Window Diving
It's been seven years. So long that my clothes have disintegrated. My hair has turned white from old age, my skin became white from lack of sun. I miss my tan skin, now I look like a ghost.
"Get up."
The skin on the side of my face is stuck to my arm and my arm is stuck on the table, it's not cold anymore. I've been laying on this table for too long. Staring at the paper at this angle isn't fun. The black words blur with the white background. Zoology isn't fun. School sucks. I sit up and watch everything around me blur for a second. "I hate this."
"Me too but you need to pass. You have only two months of school left."
I look at him. He has to be a vampire or something. "Says the man that dropped out."
"I didn't drop out close to graduation. You need to graduate."
"When did you drop out?"
He rubs his face before putting the pencil back in my hand and patting the paper in front of me. "Focus."
"I'll just become a drug dealing hooker named Pepper that lives in a cardboard box under the highway. I don't need this bullshit."
"Till someone robs you, kidnaps you... other horrible things."
"I'll jump out the window." I look out the window on the other side of the table, it's ground level. Ugh.
"Life is hard, but you can't make crazy ass decisions at every inconvenience."
"Yes, I can. This is America. I can be a sugar baby if I want to."
"Then find someone with money."
He shakes his head. "You need to focus on your work. It's been three houurrrssssss," he dramatically drags out.
"We got so much done."
He looks at the enormous pile of all but two papers with my messy handwriting. I could write better, but I don't need to. School isn't deserving of my neat handwriting.
"I can't help you, if you don't want help."
I look back at the paper in front of me. It's so stupid. I'm so stupid. I need to stop acting like a child, it's disgusting. The cringe is out of control.
"I'll stop being a bitch."
"About damn time." He points to random, long ass words on the paper, telling me what to do with them.
Why do I need to know the anatomy of a rat? I don't live in New York; I don't need to fight off street rats that stole my pizza or some crazy shit. A dog I would understand, but a fucking rat?
After time ending, the next twenty world wars happening, Mr Beast moving us to Mars with Elon, and the disaster girl blowing up the world, I finally got the stupid work done for three classes. My self-respect and dignity are gone. I've become a slave to the education system, they'll be controlling my mind soon like the smart people.
"I've figured out what I'm gonna be."
"A thief."
"What will you rob?"
"People's hearts."
He raises an eyebrow. "What?"
"People will be so shocked by my charm; they will love me and then all I have to do is act like a damsel in distress. They'll give me everything."
He shakes his head before standing up and putting my stuff in my bookbag.
"Are you kicking me out?"
"I have to go to work."
I look at the time on my phone. There's a bunch of attendance emails from my narcissistic school. My friends sent me many texts asking where I am. It's probably not a good idea to hang out with them in the first period, then skip school. I text back in the group chat since I'm too lazy. Blamed it on my period, an easy scapegoat. "It's only two thirty."
"School doesn't end till three forty-five."
"Go to work."
"I don't work on Mondays." The only thing saving my sanity at this point. "I'll just stay here till you come back."
I grab my bag as he hands it to me. The burden of life attached to the papers inside the bag weigh down my short-lived happiness. This stupid bag is the reason my back and shoulders hurt. "I have to see a rich person's house though. Have to see what luxury looks like."
I love his lopsided smile; it's more like a friendly smirk but he looks adorable. "This isn't my house; I have no say in who stays."
"I can't even get a tour? I'll show you my house too."
"Don't tell people where you live. If you come over again to get help, I'll show you."
He shrugs. "Not if you skip school or anything else important."
"I don't have work tomorrow either." I follow him as he takes the path back to the front door.
"How so?"
"I was talking to you there last Tuesday."
"Nuh uh."
He opens the front door; humidity hits my face. I did not work this hard on my hair just for it to get ruined this easily. The weather is rude. Once outside, we walk over to his car. I happily get in the fancy car. Once in the car, I start bothering him some more as a true friend does.
"What's it like being rich?"
"I'm not rich, dammit." He starts the car and pulls out of the driveway, onto the street. "Where do I drop you off?"
"At the restaurant, I guess."
"It's a diner."
"It's called Roadside Diner. There is a giant sign right above it."
"Sorry, Mr tall, but I can't see things too high in the air. You're rich and tall, you don't know the struggles."
He glares at me for a while before looking back at the road.
"No, you're right, you do know the struggles. You're emo. It must be a hard life."
"Do you annoy your parents this much?"
"No, they're not my friends." I love my parents so much but they're too strict. "They'd beat my ass."
"As they should."
It becomes silent. I hate the silence. "Do you have a hat?"
"Where is it?"
"So far up your ass that it's in your imagination."
Oh wow. "I've seen you with a hat before."
"When it's bright outside."
"It is bright outside."
He is literally wearing sunglasses like a crazy person. I turn my phone light on, shining it at him from the side. I'm not completely stupid, there's enough brain cells left to not blind him, especially while driving. I'm just an asshole. A lonely, old, little asshole who is failing in life at the wrinkly, old age of eighteen.
"You're a bitch."
"I'll be a professional bitch then."
"No, please don't."
I turn my phone flashlight off. It's about to die. I need to find my phone charger when I get home. I'm truly a bitch. No wonder my parents are so sick of me. "Thank you for everything and dealing with my annoying ass self. Even I annoy myself."
"It's fine. Just don't give up on school or anything, alright?"
"I'm not as emo as you, I'm not giving up on anything." My parents won't let me. I'm just a lazy bum.
"Get out the damn car."
I look out the window, only seeing the trees in the distance blur past and the ground change shades so fast. "We're on the highway!"
A/N: if anyone out there got any tips on how to write body language between dialogue? They just be talking with nothing important, but it seems kinda dry.
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