26. Reunion
"Don't forget that here's Colonel Philips. You can't just ignore his orders like that. Even my position would be in danger." Howard tells me, following me with an umbrella through the mud and rain in Italy. Right now, we're walking to the camp where Steve's supposed to be. It's the first time that I cannot enjoy the rain.
"Hm." I just nod, not really paying attention to him, my eyes look for a certain blonde boy. During the flight, he has been quite chatty because Mr Jarvis decided to stay in London, not to forget to mention that Stark of course has to possess an own plane.
"Remember that you're not allowed to use your power without permission, even though you can control them now. That was the condition for letting you out of there." He continues with a stern voice.
"Yep." I see a lot of soldiers walking around, most of them stare at me with surprise since I'm not only a woman at a military camp but also wear the outfit that Howard made for me. Comfortable pants, dark leather jacket and black, waterproof boots, my long hair is tied into a ponytail.
"If you can convince Colonel Philips to let you save the 1-0-7th, then you're allowed to go but if not, then not. And trust me, this man doesn't have a great sense of humor, he's worse than Nelson." He warns me with a fear in his voice.
"Okay." I just answer and look around for my best friend. Come on, where are you, Steve? I bite on my lower lip and the urge to see him rises. "Steve?" I call him, hoping he would hear me.
"And don't forget that Steve has changed." Howard finally stands next to me, catching up with me. "Wait, are you even listening to me?"
"Not at all." I shrug and couldn't care less right now. "I sort of stopped listening to you when you started talking about technology and inventions."
"That was on the plane."
"I know. I was sadly there." I sigh, reminding him friendly. "I don't speak scientific, Howard. And now let's find Steve before I freak out. We can't waste another second! What if Bucky dies right now while we waste our time?"
"Don't lose your mind, okay?" He tries to calm me down and half smirks. "You know what? While I am your supervisor, Peggy is Steve's. And guess who's just a hundred meters behind you."
I raise my brows in the air, turning around in excitement. In fact, Peggy stands there, protecting herself from the rain with a coat while she's talking to a taller and muscular soldier. I let out a breath of relief and run towards her, Howard follows me indecisively, trying to cover me with the umbrella. She must know where Steve is.
"Peggy!" I call her happily and she notices me, a kind smile appears on her blood red lips. The tall soldier turns around, hearing my voice and my eyes widen in shock. The face of the soldier. The face of him. I'm not even able to breathe, the shock numbs my lungs and my jaw drops. Completely taken aback, I even forget that I'm running and trip over my own feet.
"Oh, my God, Eve!" Steve shouts and walks quickly towards me, grabbing my hand and pulling me up easily as if I was a featherweight. "Are you okay?"
"You- you- what?" I stutter and stare at him with disbelief. The tall soldier is Steve. It. Is. Steve. What the bloody hell?! He is muscular, he's tall and strong, not skinny and shrimpy anymore. He's big. And taller. Taller than me, probably as tall as Bucky now. And he's... damn tall. And muscular. I'm just dumbfounded.
"You're okay, you're really okay." He pulls me into a tight hug, I feel his muscles and how his shoulders are shaking. "God, I was so worried about you, I missed you so much."
"Steve..." I say his name softly and realize that it's still him although he has extremely changed. It's still my best friend. It's still the kind and selfless guy that I met in Brooklyn. His chin is resting on my shoulder while I can barely look over his as the shock vanishes. "Don't cry, okay?"
"You're my family, remember?" I can hear a smile in his voice and put my arms around his waist, hugging him back. It feels so good to have him back, here by my side again. Pulling back, he takes a proper look at me to make sure that I'm alright. "Peggy told me that you got struck by a lightning, how did you even survive this?"
"Super-soldier serum and vita radiation." I shrug, smirking. "But I... well, I've got new abilities now. More than just faster healing and strength. Howard, do I have the permission for a little demonstration?"
Howard who just got hit by Peggy for laughing at me for tripping groans with pain and nods. "Yeah, just do it, I try to survive Peggy's punch. Missed you too, Peg."
"Try not to freak out, okay?" I warn Steve and he nods. "The electricity from the lightning gave me the ability to produce my own."
I let out small electric shocks of my hand, smiling nervously at Steve whose eyes widen in shock. I still need to get used to his face because even his face changed, but at least he looks healthy now. More than just healthy. I close my hand as the electricity disappears.
"You- you're producing electricity." He blurts out, now he's the one who's speechless.
"Yep." I confirm, nodding.
"Did it hurt?" It's like we have changed the roles. Now he's acting like the older brother and I'm the the younger sister, not the other way around anymore.
"Probably as much as your process." I shake off his concern with a casual laugh. But then I go back to actual topic, to the reason why I'm here. "Did- did you hear about Bucky? What happened..."
"Yes." He swallows, sorrow is in his eyes. "I just found it out from Peggy. What are we gonna do now?"
"I thought it was obvious?" I tilt my head and determination runs through my voice. "We're gonna save him as long as there's still the chance that he's alive. Someone has to save the rest of the 1-0-7th as well and if not us, who else then? We can mourn if we know for sure that he's... you know."
"You changed." He half smiles with proud.
"Says the punk who's become a meatball." I roll my eyes playfully and turn around to Peggy and Howard. "Where's Colonel Philips? Steve and I need to talk to him."
"Follow me." Peggy demands and walks to the biggest tent of the camp. The rain has stopped and I inhale the fresh air, enjoying it. Spending the last three months under the earth weren't fun at all, I could barely see the sun, let alone the rain. We enter the tent where an older man in uniform sits behind a desk, writing death certificates. What a horrible job that must be.
"Colonel Philips, may I introduce you to Evelyn Farrell, also known under the operation name Voltricity?" Peggy introduces me, respect is in her voice. Colonel Phillips looks up, glancing at me with a pierced stare.
"From Project Reborn? Nice to meet you, less nice to see Stark again. I heard of your great results, congratulations, but according to my knowledge, you should be in the lab in London." He answers half-heartedly, busy with the letters.
"That's why, I'm here, Colonel." I speak up unhesitant. "I want your permission to save the rest of the 1-0-7th. We know their location and have two super-soldiers. Why hesitating and not planning their rescue?"
"They're thirty miles behind the lines. Through the most heavily fortified territory in Europe. We'd lose more men than we'd save. I'm not gonna risk more lives and men, don't you see the death certifications I'm writing?" He asks cynically, pointing at the piles of letters. "Our plan is to win the war."
"So why don't we lower the amount of letters that you have to write and save the ones who are captured?" I suggest, trying not to sound provoking. "At least 150 lives are at stake, one of them is our friend James Barnes and it depends on us now."
"With all due respect, sir, Eve and I are trained soldiers. It is worth a try, we're made for more than a lab rat or a dancing monkey." Steve agrees with me and I notice how he shares a short but meaningful look with Peggy. Is something going on between these two?
"We three will have a talk that you won't like." He admonishes Peggy and Howard with a stern glare for spilling information, then he glances back at us. "No is no, I'm not gonna change my mind. I don't expect you to understand it because you're just a chorus girl and a test tube. And if I read the posters correctly, you got some place to be in thirty minutes, Rogers."
I see how the words hurt Steve and I'm about to defend him but he just grabs my arm, stopping me from doing more. He motions me to look at the map where a special location in Austria is marked, probably the place where the infantry regiment is taken.
"Yes, sir. I do." He leaves the tent with me, Howard and Peggy go after us. Steve walks to his own tent, taking a metal shield that is colored with the American flag and a helmet with an A. I follow his example and grab the automobile keys, knowing what we plan to do.
"Wait a moment, what do you think you're doing?" Peggy frowns with a suspect.
"Saving the 1-0-7th." Steve shrugs and takes a backpack where I add a first-aid kit for the injured men there. Mr Jarvis taught me a bit how to use it.
"Do you wanna walk to Austria?" She raises a brow in the air, not believing what we're about to do.
"If it's necessary." I nod determined, not giving up. I refuse to let Bucky die easily like that.
"I thought Eve was already stubborn." Howard comments. "But now I see that he's as pigheaded as her. We won't be able to change their mind, Peggy. Let them do what they want."
"I didn't say that I'm against this." She corrects him, getting Steve's and mine attention. "I'm just saying that walking isn't necessary at all since one person in this tent owns a plane."
It is silent for a second until I open my mouth, faking a sugary sweet smile. "Hey, Howard, do you remember when you hid the information that Steve's the subject for Project Rebirth from me and I told you that you'd owe me big? Well, yeah, it's a good opportunity to settle up now."
The difference between this flight and the last one is that Howard's the pilot which is terrifying since he gets easily distracted by women. It's also night and just the little bulb gives us a weak light but Peggy could still show and explain to us the map of Hydra's facility.
"You know, you two are gonna be in a lot of trouble at the lab." I remind Howard and Peggy and while she just shrugs as if she couldn't care less, Stark turns around, smirking.
"You can make it up by stopping off in Lucerne for a late night fondue."
"Howard, turn the bloody hell around and focus on flying." I command strictly, not questioning what fondue is, but probably something rich. Steve shoots me a questioning and confused look, muttering "Fondue?" but I just signal to him that it's better not to ask.
"At least he's mad enough to brave this airspace." Peggy sighs, being done with his behavior again. Then she hands Steve a little device. "This is your transponder, activate it when you're ready and the signal will lead us straight to you."
"Are you sure this thing works?" Steve asks Howard doubtfully.
"It got tested more than you, pal." He answers, not daring to turn around. Steve just frowns at the transponder and glances back at me again.
"Do you trust him?"
"Probably more than I should." I sigh and stare back at him, still not used to his new look. He turned from the little boy to a real soldier. The plane gets suddenly attacked as the familiar sound of the bombs is heard, leaving as always a buzzing noise in the air and the forest under us explodes in fire colors. Peggy immediately holds on to her seat to steady her position while Steve stands up, grabbing a parachute backpack.
Reckless punk, I think but follow him and take a parachute backpack as well. I just had three test jumps and really hope that those exercises were enough. We walk towards the door and open it, the bombs are louder now and I look down to the ground. It's of course pretty high but I'm somehow excited, maybe because of the adrenaline.
"Get back here! We're taking you all the way in!" She shouts, trying to blend out the sound of the explosions.
"As soon as we're free, turn this thing around and get the hell outta here!" He yells back while I check on the parachutes, just in case.
"Be careful!" Howard wishes us and I nod although he can't see us right now. This time I cannot be afraid of bombs or the battle field, I have to do it for Bucky. And I survived it once already, now I have even Steve.
"You can't give me orders!" Peggy protests and I know that she just doesn't want him to be in danger, the worry in her voice tells me.
"The hell I can! I'm a captain!" He states and glances at me afterwards. "Ready?"
"Ready when you are." I smirk.
Then we jump.
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