I Hate Nothing Anymore.
I stared at the small girl who walked confidently by the side of Katrina. She had to be around the age of nine, possibly ten. The girl looked like the definition of perfection with tanned skin and long auburn hair, when she grows up then she could easily get any guy or modeling job that she wanted.
"Storm," Cole murmured by my side. "Live long and prosper."
I turned to him. "You make it sound like you're saying goodbye...forever."
"I might as well be," he told me.
"What do you mean?" I asked. He stared at the approaching girl. "What do you mean?" I asked again, this time a little more forcefully. Cole didn't respond, he kept his eyes on the ground as Katrina and the young girl approached.
Katrina smiled brightly as she and the girl stood in front of us, yet I could sense a bit of awkwardness within her expression. "This is Storm, the girl that I had told you about," she introduced me. I wasn't sure what to do so I held out my hand to shake the stranger's, but Katrina's eyes filled with warning so I quickly dropped my hand.
"Ah, Storm. That's a robust name for a robust girl," the young girl smiled. "I've heard about the situations that you had gone through and by the way that you handled yourself, you've proven that you don't need to be related to a god to be heroic."
I blinked. This little girl...she seemed to have knowledge that stretched beyond her years. She used the word "robust", I didn't even know what that word meant! "Thank you, your words mean the world to me. Although, if you do not mind, would you mind giving me your name?" I asked as politely as I could manage.
Her smile grew, allowing me to see some of her teeth. Her teeth were perfect as though she had had braces before. "Oh, yes. I loose track of time now so I forget that people don't know who I am. I'm Artemis, goddess of the hunt. I am interested in offering you a never-ending life without boys."
"You mean," I gulped. "You mean that you want me to be a huntress?"
She nodded her head.
"I accept!" I blurted without a second thought. "I accept," I repeated, a little calmer this time.
Artemis had had me repeat some pledge after her which involved swearing that I would never date a boy. Cole shifted uncomfortably behind me as I made the promises.
From there, I hugged Katrina good bye and wasn't really sure how to say goodbye to Cole so I didn't say anything. Artemis and I walked to her cabin, which was where her other huntresses were bunked. I blended in just fine with them, they didn't even ask who my godly parent was and didn't think anything of when I told them that I was a mortal. It was the life that I didn't know that I wanted until I had gotten it.
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