52. Red on the Ledger
"Good luck, you three." Clint wishes us through the earpiece as Steve, Sam and I run to the helicarriers that are about to fly off. Him and Natasha are busy deceiving and stopping Pierce, while Maria keeps us informed about Insight, controlling and watching on the monitor from the SHIELD HQ. An uncomfortable feeling settles in my stomach, I haven't spotted Bucky yet and I don't know if I'm ready to face him.
"Hey, Cap, how do we know the good guys from the bad guys?" Sam asks jokingly as we are about to jump off the cliff.
"If they're shooting at you, they're bad." Steve pants and bails out into the depth while Sam grabs beneath my arms and flies out. My heart races slightly when the ground underneath me disappears and only the Falcon secures me but I trust him. He drops me off from a safe distance on the third helicarrier, then he salutes at me and flies to the second one. I land skillfully on the ground by rolling away and stand immediately up.
"I found those bad guys you were talking about." Sam informs us when I hear the loud shooting on the other helicarrier. Looking up, I see how he luckily doesn't get hit, flying around like a bird.
"You okay?" Steve asks worried and I flinch and automatically dodge when Hydra agents appear and shoot at me. Hiding behind some boxes, I gain electricity and attack them, knocking them out. More are coming and I clench my teeth, rage boiling up and almost blinding my mind. I don't want to kill them but the urge is growing when I think of what they did to Bucky, it almost overwhelms me.
"Not dead yet." Sam assures us and I focus on the Hydra groups on the helicarrier. The sound of the guns doesn't scare me anymore, it's like I can't imagine a moment without the noise of flying bullets. Generating blasts of electricity, I shoot each of them down, releasing a powerful pulse that electrifies them, deeming them unconscious. The sibilance of my abilities sounds satisfying in my ears and I glare at the new upcoming troop.
"Eve, everything alright?" Steve's heavy breaths interrupt his words and I'm about to answer until I feel a pressure in my head, making me scream and kneel down. My hands are pressed against my temples and I feel a hard kick against my back, causing me to fall down. My brain is rattling, feeling crushed and an awful pounding spreads through my head. "Eve?!"
"A-a... moment..." My answer slips through my clenched teeth, fighting against the pressure that the device Hydra uses against me causes. Screaming with anger, I strike out and shoot the agent with my powers down, the device shattering into thousands of pieces. I still feel dizzy and my head aches like hell as I gasp for air. "Got it."
"Sure?" He questions concerned, the fighting sounds accompany his voice. A hint of protective rage laces his voice. "What did they do to you?"
"Yeah." I confirm and punch the next agent in the face, then use the chance where he's distracted to kick him in his stomach. "I'm just really angry now. They used some device which caused a bloody pressure in my head. Be careful, Steve."
"Alright. You too."
Two agents grab me by my arm and drag me down, my head roughly hits the ground and I groan. A third agent aims the gun at me and an evil smirk graces his lips. I narrow my eyes and my heartbeat is weirdly calm, concentrating on his hand around the trigger. In the moment he fires off, I pull his ally in front of me, using him as a shield while the agent screams in pain. Blood pours out and I kick him away against the shooter as I electrify the other agent that holds my arm.
Freeing myself, I'm on my feet again and run towards the next Hydra group. I slam my elbow into the larynx of the closest agent as I knee into his guts, then I jump off and wrap my legs around the other soldier to do a back somersault and throw him backwards. I pant slightly but continue running into the helicarrier.
"One down, two more to go. Fifteen minutes left, Farrell. Status?"
"I'm on it, Maria. Just had to kick a lot of Nazi ass." I assure the SHIELD agent as the helicarrier flies further away, the air becomes thinner. The responsibility of the chip in my breast pocket feels heavy, reminding me that it's the only chance to save the life of millions. A relieved feeling spreads through my chest when I enter the flying ship without any problems and easily replace the chip. "Done."
"Two down. Cap?"
"Working on it." Steve answers quickly and punches and guns are audible in the background. Before I'm able to ask him if I can help, I suddenly receive a short beep, then a long one and then nothing. The odd message makes me frown and it gets repeated once again, a short beep, followed by a long one and then... my eyes widen, the realization hits me. The silence in the end isn't nothing, it's a pause. It's the morse for SOS from Clint.
"Sam, can you give me a ride??" I ask urgently and run towards the glass, not stopping any second.
"Sure, when?"
"Now!" I run through the glass and jump off the helicarrier. The prickling in my stomach makes me nervous and shoots adrenaline through my veins, the cold air lashes my skin. In the next second, Sam picks me up and carries me through the sky.
"Eve, warn me a bit sooner the next time, I don't wanna be responsible for Voltricity's death. It would break my fanboy heart." He says jokingly and I playfully roll my eyes. "Where to?"
"The HQ. Clint sent me an SOS morse through the earpiece, they're in troubles." I demand and we head to Pierce' floor. From a safe distance, I can already see how the politicians lay hopefully unconscious on the floor while Pierce' hand rests on Natasha's arm, a little device is in his other one. Clint and Fury just stand helplessly there, tensed up and vengeful. "I don't understand, Pierce doesn't have a gun..."
"No, but a little pin that could burn a hole into Natasha's sternum." Sam explains, narrowing his eyes. "The device in his hand sets it off. Technology nowadays."
"Drop me off, I'm gonna surprise him." My order causes the Falcon to frown and I sigh, not wanting to waste any more time. "Do it before I gotta to do it myself."
"Alright. I'm gonna help Cap then." He nods and flies closer as I shoot a voltage against the glass pane, breaking it into thousands pieces. As Sam drops me off, I jump into the building and pull Pierce down when he turns around, Natasha steps aside and immediately removes her jacket. I sit up and face Pierce' amused expression, he's not even a bit intimidated.
"Stay the hell down." I hiss with contempt and press him rougher against the ground, electricity ignites in my other hand. Clint and Fury are about to step in but I shoot them a knowing look, telling them that I want to take care of this. "What did you do to James Barnes?"
"The only necessary thing that had to be done. I brainwashed him, improved him. His strength. His mind. His obedience." Pierce answers calmly and I clench my teeth, the fire of hatred grows and increases with the time I waste with letting him live. My pulse races, pumping my blood with even more adrenaline. "He assassinated many people and you're gonna be one of them. The James Barnes that you knew is gone. You're only his mission."
"And you're mine." I glare at him and barely catch my breath, the anger drives me into a furious craze and makes me want to scream. It's deadly silent, the others don't dare to step in.
"Should that impress me? You're a hero, an Avenger. It's not your style to have red on your ledger. Have you ever even killed someone?" A scoff leaves his lips. "You're just too weak for that, Voltricity."
He's right. I have never directly killed someone whilst looking into their eyes, I have never seen how the life leaves their eyes, only the empty shell of a body left. I did kill once. After Bucky died, when Steve and I broke into the Hydra base, I attacked the agents knowing that some of them died. But I've never looked back because I haven't seen how they died.
Now I just stare into Pierce' provoking eyes, eyes that have seen and enjoyed how Bucky suffered. This man ordered Bucky's pain. This man stole Bucky's identity. And this just drives me furious, igniting the fire of rancor in me. All I see is a monster. My hand moves slowly to his chest, the electric sibilance deafens my hearing.
"You're right." My voice is loud and clear, it has never sounded that confident. "Voltricity is a hero. But Eve Farrell isn't."
With these words, I place my hand over his chest, electrifying his body and burning his heart. The shock is visible in his eyes, remaining in his dying body and his skin turns into a bloody red. The heat in his burning flesh increases and his scream that I only notice now ceases, Pierce' last breath leaves his mouth and any signs of life are no longer in his eyes. Alexander Pierce is dead.
"Eve... Are you okay?" Clint's voice pierces its way through my mind and the odd numbness is still mentally paralyzing my body. I stand up and the rage vanishes as I look down at the dead body.
"Always. Sam, pick me up. Let's help Steve." Someone says and it takes a while until I know that it comes from me.
"On my way." Sam answers and I glance at Fury. He surprisingly just nods, silently encouraging me to go on. Maybe because I'm not the only assassin in this room. The Falcon lands just seconds later in the building and picks me up. "Let's help Captain America."
I nod and we fly off to the helicarrier, I see Clint's last worried glance before he's out of my sight. I just killed someone and instead of regret, I only feel this disturbing satisfaction in my chest. Shaking off the feeling, I focus on the mission. It's about Bucky, not myself.
"Steve and I are gonna check on the roof and when necessary give you time to replace the chip. Steve's chip is in my breast pocket." Sam briefs me in and I nod, taking the chip out of his pocket and placing it in mine.
"Nine minutes left. Better hurry, guys." Maria pipes up and we land on the roof of the helicarrier. It's empty, only Steve is there to greet us. He runs towards me and shoots me a concerned look.
"Are you hurt? Is everything okay?" He asks me and I nod.
"Everything's okay- " My sentence gets cut off when someone suddenly appears out of nowhere and pushes Steve off the edge. My eyes widen and I hurry to the edge, seeing him falling. "Steve!!!"
Sam immediately goes to fly off and help him but the attacker grabs one of his wings, ripping it off and kicking him off the helicarrier. I turn around, certain that I have caught the glimpse of a metal arm but then I fall down through a rough kick against my stomach. I manage to hold onto the side of the helicarrier and gasp in shock, trying to catch my breath as I dangle in the air. "Sam! Steve! Come in! Are you okay??"
"We're okay. I could get my parachute out and catch Steve, but we're grounded, the suit's down. Where are you?" Sam luckily answers through the earpiece and I pull myself up.
"I'm still on the helicarrier. I'll finish the mission."
"Please, be careful." Steve begs and I sigh, nodding even though he can't see it. Then I enter the helicarrier as fast as possible, knowing that Bucky is here somewhere. Nine minutes. I have only nine minutes to save the world. Entering the bridge inside of the helicarrier, my heart suddenly drops to my feet when I see him on the other side, blocking my way to the targeting blades. Bucky.
"Bucky..." I whisper and my chest tightens at his appearance. He's wearing his Winter Soldier uniform, made of black leather and straps and armed with guns and knives. His blue eyes stare at me coldly, even worse than the last time, even though I thought it wouldn't be possible. He looks different, more ruthless and broken than on the high way. My heart races and a unbearable pain arises in my chest. "What did they do to you?"
Obviously, he doesn't answer me, let alone recognize me. He used to be so alive, but Hydra killed this part of him like the others. The soldier still doesn't make a move, just keeps staring at me with a contempt and hatred that shatters my heart into a million pieces. Bucky or the world. I have to choose. And right now, he doesn't offer me another choice but force me to fight. To fight against him.
"Please, don't make me choose between you and the life of millions of people... Don't make me do this."
The Winter Soldier stands still with his coldly glare, ignoring my words and not being effected at all. It's like a stranger wears his face. My hope that Bucky is deep down there somewhere decreases and stabs me as I clench my hands to fists, shaking slightly. The electricity ignites in my hands, preparing me to fight.
"I'm sorry, so sorry...."
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