10. The Fourth of July
What do you do when two poor Brooklyn kids need to get a gift for the third guy in the trio? The attempts to beg or work for more money failed, so did the ones to make a self- made gift, ending in catastrophes. I am serious, Bucky cannot cook, his cooking skills are equal to my art skills. There is only one option left- stealing.
"Are you sure he's gonna like that?" I ask, still not fully convinced. "I don't know if that's gonna be enough and I mean, it's his 18th birthday, that's extremely special."
"Trust me, the shrimp always wanted to have those carbon pencils." Bucky nods, then looks around. He probably wants to make sure that nobody is paying too much attention to us, maybe he's also anxious about the whole stealing thing.
"What? Nervous?" I bluntly guess, my eyes are way too focused on the seller.
"It's just the first time that I'm gonna steal something in public. Here there are much more people than on an empty farm." He admits with less confidence in his voice, referring to the crowded flea market. "Are you sure that it'll work, canary?"
"Nope." I try not too smile too much about the nickname. "But it's worth a try. And stick to the plan- I'll just destroy something and pretend to be sorry while the seller yells at me and you will just let the carbons slide into your pocket. Try to get as many as possible and don't break them."
"But what if you have to pay for it then?"
"I'll start crying which will hopefully make him feel guilty, I don't know, I may just improvise." I shrug and look at him. "Are you ready? We need to do it now before it's less crowded. People will pay more attention to us then."
"Who would have thought that you're a little rebel. You're full of surprises." He smirks at me and nods. "Yep, I'm ready. Go ahead."
I walk to the little stand that is next to the river, then I pretend to look through the different merchandise which is presented on the wooden table. The chitchat of the people in the flea market makes it impossible for a silence to arise which is a huge advantage for us, everyone is busy. No miracle, tomorrow is also Independence Day. My eyes land on the seller as I take the vintage music box.
"Excuse me?" I ask politely, showing the old man the product. "What kind of melody does it play?"
"Oh, it plays wonderful music, ma'am." He smiles lightly and the kindness in his voice almost makes me feel guilty about our plan. But just almost. "It was made before the World War and is one of the few things that has survived this terrible time. The composition is as unknown as the musician himself."
"That's beautiful." I notice how Bucky slowly walks towards the stand, looking at the products as well and the merchandiser shoots him a side glance, keeping an eye on the customer. I actually hoped it wouldn't be necessary to destroy the pretty music box but the man pays attention to Bucky. "And how much does it cost?"
"18 cent." He answers, focusing on me again. Damn, I could buy two hotdogs with that much money and would still have some left for bread.
"Why do I have to live in Brooklyn?" I sigh, trying not to curse the poverty.
"I'm sure if you ask your father nicely, he'll buy it for you." The man assures me and it seems like Bucky would hesitate for a second, not sure if it's because of the merchandiser's words.
"I will." I force a smile, not giving the words a meaning and then I let the music box slip through my hands, following by the sound of the crash. My eyes widen in shock as the panic is mirrored in my face, my hand covers my mouth. "Oh, my God, I'm- I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to- what have I done??"
I kneel down, giving my best to pick up the pieces on the ground but I act like I can't prevent the tears that my eyes are forming. "Please, don't get mad, I really didn't do it on purpose, God, why am I so clumsy, I hate myself. I am really so sorry, I can't even pay for it and now- "
"It's okay, don't worry, doll." He shakes his head and kneels down, helping me to pick up the pieces of the destroyed music box. Now he doesn't pay attention to Bucky anymore who takes the opportunity to let the few carbons slide into his pocket. He then mouths if it's enough and I just motion him to leave, quickly lowering my hand when the man looks at me again.
"Is it really okay if I don't repay it? I really wish I could somehow." The fake guilt in my voice lets the man smile.
"You really don't have to worry." He stands up, putting the leftovers of his product on the table. I get up too, knocking off the dirt of my knees and force a shy smile.
"Thank you so much for your sympathy. I better leave before I destroy something again, bye!" I say a bit too fast goodbye but I really couldn't wait to get away because he starts making me nervous with his kindness. My feet carry me to the small alley where Bucky is already waiting for me and I let out a sigh, finally free of lying.
Bucky just chuckles in amusement, shaking his head. "And you said you wouldn't be talented enough for the stage."
The crimes do not stop the next day, on not only America's important Independence Day, but also on Steve's birthday which is far more important for Bucky and me. So, and this time Bucky suggested it, we break into Steve's home through the window and are now standing next to his bed, watching the blonde, little boy peacefully sleeping. In Bucky's hand is bucket filled with warm water, so Steve at least won't get a cold.
"This is so mean." I try not to chuckle, biting on my lower lip to pretend a noise.
"Shht!" Bucky whispers but giggles himself, then turns around to the bed, checking if the birthday child is awake. Luckily, he's not yet.
"You're right. It's way too peaceful." I grin mischievously and glance at him. "One. Two..."
Bucky tips the bucket over Steve and the water splashes in his face as he wakes up started, his eyes widening. A little panicky scream escapes his mouth and he immediately gets drenched in water. He gasps for air, his breath unsteady while he stares at us, still trying to recover from the shock.
"Happy Birthday!" We both scream with enthusiasm, laughing and Steve is first still frowning, trying to figure out what's happening, but then he lets out a laughter.
"You two are crazy!"
"Of course, we are, it's your birthday." I grin and pull him into a hug. "I wish you a great birthday, Stevie."
Suddenly, the door gets open by a blonde woman, bewilderment spread over her face and her blue eyes widen. Steve's mother does not really look enthusiastic about Bucky's and mine surprising intrusion, which is why, I pull quickly back, sitting now awkwardly on Steve's bed. Bucky seems to be a bit fraught next to me, his smile is frozen.
"I'll get a new blanket", is the only thing that she remarks, referring to the water- soaked bed and leaves the room. I stand up, determined to help her after motioning Bucky to hand Steve his birthday gift meanwhile. His nod is the last thing I see before leaving the room, then I catch up with Sarah.
"You don't need to help." She states, clearly rejecting and stopping me from grabbing the bed sheets. I pull my hand back as my attempt to fight the effect of intimidation fails. Even a blind person would notice that she's not very fond of me, but I want her to accept me as her son's friend. What can I tell her to achieve her trust? Something that doesn't make her think that I'm depressed but also nothing that could disgust her. God, I start thinking it over again.
"But I want to." I finally speak up, steadying my voice. "You did a good job with raising Steve. He's grown up as a wonderful and kind friend and I want to thank you for that. Not everyone could've done that under these circumstances."
Amazing, now she probably thinks I pity her. I let out a sigh, losing my courage and beginning to just go back to Steve's room. At least I was brave enough to try, I know that I'd have never said that months ago. Suddenly the corner of her lips goes slightly up, neither revealing too much nor too little.
"You could take the pillow over there." Her approving tone gives me hope and I nod, doing as she said. Then we go back to Steve's room where the birthday child is already admiring his present with a burning passion. A content happiness spreads over my chest while I put down the pillow, knowing that the little crime was definitely worth it.
"How did you even get them? They're damn expensive."
"We know people." I quickly lie, resulting Bucky to grin widely. Steve just nods, not going deeper into that and continues admiring his new art materials. "By the way, we've planned more than this for today."
"We're going to watch the fireworks tonight as well, pal." Bucky grins at his best friend. The happiness on Steve's face is one of the best things I've ever seen. His birthday will be one of those days that I'll never forget.
"I'm sorry that we couldn't celebrate your birthday like this, Eve." The blonde apologizes, leaning against the tree. The place where we will watch the fireworks of Independence Day is in the little forest in New York, where there's not too many people, actually no one. "I feel like I'm stealing your birthday party."
"No, don't be." I shake my head, smiling. "I had an amazing birthday. I wasn't alone for the first time. And I even had some homeless man in my apartment."
"Hey, not nice!" Bucky gasps in high dudgeon, then he lowers his voice, suddenly almost whispers into my ear. "By the way, how much do you remember from that day?"
I frown, trying to ignore the goose bumps. "Uh, I remember that you brought me home and... some memories are blurry. I at least know about everything after I woke up." My voice lowers, when I squint, trying to focus on memories but just a few scenes fade quickly in. I'm here. My face flushes red. "Did you hug me?"
"What?" His eyes widen.
"Wait, are you blushing now?" I ask, biting on my lower lip to prevent a grin but it still slips onto my lips. "No. Way. Bucky Barnes is blushing! Ha! Never thought I'd see that one day!"
"That's a rare occasion." Steve raises his brows in the air, paying attention to our conversation now and seems to be speechless. "In all those years, I've never seen you with a red face, especially not because of a girl. Eve, what have you said to make him blush?"
"I'm not blushing!" He denies, making us both laugh. "Could we please focus on the- "
"Bucky Barnes is sitting on a tree, blushing his way from face to knee." I start singing, taking revenge because he has always made fun of my blushing. Steve bursts into laughter and Bucky fakes a gasp, tilting his head. Oh, no, I know this look.
"Tickle attack!"
"No!" I squeal, standing up from the meadow and start running away but Bucky chases after me, catching up with me quickly and basically tackling me to the soft grass. Before I even have the chance to react, he starts tickling me and I squeal and laugh at the same time, struggling and trying to escape. "Stop!!!"
"Never!" He laughs but then we get interrupted by a loud familiar noise, making us both stop to move and look up. The sky bursts into colors, the sparkling fireworks cast out the darkness of the night and replace it with their brightness. We fall silent and sit up, Steve walks towards us to be with us. My hearts races like hell of excitement and I feel the sudden energy running through my veins.
"It's so beautiful." I smile brightly, still speechless by the breath-taking view. I feel Bucky's smile laying on me.
"So you like it?"
I nod, still attracted to the fireworks. The hot night air and the smell of the meadow just makes everything better. "It feels so different to watch it with someone rather than alone. I don't know how to describe it... it's much warmer, I guess."
"I'm glad that you feel that way." Steve smiles proudly. "I can't wait to draw this with my new carbons."
"And we can't wait to see it." Bucky smirks, then he glances at me. "You should sing the national anthem now, canary."
"No." I refuse, laughing and trying to drown out the loud noise. "Let's just watch the fireworks. They're so beautiful. And it's Steve's birthday, not Independence Day to my eyes. These fireworks are just for Steve."
Both boys suddenly stare at me with widened eyes and I knit my brows. "What?"
"That's what Bucky used to tell me." Steve mutters still in shock. "He used to tell me that the fireworks are just made for me when we were younger. That everyone celebrates my birthday."
"Seems like we think alike, Eve." Bucky grins and I chuckle in disbelief at this coincidence.
We then continue watching the fireworks in a comfortable silence, admiring the beautiful night sky that is filled with bright colors. Just three ordinary kids from Brooklyn sitting under the color-bursting sky and remembering this day forever.
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