2. The beginning of a friendship
Crap. Crap, crap, crap. I'm damn late, like half an hour late. Just because I stayed up too long yesterday, busy with processing the encounter with Bucky and Steve, I overslept this morning and started heading to school even later than usual because I had to get some newspaper for Steve. Hopefully, I won't seem too clingy.
While slamming the door, I storm hysterically into art class which causes everyone to stare at me. I already regret showing up here and the nervousness settling in my stomach makes me feel sick.
"Miss Farrell. I appreciate that you decided to join the class." My art teacher fakes a smile, sarcasm is audible in his voice.
"I appreciate your appreciation." I hide my insecurity behind sarcasm but before the teacher gets the chance to yell at me, a sudden chuckle fills the tense silence. My glaring art teacher turns around, searching for the one who dares to find this funny.
"Would you mind sharing the reason for your sudden interruption, Mr. Barnes?" He challenges Bucky who I realize is sitting in the third row, not surprisingly, next to Steve. "Or do you find that amusing too?"
"I'm truly sorry, Mr. Donovan." The brunette continues chuckling, not even attempting to stifle his laughter. It almost sounds provoking. "But yes, I would mind. Hey, Eve, you've brought the newspaper. Fantastic. Come, sit down." He says, noticing the paper under my arm and acting like he's the teacher, not the other way around. Mr. Donovan looks like he's about to explode because of the lack of respect that he gets but I just ignore him and take a seat next to Bucky. The grin doesn't disappear from his lips.
"You're gonna be his target now." I sigh quietly after Mr. Donovan punishes us with one of his famous glares and then continues the lesson. I sadly don't have the luxury to cause trouble with teachers.
"You and me both, Eve." He shrugs, smirking and leans comfortably against his wooden chair. "Could be worse. Your entrance was incredible, though."
"Thanks, I'm considering walking in with an army next time," I say sarcastically pretending to think this plan through. His smirk widens in amusement. Steve chuckles, shaking his head slightly at this. Then I remember the newspaper and hand it to him under the table. "Oh, Steve, here's the newspaper for your shoes."
"Oh, um, th-thanks." He stutters nervously and I frown in confusion. The blonde seems to feel uncomfortable again.
Bucky notices my confusion and explains enthusiastically. "Our shrimp Steve is, let us say, inexperienced when it comes to communicating with women. He gets nervous pretty quickly."
Steve flushes a bright cherry red, embarrassment and shame painted on his face as his blue eyes dart to the floor. I break out into a small smile. It's just so adorable how innocent and young he acts.
"Don't be ashamed, Steve." I try to encourage him, patting him on the shoulder, "There are plenty of girls who like this. And I'm sure that one day, you're gonna love a girl so much that your shyness will be gone without even realizing it."
"Thank you, Eve." Steve's eyes shine brightly with kindness and hope and smiles slightly as he processes my advice.
"See? You've made progress. " I nudge him playfully and he chuckles. I notice how much more comfortable he feels around me now, not stiff and twitchy anymore. Bucky suddenly pulls me closer to him and my heart beats rapidly, mixed with excitement and shock, I'm not sure why. His warm breath touches my ear and his hand is on my arm.
"Thanks for that. No one has ever done that for my best friend, I really appreciate it." My eyes glance at his big smile on his thin lips. I look at the ground, trying to avoid blushing. I'm not used to that much gratitude, especially not for saying simple words like that, and the nearness doesn't make it any easier.
"No problem."
"Are you blushing?" Bucky sounds surprised.
"No!" I lie, shaking my head, and he grins widely.
"Steve, she's blushing!" He snorts with laughter and nudges his friend while pointing with the finger at me. "Look how red she actually is, it's adorable."
"Shut up!" I slap his arm playfully, making steve begin to chuckle at us. Bucky lets out a playful groan, laughing in amusement. The three of us only stopping when Mr. Donovan admonishes us for being too loud.
"I'm still not quite convinced that this is a good idea," I mutter, pressing my lips together. Now I'm not even able to hide my insecurity behind irony or sarcasm. Steve just stays quiet on my left while Bucky is full of energy and enthusiasm, too stubborn to accept my refusal. We are standing in front of a typical Brooklyn blockhouse, made of a facade of old bricks, and the bright yellow sun at the horizon proves that it is the late afternoon.
"Come on, Eve! My mom said I can invite as many friends as I want and I want to invite you and Steve." He almost begs. "And it's a perfect chance to get to know you better. Steve, convince her."
"Sorry, pal, but I'm on her side. I'd feel uncomfortable, too, if I got invited to someone's house for dinner for the first time. Her hesitance is understandable."
"Traitor!" Bucky fakes a dramatic gasp, then his blue eyes land on me in a more serious way. "Okay, I get that you're nervous, but you really don't need to worry. My family is open-minded and I'm sure that my parents and siblings will grow to love you."
He pulls a puppy face and I really wish that it wouldn't work on me. But how the hell should I resist those blue eyes and pouty lips? An inner discussion goes on in my mind, trying to decide if I should go with them or not. My unconfident self is obviously against this dinner, being way too afraid to ruin everything. Yet, I still hold on to the hope that this is gonna develop into a great friendship and that it'd end right now, if I just left, giving up this extraordinary chance.
"Free food is the best thing in the world, right?" My attempt to be more confident starts with a small grin and his face lights up like a Christmas tree.
"Best thing ever." He agrees and little signs of pride spread over Steve's face as Bucky starts walking upstairs.
"You've made progress, too." He notices while we're following our brunette friend to his home on the second floor.
"Huh?" A confused sound escapes my lips and a frown appears on my face. What does Steve mean with progress?
"You got over your insecurity within seconds."
"I'm not insecure." I refuse to admit my weakness, especially because of the possibility that Bucky could hear us.
"You are. I noticed it yesterday already. Don't worry about Bucky's family, they're really nice and I'm still here to help you like you helped me this morning." Steve offers with a kind smile.
"Thank you, Steve." His heartwarming words make me trust him more and feel like I can be more open around him. Bucky suddenly stops and turns around, looking at us confused.
"What are you two talking about?"
"Nothing. I don't know." Steve immediately lies, staring at the ground, avoiding eye contact and trying to hide the truth. Damn, he's such a bad liar, even a blind person would notice.
"Just about you reeking as hell, Barnes." My decision to help him with this lie makes him chuckle and Bucky himself gets more confused than before, he even seems to be offended.
"Wait, what do you- I'm not reeking." Bucky disagrees in disbelief and takes a sniff at the cheap sleeve of his jacket. "I'm just smelling of fumes because of Brooklyn, like everyone else."
"Sorry, Buck, but I gotta admit that Eve's right. You're stinking." Steve joins happily my excuse, chuckling at Bucky's ridiculous reaction. Both of us keep laughing until he suddenly smirks at me.
"Payback for making fun of your blushing this morning?"
"Whaaat?" I ask sarcastically and act innocent. "Not at all, what would even make you think that? I would never take revenge on someone in my life."
"Steve, we're gonna tickle her now." He grins teasingly, really determined to transpose his plan and my eyes grow wide in shock. The guys surround me, making it impossible for me to escape this upcoming threat.
"What?! No, stay away from me!" I warn them before both start tickling me. "STOP!" I laugh while squealing and trying to get away as both join my laughter in amusement. "Let me go, two against one is not fair!!" My complaint doesn't stop them at all. Oh, how I hate getting tickled, I blame my sensitivity for that.
"Just if you admit that I'm not reeking!" Bucky demands from me childishly, laughter added at the end of his sentence. Steve giggles at us.
"Okay, okay, you're not reeking! You are not reeking!" I shriek and keep struggling till they both stop and burst into laughter. My breath is unsteady and I have to wipe my tears away that came from the tickle attack, thanks to Bucky and Steve. Jerks.
"Thanks." He smirks clearly amused. "And now that the mood got lightened up, it's gonna be much easier to meet my awkward family."
We stop at the brown door and I get nervous as hell again. What if they won't accept me? Or even kick me out? It wouldn't be the first time that I'd get kicked out, it's a terrible feeling. So many thoughts of how this dinner could possibly end run through my mind, weakening my confidence and attitude.
Bucky opens the door and motions for us to enter. "Mom! Steve and Eve are here!"
We walk into the Brooklyn apartment and I look around curiously, while Steve struts about the house that is probably very familiar to him. The walls are pale and old, but thankfully not damaged. The wood floors creak with each cautious step I take further into the small home. Walking down the tiny corridor, the smell of potatoes wafting through the air. A brunette woman stands at the stove, her back to us. She turns, her brown eyes shining with kindness and warmth.
"Welcome back! And hello, Steve, you must've grown." Her grin greatly resembling Bucky's, kind with just a dash of mischief. She pulls Steve into a hug, catching glimpse of me over his shoulder. "You must be Eve! You're much prettier than James described."
"What?" The word slips through my lips.
"Mom!" Bucky groans. "Don't listen to her, the old woman doesn't know what she's saying anymore."
"Hey, show me more respect!" She scolds jokingly, before turning to me with a smile. "Call me Winifred, it's really nice to meet you. Rebecca, come and meet James' friends!" I follow the direction of her eyes and a young brunette girl comes out of a room. She looks like she's 12 or 13, judging by her innocent brown eyes that resemble her mother's.
"Hello," Rebecca greet with a thin smile, obviously less excited than her mother. She raises a finger to point at me. "Who's that, Buck?"
"Eve Farrell. How was your day, Becca?" He runs with his hand through her hair and messes it up, causing her to grin and be less stiff.
"It was fine." She answers shortly. Although she seems to be a quiet and weirdly adult person, it looks like she has a deep connection with her older brother where words are not necessary. "And nice to meet you, Eve. Don't play with my brother's feelings." Her protective sister instinct is shown in her eyes. But how the hell should I play with his feelings??
"Don't worry, Rebecca," I assure her with, a smile and shrug jokingly. "I'm just here for the free food." Her facial expression changes from serious to calm while Steve, Bucky, and his mom are laughing.
"Where are Will and Henry?" Steve asks Winifred and in exactly this moment, two little boys storm into the room, and attack Bucky with a hug. The three of them fall down in laughter and get up quickly.
"You two are acting like dogs!" Bucky complains laughing and only now, I get a look at the boys. Both are brunette but in comparison to their sister and mother, they have blue eyes like Bucky. They are squirrelly and both are about six years old. Twins.
"We're just so excited to meet the girl!" One of them squeals.
"Where is she, where is she??" The other jumps up and down.
"Right there." Bucky points at me smirking and they turn around, their eyes widen in ecstasy. The twins look alike, no difference to be seen, and I'm afraid that I won't be able to distinguish them.
"Hey, I'm Eve." I introduce myself and slightly narrow my eyes. "Alright, who's Will and who's Henry?"
"Henry." The right one chuckles.
"Will." The other giggles.
"It'd be easier to distinguish you two if you wore at least different clothes." I groan playfully at their white shirts and green trousers and they both grin.
"Don't worry, Eve. They love messing with everyone, I still need a while till I know who's who." Steve sighs, shaking his head and the Barnes family just smirk.
"Okay, let's eat now before the food gets cold." Winifred decides and motions for us to sit down. We all take a seat, mine is next to Steve's and opposite to Bucky's. "By the way, your dad is coming home late, the road work has him held up."
"Again?" Rebecca sighs in disappointment and helps her twin brothers to get mashed potatoes onto their plates. "I hope he won't get injured again."
"Injured?" I question carefully as I try not to drool at the amazing food in front me.
"Last week, he got a burn on his left arm," Buck explains shortly. "Looked pretty bad."
"I hope you didn't put ice on the wound," I mutter as Steve hands me the bowl of the vegetables.
"It's not good for the skin, it could even damage the wound. It's just better to cool it off with cold water and put a towel around it." I suggest and Winifred, Rebecca, and Bucky stare at me. "What?"
"I didn't know that you were so smart, Eve." Bucky's mother sounds impressed by my knowledge. "How do you know that?"
"Experience." I reason shortly, avoiding the real reason. They would ask thousands of questions and that would make me feel more than just uncomfortable. It'd reveal me.
"I'm impressed," Bucky smirks at me and his eyes are fully focused on me. A strange feeling spreads over my chest and I can't bring myself to look away. He somehow causes something which I can't describe. Is it discomfort? But discomfort does not feel good. It doesn't feel like this. Yet I'm not sure what else to think.
"By the way, Winifred, the mashed potatoes are delicious!" I praise her food, trying both to change the topic, and break eye contact with Bucky. God, I need to stop blushing when I hear compliments, otherwise Bucky will forever laugh at me.
"Thanks, love." She smiles proudly. "I'm sorry that I couldn't cook meat, I just didn't have enough money."
"No, no, it's okay, I love potatoes." I shake my head.
The dinner continues on less awkwardly and much more comfortable than I expected. Bucky's family is so nice and even Rebecca seems to warm up to me after a while. Winifred tells me some of Bucky's childhood stories, for example the times when he used to pretend to fly and always fell to the ground because he jumped off the couch. Bucky is covering his face behind his hand in embarrassment, but a grin still graces his lips at the story. Meanwhile, I almost choke on my water because of my laughter. Of course, that leads to a tickle attack by the twins that Bucky has incited them to do.
"I've got to go home." Steve glances at the clock. It's 10pm. "My mom may be concerned about me."
"Me too." I nod. "It's pretty late and tomorrow's still school."
"I'll bring you home." Bucky offers but I immediately shake my head. I neither want him to see the blockhouse I live in nor the way I live. Winifred and Rebecca do the dishes while the twins are playing in their room.
"Why not? It's damn dangerous in Brooklyn. And Steve doesn't need protection because he basically lives just two blocks away. Besides that, you're a dame." It's actually really sweet how protective he is.
"I'll be fine, okay? Don't worry." I assure him. "Thanks for the dinner again, Winifred!" I call her from the corridor.
"Always, sweetheart! I hope you'll visit us again!" She shouts back.
"Eve, come on, I'll bring you home. I have time anyway." He stares at me, trying to convince me with a deep look into my eyes. Steve already stands at the door after he's said goodbye to Bucky's family, waiting for us.
"Buck, I'm gonna go alone, I just live like twenty minutes away."
"You're damn stubborn, Farrell." He sighs but ends up smirking.
"Just like you, Barnes." I playfully refer to him trying to force me into dinner tonight and half smile. "See you two tomorrow, I guess?"
"And the day after tomorrow and the day after the day after tomorrow." He adds and smiles genuinely. I have the feeling that this is gonna be more than just a start of a great friendship. It's a new chapter in my life.
A/N- Ugh, I'm so sorry that this chapter was so boring, I try to make it more excited, I promise!
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