19. A new Partner
It's been over a week now since Bucky left for war. We didn't talk, we didn't see each other again. I couldn't, I didn't have the courage to say goodbye at the train station. I just stood there, rooted to the spot in front of the entrance and controlled by the fear. At least Steve said goodbye and wished him luck. Speaking of my best friend, he got somehow accepted for the army and would leave after me.
"For how long did you know about Bucky's...feelings for me?" I asked him when I was about to leave, still not used to the thought that Bucky actually loves me.
"He couldn't stop talking about you since the first time we met. It was annoying." Steve laughed slightly. "I had to promise him not to tell you anything, like I had to promise you."
"Sometimes I hate your loyalty." I groaned jokingly, then my laughter ceased because it was time to say goodbye and I pulled him into a hug. "Don't do anything stupid, Stevie, and prove that a big heart is more important than muscles in a cold body."
"I will. Be careful and fight for a reunion." He whispered and I hugged him even tighter, breathing his newspaper smell for the last time. "You're my family, don't forget that. I don't want to lose you too."
Thinking back to our goodbye makes me miss him already. I have got used to seeing him every single day, cooking dinner with him and watching him drawing. Now we are separated, thanks to war, and I hate it so much because I don't even know when I will see him again. Same with Bucky and I still have no idea what I would tell him, I just know that I need to see him.
"Miss Farrell?" A British female voice takes me back to reality and I bat my eyes, remembering that I'm not in Brooklyn anymore. I look up to the young and gorgeous woman with kind brown eyes. "We arrived in London. How was your flight? It was your first one, I remember."
"Yes, and it was pretty impressive, a quite breath-taking view." I smile friendly and get out of the automobile. It's the first time that I'm out of the country, I barely leave Brooklyn and now I'm on the other side of the world. London looks so different, much cleaner and the architecture is more majestic as well. The Big Ben is able to be seen at our location and the huge clock makes me smile slightly. I can't believe that I'm really in London, I just wish that Bucky and Steve would be here with me. "London is beautiful. Excuse me, what was your name again?"
"I'm Agent Peggy Carter but you can call me Peggy. It is really refreshing to have another woman here, I'm usually the only one." She half smiles.
"That must suck, most guys are jerks." I truly pity her but also admire her at the same time. Being the only woman in the army must be tough, she probably has to deal a lot with prejudices.
"Exactly." She agrees smirking before heading to a library. "Come on, I'll lead you to the place. It's hidden under the earth in this building. Officially, it's just an old and closed library though. I'm afraid you will have to deal with closeness and no sun for most of the time."
"It won't be a problem for me." I shrug, following her to the entrance. Inside of the building, it really looks like an empty library, just filled with dusty old books.
We walk to the end of the hallway, just a few people are here, probably a part of the SSR since Peggy doesn't pay attention to them and just keeps walking. The marmoreal ground and the high ceilings have a rich and vintage effect, the owner of the building must be wealthy. We enter a smaller corridor before Peggy presses the hidden button beneath the frame and the book shelves open automatically. I raise a brow in the air when it turns out to be a secret door to an elevator.
"Just don't forget where the button is." She reminds me and we walk in, entering the elevator that goes down.
"Just out of curiosity, why aren't you the subject for this project? You seem to have much more experience and also a lot stronger." I want to know and we soon arrive on the basement floor.
"The real aim of the serum is to strengthen the weak ones as well, it's supposed to work as a cure. Although I doubt that you are that weak." She states and motions me to follow her. The way she walks presents genuine confidence and also her words carry this incredible conviction. She's the first girl who's actually nice to me.
"Who's the leader of Project Reborn?" I continue to ask and agents and a few soldiers pass our way. The light is weaker down here and as predicted, the air is muggy.
"You're gonna meet him now. Don't worry, he's the best of the best but sadly pretty conceited. Well, nobody's perfect." She assures me and opens the huge door to walk into the lab. My eyes are attached in astonishment to the scientific machines and buttons which I have no idea of, progressed technology that I have never seen. "Welcome to laboratory 1F19."
A young man with dark hair and a mustache turns around as he removes his goggles. His face seems familiar to me and I frown at his strange staring at me. The man is surrounded by older scientists in lab coats whose attention I have now too.
"Miss Farrell, this is Howard Stark, the leader and investor of Project Reborn. But I have to warn you to ignore Mr Stark's behavior." Peggy introduces him, rolling her eyes in annoyance as I knit my brows.
"Why should I ignore- "
"Well, that's a too pretty thing for a subject." Howard smirks, interrupting me and I let out a half groan. He's that kind of guy. God, I actually hoped for a more serious and responsible scientist.
"I take my question back." I immediately regret and my memories suddenly hit me like a blow. The conceited billionaire from the Tomorrow Exhibition. "Aren't you the guy who crashed his own car which, if I recall, was an invention of yours?"
"It's an honor to work with you as well, Miss Evelyn Farrell." He grins, slightly amused about my doubts and shock. "And to my defense, the automobile was just a prototype. I didn't know that you're already a fan of my work, I mean I know that I do have a lot female supporters- "
"Shut up, Howard." Peggy rolls with her eyes, being as done as I am with his ridiculous comments. "Well, I need to go back to the states. I'm the supervisor of the camp there. I wish you good luck, Miss Farrell, and I hope you won't be too bothered by this idiot."
"Wait, you're leaving?" I try not to sound too shocked. Being completely alone with strangers makes me feel uncomfortable while Howard Stark just smirks. She nods and I just sigh, not quite fond of this idea. "Okay, then, thank you for the flight, Peggy. Oh, and you can call me Eve, I prefer this name."
She smiles, her blood red lips fitting to her kindness as she leaves. Howard Stark's grin doesn't cease and the awkward silence just lasts for a second. "Eve, huh? Pretty short name, if you ask me."
"Which I didn't." I point out, folding my arms. "How can you assure me that I'm not gonna die and end like your automobile?"
"Because I'm brilliant? I'm the best of the best." He states as if it was the most obvious thing in the world without a lack of self-confidence. "Your disbelief in me breaks my heart, Evelyn Farrell. Any more questions?"
"Just Eve." I correct him and shrug. "Well, I need to make sure that it won't be necessary to send my friends to beat you up in case of my death. For how long is Project Reborn gonna take place? I also want to know all secondary effects and don't you even dare to lie to me, just the truth."
"You're a tough one, I like that." The corner of his lips go up, making me mentally roll my eyes. "We first are gonna measure your data- blood test, weight, height, strength, endurance. You'll also get a special training that will take a month. And the worst secondary effect would be death."
"You and I both know there are worse things than death." I tilt my head, causing him to raise a brow in the air impressed.
"Is there even anything that scares you?" He laughs lightly and picks up the folder. If he would just know. "Well, we actually have no idea how the mental characteristics will be influenced. We're sure that you'll physically change though, but psychologically? That's actually the reason why you need to be able to handle the stress."
"I can do this." I exclaim.
"Then I am glad you're the subject." He smirks again.
"Why were women chosen for this project too? Most people don't even think that we are convenient for jobs, let alone the army."
"Women are underestimated, smarter and less conspicuous. Unless someone's a feast for the eyes like you." He compliments me but I don't even let it effect me because I detest rich people like him.
"You can rest for today now, I'm sure that you still need to get to used to the European time zone." He looks through the folder that probably contains information about me, simply ignoring my rejection. "Would you look at that, you're just two years younger than me."
"You look older than 26." I frown confused.
"You're truly the first woman that treats me like this." He sounds amused, then he gestures an older brunette man to enter the lab. "This is my butler and friend, Edwin Jarvis. He will bring you to your room. Just ask him if you need something."
"It's an honor to meet you, Miss Farrell." Mr Jarvis' British accent is clear to be heard and the suit tells me that he's noble and cultured.
"You have- of course, you have butler." I scoff, despising what a cliche it is from Stark to have a butler. Typical rich people from Manhattan. "What else do you have?"
"Well, I actually plan to get a flamingo." I'm not sure if Howard Stark is joking or not, maybe he just likes to tease. "Tomorrow will be the endurance test. Get some sleep and food for today. Jarvis is gonna pick you up at 9am."
"May you follow me now, Miss Farrell?" Mr Jarvis asks me politely and I nod. At least someone with manners is here. We leave the lab together and I am not quite sure how to talk to him. Seeing him as a butler is really mean, he has the same rights like everyone else.
"Mr Jarvis, are you doing this by choice if I'm allowed to ask?"
"Well, as a man it's my duty to help the country, no matter how." He answers in a formal tone, not revealing anything but civility.
"No, I don't mean the army. I mean working for Howard Stark. No offense, but he seems to be one of those superficial people from Manhattan which is why I can't fully trust him." I admit, looking at him. "There are more ways to earn money, Mr Jarvis."
"I do understand your mistrust about Mr Stark. A powerful man has a lot of secrets. But I can assure you that I do this by choice. Mr Stark helped me more than once and he's deep inside a good man although he has his flaws." Mr Jarvis explains to me, now smiling slightly. "I like my work."
I think about his words, deciding to take my time to render a judgement of Howard Stark. It just annoys me that he has to be a conceited, flirting millionaire.
"Is the reason for your doubts his status, Miss Farrell?" He asks carefully.
"It's more than this." I raise my hand, showing him the scar on my palm. "This happened when I confronted men who kept flirting with me. I know that Brooklyn is different than Manhattan, but in the end we are all the same. I just don't trust men in general who see women as an object."
"My apologies for your experience." He glances at the scar, immediately understanding what could have happened. "But I can assure you that Mr Stark is not that kind of man. He obviously plays around with women but he doesn't treat them badly."
"Thank you, Mr Jarvis." I half smile as we arrive at my room.
"If you need anything, just ask me." He opens the door for me like a gentleman. "My room is the hallway down, next to Mr Stark's room. Your baggage is already here."
"I will. Goodnight, Mr Jarvis." I wish him and enter the room. It's just a small one, made of a bed, a closet, a sink and a wooden desk. The light is weak, barely bright. I sit down on the bed and take out the photo from Carnival, staring at Steve, Bucky and I.
I miss you, guys.
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