| Age of Ultron |
The sound of AC/DC is audible in the whole mansion while I'm working in the basement on a damaged robot. Mom and Dad have gone on vacation for a few days and I'm alone at home. It isn't my first time though, I've grown used to the silence and emptiness that spreads through the stupidly big house.
"Okay, bud, hold on." I talk to the robot calming him down while a little electric and afraid sound leaves his mouth. "Damn it, come on, come one!" I groan when suddenly a short-circuit happens, removing my hands; The tips of my fingers burn with pain. I put them between my lips, trying to soothe the burning sensation. "Why can't I be as smart as Dad?"
I'm aware that asking the question out loud won't give me an answer. But still, I hate the way my own father judges me for being such a stupid idiot. It's not my damn fault that I'm not as smart as him, that I can't be him. At least Mom isn't like that, she's wise and understands me. I still can't believe that she married that asshole though. The phone suddenly rings and I quickly turn off the AC/DC music to answer the call.
"Stark here."
"Hello, Tony." Jarvis greets me politely.
"Hey, buddy." I half smile.
"Anna and I want to invite you to dinner. She made her famous roast again. I could pick you up." He offers me kindly, concern laces his voice.
"Jarvis, I'm 21 now. I don't need a babysitter." I roll my eyes playfully. He's such a Mom.
"Just because you're 21 doesn't mean you don't need anyone." He says softly. "You're always welcome here. And Anna would like to see you again."
I bite on my lower lip, considering his offer. The food from the cook is actually waiting for me and I don't want to sound like a baby by pining for company.
"God, Tony, just suck up your pride and let Edward pick you up!" Anna's energetic voice shouts from the background and I let out a little chuckle. That woman has the temperament of a bull.
"Fine, just because you're so obsessed with me." I reply casually and she groans which makes me smirk.
"I'll be there in a half hour." Jarvis lets me know.
"See you." I hang up and a little bit excitement runs through my veins. I'd never admit it but I'm actually really relieved that they invited me. It's been awful to spend nights and days in this huge mansion, all alone. The boredom and loneliness drove me crazy. I run back to the basement to dispose of the mess of technology, wires and metal.
"I'll fix you later, robot." I pat him on his shoulder before I turn him off. Then I quickly change my clothes to be dressed suitable. A button-down shirt and black trousers should work, I know how much Jarvis appreciates it when I'm dressed appropriately. It's just my way to say thank you for the invitation. Apart from that, Jarvis is the only one who enjoyed visiting me at boarding school. All of the sudden the doorbell rings and it gets impatiently repeated as I walk to the door and roll my eyes annoyed.
"Being too early is impolite, Jarvis." I open the door expecting my butler and friend but my smile fades away when I instead see three men in expensive black suits standing there.
"I'm afraid to disappoint you, Mr Stark, but I'm not Mr Jarvis." The tallest in the middle says, his voice is sharp and his eyes gaze strictly at me.
"I have eyes, thanks. Who the hell are you?" I frown as my grip around the door knob gets tighter. It wouldn't be the first time that men try to break in and steal inventions or money from Dad.
"I'm Mr Henderson. We work at your father's organization." He shows me his ID and I take a long look at it to assure that it's not fake. The ID is real. "Would you mind letting us in?"
"Why should I let you in?" I hiss in distrust. "What do you want?"
"Something has happened. And you might want to sit down for this. It's about Howard and Maria Stark."
I roll my eyes and step aside, gesturing them to walk in. They follow me to the living room and I have a seat on the couch while they keep standing. Dad probably did something stupid again. "So, spill." I demand letting out an annoyed sigh. "What has my father done now?"
Mr Henderson's face stays emotionless and professional while one of the others takes out a contract, placing it on the glass-topped table. "Howard and Maria Stark died in a car accident yesterday. We're here for you to sign the contract for Stark Industries. You're going to be the new CEO of Howard Stark's company."
The words seep into me as I forget how to properly function. I forget how to breathe. I forget how to blink. I forget how to keep my heart beating. I forget how to live. The symptoms of shock are seen on my face as a void feeds on me.
"Mr Stark?" They're gone. I didn't get to say goodbye. I'm never gonna see them again.
"Mr Stark, please sign."
"Get out." I snarl sharply after I snap back into reality. I glare at them and clench my fists. The sudden anger feels like a grenade in me, ticking till the explosion.
"Excuse me?" He raises a brow in the air.
"I said get the fuck out!!" I stand up and point my finger at the door. The blood rushes to my face, I'm getting upset and the rage and the emotions overwhelm me. "Leave or I'll call the police!! I don't care about your stupid organization or the contract!!"
"Mr Stark, please calm down- "
"LEAVE!" I interrupt them violently and they all walk back outside.
"I'm truly sorry for this event, Mr Stark." Mr Henderson says without any compassion. Everything annoys me right now. Their ridiculously expensive suits. This damn contract. The fucking organization. The bright Christmas tree.
I slam the door in his face and it leaves a satisfying loud crash. A pained scream escapes my mouth as I grab the Christmas tree and knock it over. The decorations shatter into an ocean of sharp pieces on the marble ground. The adrenaline runs through my body and I keep destroying the things in this mansion. The alcohol bottles, the table, the couch, the TV, the piano that my mom used to play. Mom. A salty tear runs down my face, burning into my skin. I clench my teeth, hating the world, hating everything that exists. My strength leaves me and I sink down as the tears keep escaping my eyes.
I'm left with the inherited green printed paper in which my father has earned million off of along with this stupidly huge mansion. That's his legacy. I'm left with things I'll never need.
"Mr Stark?" JARVIS calls me out of nostalgia and I squint my eyes, slowly waking up from the doze. My back and neck hurt from the uncomfortable position on the chair in the lab and I notice the blanket around me, Bruce must have placed it there and gone to sleep. The bright light bothers me and I rub my eyes.
"JARVIS, how late is it??" I yawn and sit up, stretching my arms and shoulders. "And where's Bruce?"
"It's currently 3:35am, Mr Banner went to sleep two hours ago. I want to inform you that two guests have just arrived and are now in the common room. It's Mr Rogers and Ms Farrell."
"What?!" I immediately get up and run to the elevator to get to the common room. After Farrell's odd call a few hours ago, she only hung up and didn't answer her phone anymore. I have no idea what's happening nor why she cried, but it must be pretty serious. Within seconds, I step out of the lift and see how Cap carefully puts her on the couch. "Could you please tell me what the- "
"Shhh." He cuts me off, nodding towards the sleeping brunette on the couch. "She barely got any sleep the last few days, let her rest."
"Fine, but I demand an explanation." I whisper urgently, half glaring at him. "What the hell happened in D.C.?! A few agents here started to attack us although they were supposed to be SHIELD agents! And then the news confirmed that Hydra is back and you two were suddenly missing after the fight with Insight!"
Rogers inhales deeply, suddenly looking rather exhausted than relieved. "A lot happened. And... I think Eve wants to tell you that, so just wait until she's awake. I just can ask you not to be mad at her or something. After the fight there, she just wanted to leave D.C. as fast as possible."
I frown in confusion, my voice lowers. "Why should I be mad at her?"
I slowly wake up, feeling emotionally drained and tired. Why is being alive suddenly so exhausting? The reeking smell of the expensive leather of the couch reminds me that I'm not in Washington anymore but in the Avengers Tower in New York, a place that I would rather call my home than the apartment in D.C. Sitting up, I jump in fright when I spot Tony right next to me on the couch.
"Morning, sunshine." He greets me, a sarcastic smile graces his lips. The billionaire has barely changed during the time where I didn't seen him, he may only look more tired now. "Care to explain why you and Rogers invaded my tower at 3am? Or why you didn't answer your phone again? Or what this phone call meant?"
I swallow and bite on my lower lip, not knowing how to start. Leaning against the couch, I glance at him and study his facial expressions. "Did you get enough sleep? You look tired."
"Don't change the topic, Evelyn."
I tense up, Tony's never used my actual name during the years we know each other. The nauseous feeling of guilt infects my stomach and my chest feels heavy. "I know who killed Howard and your mother."
"I know who killed them. I know why and how and I have the proof. You deserve the truth, no matter how painful it is." I smile sadly and pull myself together. Squeezing gently his upper arm, I swallow and take a deep breath before I start telling him everything from the beginning till the end.
That I was an orphan too, left and abandoned. How Bucky first met me, changed my life and proposed to me. Also that I got him killed and lost our child before it could even see the world. And then I tell him how Bucky got brainwashed by Hydra and was forced to kill Tony's parents to get my super-soldier serum. I tell him what happened in D.C. and how everything ended. I tell him the brutal truth.
He's been quiet the whole time, not saying anything and only staring with widened eyes at me. When I finish the story, my heart still beats way too fast as I wait for an answer or a reaction. "I know, it's a lot for you to process- "
I flinch when he suddenly grabs the scotch bottle and throws it furiously against the wall, the glass shattering into pieces. Squinting my eyes, I hear him panting, trying to maintain his rage. "A lot? Are you kidding me?"
"Tony- "
"You're telling me that the killer of my parents, one of your closest friends, was your fiancé!" He gets louder and glares at me, spitting out the words with anger. "What do you expect?! That I'm gonna be okay with that?!"
"No, but I want you to understand, I know it's hard and you need time, but he's been through a lot, okay? Please don't consider him as a- "
"As what? A villain? A killer?!" Tony shouts and runs with his hand through his hair. He's outraged and frustrated. "You can't really believe that I'm gonna forgive him because I pity him! God, this is about Howard, Evelyn! How can you be so blind and just trust him?! He's not the same man anymore, you just told me that he almost beat you to death!"
"Because I am the one who got him killed!" Now my voice raises and I think of how Bucky died right in front of me. "You weren't there when he fell off the train, you didn't hear his scream or see the fear in his eyes! I owe him that, I at least have to try my best to save him. We all have blood on our hands, we all have killed people who were a father or a friend of someone. What makes us worth being forgiven and him not?"
He now goes silent and just stares at me, his chest still going up and down as the rage in his brown eyes slowly vanishes. I press my lips together to a thin line and the tense silence feels suffocating.
"Please, try to understand."
"Just leave me alone for now." He spits between his gritted teeth and I try not to be too effected by his words. Before I walk out of the room, I shoot him a last glance, seeing how his hand runs down his face and leaving him in despair.
A/N- As you could read, I obviously changed the storyline which means there's not gonna be a Civil War. But that doesn't mean that I won't include the other characters that appeared in CW!
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