67. Sucker for Pain
"The Hydra base is heavily guarded, I controlled every possible way to get in but it is hopeless to sneak into the facility and out of it, undetected. According to my calculations, our chances are very low to get out of there alive with Wanda and Mr Barnes, not higher than twelve percent. Besides, I could not locate them, their current location wasn't written in the system." Vision reports while we watch the old factory that's a Hydra base in disguise from a safe distance.
"We need a distraction." Bruce decides, putting his glasses aside which became dusty from the dirt. "I'd suggest the Hulk but I don't know if I can control him."
"If the Hulk appeared, they would immediately take Bucky and Wanda and escape, we'd be back at the beginning again. It won't work if we don't know their location in this damn huge factory." I groan, trying to ignore the heat but it's impossible and I'm sweating like hell. I'm used to cold winters from war times but not to hot deserts.
"It will lead to a similar result if we just invade the facility. The risk is too high." Vision agrees and I narrow my eyes, staring at the base whilst thinking of a plan. We need a distraction that doesn't cause chaos or a fight, we need something that makes them stay, something they want.
"Me." I blurt out and receive Vision and Bruce's glances. "I'm Hydra's oldest enemy, Steve and I have been always their targets. We won't sneak in, we'll just walk in."
"Eve, that's absolutely insane." Bruce shakes his head. "You'd risk your life playing the bait."
"That's why you're gonna stay here." The plan in my mind starts growing with each second, enthusiasm and conviction running through my voice. "If we're not back in four hours, turn into the Hulk and invade the facility."
"We?" Vision questions and I glance at his cape and combat suit which had changed from the sweater and pants.
"You told me you could change your molecules, that means you can shift your shape, right?" I tilt my head and he nods reluctantly. "Can you try to look like a human, a Hydra soldier?"
"What?" Bruce's eyes widen and his hand runs through his hair, not believing how everything is out of control right now. "It's getting more and more crazy."
"Crazy but good." I state and look back at Vision. "I know you're not used to this, considering you still have a neutral attitude and are still learning everything since you're like a month old. It's probably also pretty new for you to be on an undercover mission on your own but this is urgent now, okay?"
"I will do my best. What do I need to do?" He wants to know, determination lacing his voice.
"You could hack into their system, do it again and add a serial number, turn into a Hydra agent with that number. You're going to pretend that you found me alone, lurking around. After you hand me over to Rumlow, you'll listen around and try to find out where they are. When you get them, you'll pick me up and we'll escape. Don't act suspicious or calculate anything or phase through something, you need to be convincing. And say Hail Hydra when they look at you expectantly."
"This is an idiotic plan." Bruce comments exasperated and Vision's eyes suddenly turn into the golden color of JARVIS, staring at the air. After seconds, they are blue again and he glances at me.
"Hacking succeeded." He assures and I take a deep breath, forcing a smile on my lips to remain optimistic.
"And now one of you needs to give me a really good punch in the face." I gain rather shocked than pleasant reactions. "What? Do you really think it's believable if you catch Voltricity without any injuries?"
"That was a hell of a punch." I mutter, my jaw still aching as I swallow down the blood. At least there's growing a bruise, so it'll look even more realistic. I ignore the pain, reminding myself that it's for Bucky and Wanda. "Who taught you to punch like that?"
"Thor." Vision answers shortly and his grip around my arm tightens when I almost lose balance, helping me to keep walking.
I'm still staring at him, it's just so incredibly strange to see him as a human. His blonde hair appears authentic and real, I almost have the urge to run my hand through it just to feel if it's real. His blue eyes remind me of Thor's and his skin is human, not red as usual. Even his voice sounds less robotic and clear. If I didn't know better, I would've said he's a Hydra agent.
We get closer and closer to the entrance and the Hydra guards spot us from the distance, aiming their guns at us when they recognize me. My heart races, hoping that Vision will be convincing enough. Before we reach the gate, I whisper him a last advice. "Be authentic and violent."
"What the- Voltricity's here! Let Crossbones know!" A guard yells, meeting us half way. Who is Crossbones? "Who are you, Agent?!"
"I'm Agent Galloway, serial number 3672, sir." Vision's voice is neutral, without any emotion which is good. "I found her lurking around and brought her here, none of the other Avengers were there. She's alone."
"And you alone took her down?" The Agent narrows his eyes, suspicion running through his words. I mentally panic and hope that Vision will have a good answer now. Do something! Prove that you're Hydra, I think and try not to reveal fear or anything. "Not even a whole team could defeat her."
Suddenly, Vision shoves me to the ground and I groan, landing on the sharp stones and rough ground. "She's still weak from the injection and completely dehydrated from the climate. She's most likely just escaped the government who took the Avengers. I witnessed it, happened a good fifty miles away."
"Prove serial number 3672, Galloway." The guard orders through the earpiece, a short pause follows. I don't know why Vision suddenly acted like this, maybe the mind stone made him read my thoughts or he understood what to do. "Alright, open the gates! Well done, Agent Galloway."
"Thank you, sir. What will happen to her now?" The gates get opened and two other guards pull me up, dragging me into the factory while Vision and the agent follow us. I'm relieved that everything's working so far, yet I sense Vision's discomfort. But I appreciate that he's doing it for Wanda.
"We'll take her to Crossbones, obviously. Then we'll try to reach our mole in the government to control the Avengers, I heard that Banner is still missing. Maybe she knows where he is."
"What?" I look up, my eyes widened. Hydra infiltrated the government again? The shock overwhelms me, not believing that this organization managed to do it a second time. I need to warn everyone, but how?
"Did I allow her to talk?" The agent stops and the guards shake their heads, he then glances at Vision. "Galloway, today's your day. You're allowed to beat her."
Before Vision is even able to be hesitant, I try to distract them from his blow up of his cover and throw my elbow against a guard's face whilst kicking the other in the gut. The agent reacts quickly though by taking out a device, aiming it at me. A scream escapes my lips as the pressure fights its way through my brain, crushing it with pain.
"You can be lucky that Crossbones still has some scores to settle with you." He hisses and luckily turns off the device, I catch my breath and gasp, my head pounding. Pulling me up, he opens a door and throws me into a room. "Rot in hell."
"I'll see you there." I only spit, after landing on the ground. Before the door gets closed, I shoot Vision a hopefully not too conspicuous glance, signaling him to hurry.
"I'll be honest, I didn't expect you to be that petty." Rumlow's voice behind me almost makes me jump in fright and I turn around, facing his burnt face. He's sitting on a chair, pretty relaxed and no signs of surprise to see me. "Running straight into Hydra's arms just for your Bucky."
"That's something you would never understand." I scoff and stand slowly up, my mind still hazy. "Because you've got no one."
Rumlow's tenses up, his teeth clenched. "You know, he remembered you."
"What did you just say?" I narrow my eyes in disbelief, sending him a deadly glare to make clear that I'm not in the mood for jokes.
"You heard right. He remembered you, got all weepy about it, I was there. Until we put his brain back in a blender."
"You fucking monster!" I lunge at him as a voltage arises in my hand, my rage boiling. But Rumlow manages to attack me first by landing a rough kick in my stomach and I fall down with a gasp, feeling nauseous and sick. He's stronger than me, bigger and at least twice my weight. Maybe he went under experiments but he's for sure enhanced now. Steve would have had a chance against him, he's better and stronger than I am.
"You're weak." He spits out, a sadistic laugh echoing through the room. "Because of you and Rogers, my face is ruined. Ironically, it made me immune against your bloody electricity."
He grabs me by my hair and throws me into the chair, my back hitting the hard metal. Biting on my lip, I try not to make any pained noises. I need to endure this, I need to gain Vision time to save them.
"It's almost too easy." Rumlow chains me up to the chair while I struggle and try to fight against it but my strength only ceases. He laughs at my failure, amused about his victory. "I mean, sure, I could drug you with the injection again, but then you wouldn't feel anything and where's the fun with that?"
"Who calls himself Crossbones?" I only answer and in the next moment, a rough fist punches across my face, my head whipping aside. I taste blood in my mouth and my cheek aches like hell, a painful pounding running through my head.
"Shut the hell up." He growls and I glare at him, taking a deep breath and spitting the blood in his face. The satisfaction spreads through my chest when he wipes the blood from his face away, his eyes glancing furiously at me. "You're going to suffer for this."
"I survived the Second World War. You're gonna have to do your best to make me suffer."
"Oh, I will." He removes a small object from the pocket of his jacket, revealing a sharp butterfly knife. I swallow deeply and my heart drops to my toes, an anxiety racing in my veins. Yet, my face remains with a blank expression, not showing any signs of fear. You got this, you survived a stab once, you can do it twice.
"That's all you got?" I question and his grin widens as his hand plays with the knife and he gets closer to me. "A simple knife?"
"Old-fashioned but classic. Just like you." He shrugs. "You know, I've known you for two years now and I studied you during the missions. Every time when you're scared, you ask provocative questions, playing the tough hero, but I know what's behind the mask. The weak girl that still whines about her gone beloved ones."
In the next second, he drives the knife right into my thigh and I scream in agony, the burning pain growing to a fire in my skin. Warm blood runs down my leg and I bite on my lip, preventing a whimper as I bat my eyes to hide the evidence of tears. Panic arises in my chest while I breathe heavily, breaking into a sweat.
"Where's Banner?"
"Screw you." I hiss in pain when he slightly moves the weapon in my flesh and clench my teeth, my nails digging deeper into the chair.
"Well, your choice if you want to get tortured or not. We'll find him anyway, this here is just for fun." Without a warning, he pulls the knife out of my thigh and I groan, trying to steady my breath. My legs are trembling and I look down at the wound, the nauseous feeling growing when I see the deep stab wound and amount of blood.
"Bloody psychopath." I mumble between heavy breaths and a smirk appears on his lips.
"You know what? Maybe I should leave a little mark to remind you who managed to do this to you, who is stronger than you." The knife point is aimed at my collarbone and my breath is flat, I'm only focused on the weapon. "You're not as strong as you think."
"Don't you even dare to do this!" I shout panicky and glare at him, trying to move further away but my back is pressed against the chair as the knife gets closer and closer to my skin. "Back the hell off, Rumlow!"
His smile becomes maniac. "It's Crossbones now."
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