do. The place was enormous, with enough space between the tables to give a feeling of privacy. The paint mixed light and dark colours depending on the space and the decoration was abundant but not over the top. You could say that everything was just right.
Once they arrived, they went to the farthest table, as usual. From the bar, one server asked them with a gesture if they wanted to have the usual, and after an affirmative answer, he got to work. Maybe that was one of the many reasons they always came to this place; the employees always remembered the orders of the most frequent customers, but they never served them without asking first or until the customer asked them "the usual".
After a few minutes, in which the two boys talked about everything and nothing, they were served the menu of the day along with the drinks they used to have, an iced coffee for Yoongi and a soda for Namjoon. The latter gulped down the food like there was no tomorrow, stopping now and then to take a sip of his drink and allow all that food to sink into his stomach. Yoongi ate at the speed of a turtle, something normal for him since he was used to staying on coffee to finish some projects with a deadline and, therefore, required him to stay awake for longer than advisable.
Another aspect to take into account his personality is that he abstracted from the world. Not in the sense of inventing an alternate reality or beginning to wonder why the earth was round and how long it could bear the weight of all humanity. That was more of Namjoon's style, although he did it so much more eloquently. Once Yoongi got in front of the computer to work on a song, or to shape a rhythm or an idea that had gotten into his head that he couldn't get rid of, the rest of the world was no longer. important. He liked to say that it was an exceptional ability to concentrate that he had gained with time and practice. The only downside was that he didn't bother looking at what time it was, or taking a break, so it was normal that he did not follow a routine for meals. He could sit for hours and hours in the same position and sustain himself on coffee, stopping only when his brain signalled his eyelids to close, an acceptable way to remind him to sleep.
He had always had this problem spreading his concentration on other things that were also important apart from music, such as eating, sleeping, socializing (even if it was only with the plant he had in the living room window) and calling his friends to assure you that yes, he was still alive. He wasn't doing it on purpose, and his friends knew it, but they didn't stop reminding him it was their way of telling him they cared about him. Yoongi considered himself lucky to have friends like them, and although he didn't show it as effusively and openly as Taehyung and Jimin, he was grateful to have them by his side unconditionally, even when even he couldn't stand himself.
"What are you thinking about?"
Namjoon's voice snapped him out of his thoughts and he had to blink several times to remember where they were. Oh yeah, the cafeteria. They were supposed to be having lunch. A glance at Namjoon's plate told him it was finished, while he was almost intact. This could only have two answers: either Namjoon ate at lightning speed, which was not that far-fetched, or Yoongi had spent all his time in his world and had forgotten to eat. Again.
"I caught you," Namjoon said with a wide smile that revealed his dimples, his head resting on one hand while the other rested on the table.
"The portions are too big." Yoongi rushed to reply as he resumed his food, avoiding all eye contact with his partner.
Yoongi knew that if I looked Namjoon in the eye, I could see that look that said I know you are lying to me, but I will let it pass. His strange relationship with food, or the lack of it, hadn't always been because of being too focused on his music. Back when he was still dating Jun, he kept a pretty decent meal schedule. Obviously, whenever he was immersed in something he would forget a meal, but Jun had an insatiable appetite, and that was the perfect excuse to order food at home or to go out to eat somewhere. After their breakup, things had not returned to the normality of being single, but to a cycle of working, coming home, continuing to work, sleeping, and starting over. It was a repetitive and damaging cycle, but when you are in the hurricane's eye, you can't see how big it is, so it was normal for him not to realize that he was destroying himself.
At that time, Yoongi accepted the help of a professional because he knew that it was affecting his work. It was ironic that he realized how much his condition affected his work, but he couldn't see the damage he had caused himself, even if it was on his head and others could not see it. After many sessions, Yoongi realized that he had lost control of his life, that he was no longer even the shadow of who he used to be, and that was the scariest thing he had to face. From that moment on, and with the help of his friends and family, he recovered little by little. It was a long process, but the result was worth it.
"I'm done," Yoongi said as he put the silverware on the plate. Namjoon shifted his gaze from Yoongi to the plate and back to Yoongi. "What? Not all of us have your or Jin Hyung's appetite. " He commented while crossing his arms as if thus settling the matter. Eating half was more than enough, the portions were too big for him.
After a moment of silence in which they looked at each other, Yoongi let out a growl.
"It's okay. I'll take the leftovers home for dinner. Happy?"
"Quite," Namjoon replied with a satisfied smile as he leaned back in the chair.
"You are the worst," Yoongi muttered under his breath.
"It would be worse if I told Jin Hyung that you didn't want to eat anything after eight hours," Namjoon replied calmly.
"I hate it when you are right," Yoongi said with a grimace.
After the leftovers were given to take away and pay the bill, the boys left the cafeteria to take the subway. At this time the streets were once again filled with people leaving work or beginning to enjoy the afternoon off and the cool atmosphere that had reigned throughout the day. At the last minute, Namjoon told Yoongi that they had to stop by Jin's restaurant to pick up a couple of things he had forgotten to bring the day before.
"I hope it's not a sex toy," Yoongi commented seriously, although inside he enjoyed watching Namjoon's face turn the same colour as his hair.
"It was only once." The tall man answered as he put his hands to his face. "Besides, it's not like you've never seen one."
"Once is enough," Yoongi replied dryly. "And of course I've seen one before. But it is not the same to see it in a store to see it in my mailbox without having asked for it. "
"Okay, I admit I should have told you earlier, but you were the next best option on my list."
"The next best option? And what was the previous one?," Just as Namjoon was about to answer, Yoongi raised his hands to stop him. "You know what? I'd rather not know. I prefer to continue keeping the purity of my soul intact. "
Namjoon only gave an incredulous snort but didn't comment on anything else. They maintained a comfortable silence as they enjoyed the quiet of the afternoon. After getting off at the corresponding subway stop, they continued walking toward Jin's restaurant.
"What are your plans for Christmas?" Namjoon suddenly asked.
The question took Yoongi by surprise, but his facial expression didn't change in the slightest. His answer was just a shrug. He did not know what the young man's question was about, so he preferred to give a neutral answer. The fact is that Kim Namjoon took advantage of his high IQ to ask you the most absurd questions and with no connection between them, and then let go of the bomb question, the one before which you doubt whether it is better, to tell the truth, or lie.
"Are you planning to go to your parents' house?" That was the bomb question. The surprising thing was, he hadn't even thought about it.
"I'm not sure yet," Yoongi replied, looking everywhere except Namjoon.
After a brief silence in which they continued walking, Yoongi spoke again. "Of course my mother has already started telling me she wants to see me there, but I'm not sure that's a good idea."
"Why not?" The tall one asked as he barely dodged a lamppost.
"Last time I was still with Jun."
"You know your mother doesn't care if you go with someone else or not, right? She just wants to see you happy." Namjoon said with a careful tone, as if he was testing the waters.
"I know, but I've wasted too much time. I don't want to fall back into the same hole I was in before, but I don't know how to continue from here either." With one hand, he ruffled his hair and let out a tired sigh. "I feel the need to do something, but I don't know what, if that makes sense. I'm frustrated and confused, I guess. "
"Don't think too much about it, it happens to all of us and it's normal. Sometimes you rethink the direction of things and there is nothing wrong with it." Namjoon said as he put an arm around his shoulders. "Oh look, Jin Hyung is waiting for us outside."
Jin was waiting for them, leaning against the wall of the restaurant. Jin was tall, broad-shouldered, and a perfect face for a model. That he had dyed his hair blonde only stressed the beauty of his face. Although he had studied to be an actor, something he was very good at, Yoongi had to admit, his genuine passion was cooking. So when he had the opportunity to open his own restaurant, with his own money and not his parents', he took the risk. Needless to say, it was the best thing he could have done, because thanks to it he met his soul mate, and gaining local recognition for the quality of his food.
"Joonie!" Said the blond when he saw them. He had a bunch of bags from different stores in one hand and a bunch of plastic ones in the other. "Take this."
Carefully, he placed the bags on Namjoon's arms, like he was a walking coat rack.
"Really Hyung, sometimes I think you just want me to carry your things," Namjoon said as he looked at the bags with a frown.
"Being my soul mate, you know that I love you for many other things," Jin said while still paying attention to what he was doing. The fact that you help me carry all this is a bonus."
And then he planted a quick kiss on the lips, leaving Namjoon with a groggy smile and a fond look.
"I'm here guys. And I need not witness these demonstrations. Once again." Yoongi said while rolling his eyes.
"Wow, I'm so sorry, Yoon. I didn't know you were in that mode today. Come here."
And before Yoongi could react, he found himself engulfed in Jin's embrace.
"Don't worry, Yoongi. I know it is difficult to admire my beauty only from afar, but I promise you I love you the same. "
"My God, someone stop him, please," Yoongi begged as he tried to wriggle out of the hug. On the other side, Namjoon could barely contain his laughter.
When Jin released him, Yoongi took advantage of the moment to get on the other side of Namjoon, as far away from Jin as possible. He clicked his tongue and said how disrespectful the new generation was and that they should respect their elders.
"You are not that old, Jin Hyung," Namjoon commented as they walked through the crowded streets.
"You say it because you love me, Joonie. But I thank you anyway. "
And that's when Yoongi decided it was time to play deaf. These two got too honeyed for his taste every time they got together. Too much sugar for your system in one sitting.
This story belongs to @nometoloko on AO3. I'm just her translator.
There you go. A long-ass chapter making up for the previous one. You finally get to meet Yoongi after fifteen chapters. There's also a mix of Namjin in there. Hope you liked it. Things are about to get interesting from now.
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