I Hate Smoothie Machines.
I quickly walked to where Kat and Cory stood to see who had said that. There, a tall blonde stood. Her blue eyes twinkled brightly, she would have been knock-down gorgeous if her one flaw didn't stick out so much. Two pearly white tusks stuck out from the corners of her mouth, likely making it hard to talk.
"Why must all of the evil girls be blonde with blue eyes?" Katrina rolled her eyes, clearly not surprised by her appearance.
"I killed a red-head just five minutes ago so it's okay," I eased her. She didn't seem to care that much.
"Wow," Cory sighed, absorbed in her beauty as if he didn't notice the two sharp tusks that stuck out of her face. For some weird and unknown reason, a sudden rage coursed through me and I would've judo flipped the two-tusked wonder if I didn't think that she'd use her horns to stab me.
I looked back at her, she wore a beautiful coral blue blouse and black pants, a white lunch lady apron hung over the front of her outfit. She didn't speak any further; she just stared judgmentally at Katrina as if she were a piece of dog crap on her shoe.
Katrina sure noticed and stared back, her glare scared me even though it was directed at the woman. I looked back at Cory, he was still staring at her and drooling a little.
"Okay, why are you looking at her as if she is perfect?" I asked.
"Because she is," he muttered. That ticked me off.
"In case you haven't noticed, she has tusks like a warthog. How the Hades do you think that is attractive?" I pointed out even though she was right there. She snorted in defiance, but still stayed facing Katrina.
Cory shook his head to focus and then looked at her again, he finally noticed and blinked.
"You won't be forgetting my face very soon because you've been staring at it for so long," Katrina snapped at the woman, causing the creature to finally speak.
"You. I smell blood of war on you," the woman stated, talking surprisingly clear even with two tusks that probably were grown out of her cheek bones. She glared at Katrina for a few more seconds, waiting for a response. "But you also smell like a perfume shop in Paris."
"You must be of the three graces," Katrina figured. "I am a daughter of Aphrodite. In case you've forgotten, she's your boss."
"My mistress is busy with Percabeth down in Tartarus, she's too busy to notice the death of one of her petty children," she replied.
I charged forward a few steps and growled "Percabeth is WHERE?" My charge instantly turned into a retreat when her gaze focused on me. Her eyes twinkled light in a way that looked more like fire, her tusks seemed to be as dangerous as Justin Bieber with a microphone (which is EXTREMELY dangerous).
"Where is the other Grace?" Cory asked. The tusked-girl turned to him and briskly answered, "She had gotten on Hermes' bad side. Although she is the most gorgeous of us since we've messed with a few gods, she is also the most unfortunate. She's on the roof, trying to get a cellphone signal because Hermes cursed her with awful phone reception for charming Apollo into letting her steal more cows than Hermes ever had stolen."
Cory lifted his eyebrows, clearly unimpressed.
"And you, delivery boy, will be spared by me. My sister would love to be the one to destroy your existence."
"Okay, okay. Now that we have figured out who's who around here...who's my dad?" I asked, believing that since she knew Katrina's father by looking at her, then maybe it would work the same way for me.
She looked me up and down. "You're just pathetic."
"Alright then, if you guys are done talking, I can just finish this one up for ya'," Katrina offered. No one said anything, so she took it as a yes. In a singly quick swipe, she had taken a dagger from her belt loop and decapitated the beast. The body became dust before it could hit the ground.
"Why did you do that?" I whined. "I wanted to find out why she had tusks!"
"I had overheard my father talking before about people that he had punished for trying to stop the Trojan war. One of them had convinced over a thousand men to not fight, and they all went into hiding to avoid war. When Ares found out, oh crap. He sent a warthog, which is his spirit animal, after her. So it charged her and somehow, she got tusks."
"That doesn't make any sense," Cory admitted.
"Neither does Greek mythology," she smirked.
"Enough small talk," I panted. "Okay, so there are monsters, right? And they want to kill us because we're awesome, right? And we need to go to camp, right?"
"Yes, sorta, and yes," Katrina answered.
"Right now? We need to leave, right now?"
"No. We are going to stay here even after being attacked by two creatures that knew that we were demigods just by looking at us. Why not go to class casually even after killing two teachers?" Katrina sarcastically responded. "Of course we have got to go. We should leave before little miss 'I-have-terrible-phone-service' comes here to kill us." She turned around and started walking out of the kitchen when she reminded me of something.
I ran past her, practically shoving her out of the way on the way to the empty counters that used to have lunch displayed on it. In the corner, the smoothie machine calmly continued swirling its contents inside. I took a deep breath, facing the blue smoothie that was safe inside before taking out my scissors and snipping the power cord.
"Destroying school property?" Katrina asked. I was about to explain my reasoning but she interrupted me by bringing out a hammer and slamming it into the face of the machine.
"Don't touch the smoothie!" I warned. "It's toxic to demigods."
Katrina didn't question me as she stepped to the side and then gave the machine another few good hits before tossing the hammer aside.
"Since when did you have a hammer?" Cole asked as he caught up with us.
"Since school started, I'm not taking crap from mortals this year," she answered before skipping to the doors of the cafeteria and pushing them open. "Come on, off to camp!"
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