59. New Alliances
"Let me the hell down!" I shout furiously and try to free myself to fight against Wanda but Thor's huge arms hold me back, placed around my waist as I keep struggling in the air. Pietro stands protectively in front of his sister while she seems to be intimidated by my rage. At the same time, Steve and Clint try to calm me down with words as Natasha nudges Tony for chuckling. T'Challa motions for his guards to stay back and not interfere with the situation until it's deemed necessary.
"Eve, c'mon, compose yourself!" Clint's attempt is ignored and no matter how much I struggle, Thor's still stronger than me. But then again, he's a demigod.
"It's not the time for that now!" Steve glances at me, probably glad that I haven't used my powers yet. "We're here to deal with T'Challa, calm down, Eve."
I groan with annoyance and roll my eyes, finally giving in. Thor notices my ceasing movements and slowly puts me down, shooting me a questioning look which I answer with a surrendering sigh. Turning around, I look apologetically at T'Challa and straighten my hair that has become messy. "Apologies, your highness. Personal matters."
"Understandable. Who are these two?" He demands to know, eyeing the new visitors. "According to the media, you're only a group of seven people, not nine."
"Which is true." Tony confirms before he sends rather a glare to the twins than a friendly smile. "Where's Ultron and what do you want? And I suggest you be honest, otherwise the popsicle here is gonna turn into a plug socket."
"We're asking for help." I study Pietro's facial expression, trying to find out if he's telling the truth or lying and this is only a trap. "Ultron... is out of his mind. We- we did not want to cause this destruction in the city."
"So what are you suggesting? That we should just trust you like that although you two worked for Ultron and Hydra?" Natasha arches a brow and narrows her eyes. "After everything you did to us?"
"We want to help you." Wanda now speaks up, her voice is surprisingly determined and loud, the same thick accent like Pietro's lacing it. "What we did was wrong. We know that now. We want to make it good again."
"Could be a trap." Tony considers, shrugging carelessly. "The witch could mess with our mind again or manipulate us."
"Tell us what's Ultron's next step of the plan." Steve arranges the terms, his arms folded skeptically over his chest. "Then we may consider it."
"Ultron wants to transfer his consciousness to the metal body. The Vibranium." The silver-haired boy tries to explain with his broken English, taking a moment to think. "With the help of someone I dunno in South Korea, I think."
"Dr Helen Cho." Clint reasons, then he looks at us. "It'd make sense, that's why, he didn't kill her."
"I think they could be of use for our team. We could use all the help to stop an artificial intelligence. He's fast and she's mighty for a human, we don't have the privilege to be fastidious now." Thor says logically and Tony immediately shakes his head, disagreeing with a glare.
"I don't trust them, not after what they've done." He states and Natasha understands his decision for once.
"Neither do I."
"No one trusts them but I gotta agree with Thor. Their knowledge about Ultron could be helpful as well." The archer pipes up and glances at our leader, waiting for his opinion. Steve mentally struggles, the worries reflected in his blue eyes.
"I think everyone deserves a second chance. We told them they could walk away which they did. You guys can join us to Seoul and we'll see how you acquit yourselves on the mission. King T'Challa helps us as he's wanted while Tony looks with Bruce for the anonymous helper that has been constantly changing the nuclear codes to prevent Ultron to get it. And Thor can go find out more about his dream to get answers. Eve, what do you say?"
"Depends on Bruce." I add our excluded and silent teammate who looks up now, surprised to be mentioned. "He has suffered at most because of Wanda. If he's in, I'm in too, that's only fair."
All eyes are attached to Bruce now and he seems to feel uncomfortable to receive that much attention. Glaring at Wanda, he lets out a deep sigh. "I'm in. But just because it's partly my fault that Ultron is about to destroy the world."
"Then it is settled." The King announces and motions the guards to free Bruce. "You will receive your equipment back, we are going to leave in two hours. Do not make me regret helping you."
"So, these are earpieces, that's how you stay connected with the team and locate the others if necessary." I explain it to the twins while handing them the small devices on T'Challa's quinjet. How it comes that I'm the one who's stuck explaining everything to them is still a mystery to me. Both Maximoffs nod coherently, putting on the communication gadgets.
Natasha, Clint and T'Challa are the pilots of the jet. The last one has appeared in a black cat suit with Vibranium streaks, hiding his identity beneath the Black Panther mask. It feels uncomfortable and new to have someone like him on our team.
"I'm close to the lab." Steve lets us know through the earpiece. I actually wanted to go with him, but now I'm playing nanny for the twins. Speaking of them, the siblings seem to be really nervous, their eyes wandering around the jet, not knowing what to do.
"Uh, your name's Eve, yes?" Pietro asks me and I nod. "Can I talk to you?"
His request surprises me and every single cell in my body tells me to say no and ignore his question, but the stupid curiosity settles down in my stomach, wondering what he would want to talk about. Reluctantly, I nod again and he gets up from his seat, patting his sister's shoulder before following me to the next room. After I catch Clint's prying glance from the rear mirror, we are alone in the corridor.
"Shoot." I prompt with crossed arms over my chest and his dark blue eyes widen, he goes stiff.
"No, that's- that's an expression." I clarify with a sigh, forgetting his Sokovian heritage. "Just start talking, that's what I mean."
"Well..." He takes a deep breath before looking at me. "I just want to apologize for my sister. What she showed you was bad. I hope you understand that it's not her, she's been through a lot. Actually, she's really caring."
"Can't she say sorry on her own? And why apologizing only to me? Bruce hulked out, thanks to her, Thor even left to find answers. What she did was much more than bad, it was a violation of privacy." I half glare at him. "And her past doesn't justify her actions."
"To you because she told me about your fear. She said it was the worst of all." He mutters slightly intimidated by my rage and my chest tightens. "I'm sorry."
"Not that it'd concern you." I respond and could curse my childish behavior. Thor was right, we don't have the time for arguments now and apart from that, Pietro really tries his best to make it up for what they've done. Sighing, I attempt to restrain my temper. "Apology accepted when you two are really on our side now."
"We are." He nods overzealously. "Just... not on Stark's."
"Why not?? What has he ever done to you?" I frown. I mean, I know that Tony is not exactly the kindest person with his sarcasm and arrogance but he's truly selfless and caring in the moments that count.
"Wanda and I lost our parents when we were ten. The first shell hit our home, it made a hole in the floor. Our parents went in, the whole building started coming apart. I grabbed my sister, rolled under the bed and the second shell hit. But it didn't go off, it was just there, three feet from our faces. And only two words were painted on the shell..."
"Stark Industries." I realize with widened eyes. "Look, whoever fired the shell, it wasn't Tony. Yes, he produced weapons but he didn't know that they were used for this. He didn't pull the trigger nor did he kill your parents."
Before Pietro's able to answer, we get interrupted by Steve's conversation with Helen Cho who informs us about Ultron's new body. "The real power is inside the Cradle. The gem, its power is uncontainable. You can't just blow it up. You have to get the Cradle to Stark."
"Did you guys copy that?" Steve asks us and Pietro and I walk back to the others, Wanda immediately walks to her brother.
"We did." Clint confirms and flies the ship closer to Seoul.
"I got a private jet taking off, across town, no manifest. That could be him." Natasha notices and I look out of the window, seeing the truck on the high way.
"There. It's the truck from the lab. Right above you, Cap. On the loop by the bridge. It's them. I got three with the Cradle, one in the cab. I could take out the driver." The archer suggests but Steve disagrees.
"Negative! If that truck crashes, the gem could level the city. We need to draw out Ultron."
"Okay, I've got an idea." I receive everyone's attention. "T'Challa, and I hope it's okay if I call you that, you help Steve to fight Ultron, your Vibranium suit can be pretty useful. Natasha and Wanda get the Cradle, Clint, be prepared to get it delivered. And Pietro, you help me to rescue the citizens and destroy the Iron Legions. Alright?"
Everyone nods, even though the twins seem to feel uncomfortable without each other. Pietro strokes his sister's hair when he notices the anxiety in her eyes, calming her down with mumbling words. Clint turns to Natasha and kisses her on the cheek. "Be careful outside and kick their asses."
"It'll be less fun without you." She smirks, then prepares the bike and motions Wanda to sit behind her. The Sokovian girl does hesitantly as Natasha says and I glance at the King of Wakanda.
"Do you need a bike too?"
"I'm the Black Panther." He answers matter-of-factly and shrugs. "I'm just gonna jump and land on my feet."
"A simple no would've been enough." I roll my eyes playfully and to my surprise, he appears to be amused, dropping his royal attitude and forced expression for once.
"We got a window." Clint yells, approaching the streets and counts down as he opens the gate. "Four, three...give 'em hell."
Natasha and Wanda drop with a crash out of the quinjet and ride on the street, avoiding the driving cars. Followed by the Black Panther, T'Challa simply jumps out and in fact, lands like a cat elegantly on the traffic, close to the truck of Ultron that he then jumps on. I've never seen someone looking this majestic whilst jumping on a car.
"That was damn impressive." I mutter taken aback and I'm glad that he helps us now.
"How are we gonna get down?" Pietro asks next to me and I shrug casually.
"Jump as well. Are you scared of a few feet of height?" I question and look down, the wind rushing into the jet as he shakes his head. "Good, you would have to do it even if you were. Follow me."
I jump out, landing roughly and rolling away on the street. Ignoring the pain in my ribs, I start running towards the truck, the cars behind me honk loudly and are forced to brake. Hopefully, Pietro has jumped by now, otherwise he'd miss the window. I'm about to turn around to check on him, until a blue aura suddenly catches me and carries me through the traffic with an incredible speed.
The air knocks out of my lungs and in a panic I grab onto Pietro's shirt. But pushing the anxiety aside, I take the opportunity and shoot an electric blast of energy towards the truck with the Iron Legions, causing it to fly through the air and crash on the side street. Pietro stops and lets me down. "What now?"
"Kick some iron asses. Steve, how is it going with Ultron?"
"Still keeping him occupied." He pants through the earpiece, the sound of a punch is followed. "T'Challa's a pretty good fighter though."
"Natasha?" I try to get an answer while Tony's robots leave the damaged truck and are about to approach us. Pietro squares his shoulders before he speeds towards the robots, tearing them apart in a blink of an eye. I roll my eyes, questioning why I'm here if he's perfectly handling it.
"Delivering the Cradle. Thanks to Wanda's abilities, it was easier than expected."
"Eve! Problem!" Steve suddenly shouts and I frown while everyone from the high way stares at us, probably confused why Earth's mightiest heroes cause so much destruction.
And in the next moment, a train races through a building towards me.
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