70. The Trial of James Barnes
"Are you guys ready?" Tony asks Steve and me with his eyes hidden behind sunglasses as we get to the court in his limousine. Meanwhile Bucky is carried in a bunker with handcuffs, Sam watching him. Sam and I didn't talk about his conversation with Bucky yesterday, but he shot me a knowing look this morning. "Because I'm for sure not. It'll be rough in there."
"Thanks, that really cheers me up." I roll my eyes, hissing when I move my cheek too much whilst talking. The stitches sting and I press my hand against it. At least the bruises got covered up with make-up. Tony leans back into his seat, it's actually a rather rare occasion to see him in such an expensive suit like this again. He's been walking around in pajamas lately. "Will Fury show up? His statement could be helpful."
"He's planning on how to take Hydra down, we finally got news about their location. If today ends well, we're gonna leave tomorrow. The base is in the Alps." Steve informs me and I turn around, raising a brow in the air. "Fury will show up if it's necessary though."
"So, it's the original base that we invaded back in the forties?" I frown and he nods, looking out of the window but immediately wincing back when a tomato suddenly hits the glass. Tony and I just now check on the borough the court is in, driving through a huge and angry crowd. "What's going on??"
"As sympathizers of Barnes, we haven't been exactly the favorites of the people." Tony explains, sighing. "Happy, can you drive faster?"
"Okay, first you forced me to take care of this girl a few months ago and now you want me to what, drive over people?" Tony's security guard Happy complains, groaning. "But alright, you're my boss."
"Wait, what girl?" I question and Tony just brushes it off with his hand, not giving this matter a second thought.
"Thor asked me on his brother's behalf for a favor to watch over this girl in Alabama before everything with Ultron happened. Just lasted six months, belongs to the past. You were busy with D.C. anyway."
"Loki?" I raise a brow in the air, the confusion just growing. What the hell did I miss? Sharing a glance with Steve, he doesn't seem to know what happened either. The building of the court is now finally in our sight as the furious crowd just increases with each second.
"Okay, we arrived, let's go, let's go." Tony motions for us to leave the limo and weirdly avoids the topic. I push my thoughts aside and focus back on the actual problem, the flurry settling down in my stomach. Getting out of the car, the angry shouts of the people greet us, especially Bucky who leaves in handcuffs with Sam and five other guards the bunker.
"Rot in hell!"
"The Avengers work with monsters!"
Even though the security guards shield us and therefore prevent our view from the crowd and their posters, I don't need to look to know what's standing there. I only glance at Bucky whose face seems to look completely blank and lost but his eyes beam pain and guilt. Helplessly, I shoot Steve a desperate look while we go up the stairs, urgently wanting to defend Bucky but he just sighs and shakes his head. If we said anything now, we would just make it worse.
Entering the New York County Courthouse, flashing lights and the press hold us back shortly, Forcing the guards to free our way. I really want to turn around and check on Bucky, support him and hold his hand but I can't. We walk directly into courtroom and I clench my jaw, my nails digging nervously into the cloth of my black blazer.
On the right is the jury, made of twelve people and they observe and murmur about Bucky with narrowed eyes and mistrust, also the judge and plaintiff do not offer a friendly face. Swallowing, we take a seat as the bailiff instructs us, I shoot Bucky a last look and catch at the same time his. A longing beams through his blue eyes and he seems tired. I send him a sad smile. Everything's gonna be okay. I promise.
The judge waits for the oath of the jury and then the absolute silence in the courtroom before he starts the trial. "Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Today, on the 5th of September, 2014, we're having the criminal court case 384 with James Buchanan Barnes as defendant. Would you like to give us an opening statement?"
"Yes, your honor." The plaintiff speaks and stands up, no emotions lacing his voice. "I'll represent the United States and the citizens of New York. The defendant has been charged with murder in first degree and accused of committing crimes against humanity. I will present you the evidence of the D.C. incident and the murder of Howard and Maria Stark which will prove his guilt."
My eyes widen as murmurs start going around, Tony tenses up next to me. His grip around the arm rest tightens and his whole body has frozen to a statue as I glance at him with a worried look. How did they get proof for Howard's murder? We have the folder and there aren't any copies, not to our knowledge. It must be hard for Tony, it's still a sensitive topic.
"Does the defendant want to give an opening statement as well?" The judge only continues, yet he cannot prevent the gossip that must go around now. Tony Stark, here to defend his parents' murderer. I can already see the headline on the newspaper.
"Yes, your honor." Steve stands up, his voice turning into Captain America's. Tony decided not to get officially a lawyer since he doesn't trust anyone with this case and thinks that we're the best to defend Bucky. "I'm representing James Buchanan Barnes who is not the villain in this story but a victim of a much bigger scheme. When he committed those crimes, he wasn't himself. Hydra brainwashed him, whipped him and used him as a weapon. He didn't know what he was doing."
The voices rise and the judge is forced to calm them down. They probably didn't expect to hear something like that but most likely a lame excuse for Bucky's actions. The jury stares surprisedly and confusedly at the lost soldier who only looks down at the handcuffs, that's a good sign. They finally show a glimpse of empathy because they somewhat believe Steve.
"The prosecution may call its first witness, Miss Hanna Drew." The judge orders and a blonde woman in a black dress stands up.
"Do you promise that the testimony you shall give in the case before this court shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?" The clerk asks and the voice of the young woman is surprisingly steady as she nods.
"I do." She promises and sits down after receiving the permission. The plaintiff places his hand behind his back, remaining a straight position as he walks around her.
"So, tell me, Miss Drew. What happened on the 20th of April in D.C.?"
"Oh, it was a horrible day." She stutters, fear lacing her voice. "I was doing the grocery shopping and on my way home until I suddenly heard bullets and screams. In the next second, I saw how a car fell from the bridge and I was utterly terrified. This-this man was trying to kill them both, Captain America and Voltricity, chasing the woman to end her life. If she didn't warn us on the street and distract him, I wouldn't be standing here right now. What I don't understand though is why they defend him now."
The people in the room discuss her testimony lowly as I feel how their eyes bore into my back, questioning my judgement. The plaintiff narrows his piercing blue eyes, just showing a coldness. "What kind of impression did he leave, Miss Drew?"
"He looked... like a monster. Like he has no heart and just lives to kill, as if he were death in person. I barely leave the house now, I'm way too afraid that this would happen again. I don't feel safe around this man." She states, biting on her lower lip and I swallow, looking at Bucky. I thought the guilt in his eyes couldn't get worse but it did.
"So, I'm asking you, Americans, why should we let an assassin free who makes the innocent woman feel like she's threatened? Shouldn't we assure the safety of everyone?" The plaintiff asks the jury and I glare at him. I can't help but let the urge to defend Bucky overwhelm me.
"Your honor, may I ask a question?" I stand up and talk without thinking, Tony and Sam shoot me a warning glance, shaking their heads. Everyone stares at me, especially Bucky.
"You may." The judge allows me to speak and I look at Hanna Drew with a pleading glance.
"Miss Drew, I know it is hard to do but would you please look at Mr Barnes and answer me this question honestly?" I request and her brown eyes reluctantly wander to Bucky, the fear still lingering. "Does he look like the same man you met in D.C.?"
She didn't seem to expect this question, neither did the other as her eyes just widen and glance at me back to assure that she understood the question right. "N-no, he doesn't... he's different. In fact, he looks like a man who... who needs help."
The jury's murmur increases and a wonderful relief spreads through my chest as I let out a deep breath, my lips forming a thankful smile. "It's because he does. Just like you needed help in D.C. but with the difference that this man is scared of himself, Miss Drew."
"The witness is excused." The judge sends her back to her seat and I notice the relieved expression on Steve's face while the plaintiff clicks exasperatedly his tongue. "The prosecution may call the next witness, Mr Samuel Wilson."
"Don't worry, I'll nail it." Sam winks with a smug grin and stands up. After he vows the oath, the plaintiff, Mr Whitman, immediately starts with the questions.
"You, Mr Wilson, had been helping Mr Rogers and Miss Farrell the whole time during the D.C. incident, right?"
"Yes, sir." Sam nods confirming.
"What are your feelings towards Mr Barnes?"
"Well, I'm angry. That dude ripped off the steering wheel of my car, he owes me a new one." He earns a few low chuckles, even Bucky seems to loosen up a bit and Steve sighs. Mr Whitman doesn't seem to be impressed though.
"So you don't have a problem with him? Even though he tried to murder over twenty million people at once by supporting Hydra's Project Insight?" The plaintiff's harsh voice kills off the ease atmosphere and even Sam tenses up.
"That wasn't him- "
"How can you be so certain of that if you don't know him, Mr Wilson?" He cuts him off and his eyes are attached to the people. "What if he was just pretending to be someone else? What if it was him the whole time and this is just an act and the Avengers are just too blind to see that? Their judgment has been questionable lately since the Sokovia incident."
"Sir, you need to know that Hydra- " Steve stands up, ready to defend our team but the plaintiff interrupts him once more.
"You can't always blame the organization and be so incredibly arrogant to ignore your own flaws, Captain Rogers. Individuals like Bruce Banner or Evelyn Farrell are a danger for the world, too, yet nobody considers it anymore and what's the outcome of this? A city goes flying and thousands of people die."
Bucky suddenly appears rather furious than guilty, his eyes forming a glare when the plaintiff mentions my name. The anger boils up in my stomach and I get up from my seat after seeing the guilt in Tony's eyes. "Mr Whitman, may I remind you that we tried to save as many as we could and even lost one of our team? Yes, we are flawed and yes, it was in fact our fault, but the government is flawed too. Hydra managed to convince Mr Ross- "
"And there it is again, this incredible arrogance which is why, you're so dangerous, Miss Farrell- "
"Enough!" The judge quietens us and the discussion immediately deceases. Steve and I sit down again while the plaintiff adjusts his tie. "Mr Wilson, I request a final statement before I call the next witness."
Sam sits straight and gives firmly a final statement. "Mr Barnes is not a danger for me. He's capable of being a good man. I know and I'm sure of that because he saved Eve."
"The witness is excused. The defense would like to hear Mr Anthony Stark."
Tony stands up and seems to be pretty tense. I feel so bad for dragging him into this mess, to force him to go through his parents' death again. He's hurting now, especially since Bruce is gone. Mr Whitman seems to be more than eager to take our side down with questions.
"We know that you and Howard Stark weren't on great terms. That's how you expressed it during the press conference in 2008, is that right, Mr Stark?"
"That's correct." He affirms.
"Is that the reason why you see your parents' murderer as an innocent man?" This question makes me clench my teeth in anger and I hold my breath, trying not to interrupt him again, otherwise the judge wouldn't let me talk at all.
"No." Tony declares through gritted teeth, sounding pissed. "I'm just smart enough to see behind the mask. I actually do my research, Mr Whitman."
"If you did the research so well as you stated, Mr Stark, then you for sure also know this footage. Your honor, this is the first and waterproof evidence." The plaintiff huffs and reveals an old tape. The whole room is now quiet and my eyes widen in shock as my hands tremble when I read what's standing on the tape.
December 16, 1991.
A/N- Well, shit. I hope this chapter doesn't appear too unrealistic because I've never been at a trial before. And who's the girl Happy and Tony mentioned? 🤔 Well, it may or may not be the next OC of my new FF. You heard right, both FFs will be in the same universe :) If this one ends, the other starts. And then? Infinity War.
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