I hate Gym.
I went to the list that was labeled “9th grade; J-Q” to find my name. “McCaw McCaw,” I mumbled my last name repeatedly as I ran my finger down the list as I tried to find my name. “Storm McCaw,” I said when I finally found my name. I ran my finger to the right as I found my first period teacher and subject.
Lucky me, I had gotten PE for first period. “Now for a year of sweating badly first thing at school then going to all of my classes,” I thought to myself, brushing my blonde hair back. Coach Gonian was known for being strict and that he was so strict that when this kid didn’t do anything wrong, they were taken into his office and was never seen again. I figured that it was probably just an old tale told to the newbies to scare them and that the kid was probably just kicked out of school or something.
When I walked away from Cory, he shouted, “See ya’ at lunch?"
I turned back to look at him, wondering if he meant it as if he liked me. “Oh, yeah! If we have the same lunch,” I responded. When I turned back around to head for the gym, I straightened out my green tank top to make sure that it wasn’t too low and pulled up my jeans by the belt loops. Even though I had no interest in guys, I felt self-conscious at that moment.
After making a few turns, I made it to the gym. “Park it onto the bleachers!” the coach yelled, he was leaning against the wall when I came in. His tattooed arms were crossed, his ripped body was shown off in the white tank top that the teacher wore along with some sweat pant and Nike shoes. The coach had to be at least seven feet tall, he sure must have a hard time finding clothes his size.
I sat on the top row of metal bleachers and set my Jasport bag next to me. I took out a book and started reading it, my mother never allowed me to have a phone. I suppose that this is where I am supposed to tell my story, like what I delt whith as I grew up.
For one thing, I’m a fangirl. I loved the Hunger Games, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and Diary of a Wimpy Kid books. Why did I like them? Because they just understood me like no one else.
My mother was 30 at the time, I was a mistake and I knew that. I was the result of a broken condom; my mother was only 15 when she became pregnant with me. It really sucked to know that I was the reason that my mother couldn’t graduate college. My father, I still don’t know who he is. I only know what he is and he is a douche bag because after he got my mom prego, he left her and started dating her cousin.
My mother and I live in her parents’ house because she could never afford to move out. I literally live in the living room while she still is in her old room. She’s been trying to complete online high school classes, she hopes to be a nurse in a few years.
Ever sense I had read Percy Jackson and the Olympians, I secretly believed that I was a daughter of Zeus. Really, I don’t know who my dad is, he is always having babies, and my name is Storm. That is what I tell myself when I get jealous of other people having phones, I tell myself that the phone would tell monsters where I was so mom never allowed me to have one. But in reality, I knew that it was because tips from being a waitress at Apple Bees didn’t pay my mother enough to get a phone for me.
I bet that you wouldn’t have ever guessed my background, which is because you can’t judge a book by its cover.
Finally, the bell rung to indicate that class is to begin. The kids that sat on the bleachers sat in groups of four, the groupies that they decide to hang out in. I closed the book that was still open in my lap and put it into the bag, getting ready to see if Mr. Gonian would yell at the annoying people to get them to shut up. He simply stopped leaning against the wall and walked to the chair that was facing the bleachers. He picked up the mega phone that was beneath it and shouted “QUIET!”
The entire class just shut their mouths, I was extremely relieved. “Now, I’m Coach. I only want to be addressed by coach and if anyone chooses to call me anything else then we’re going to have a chat,” he growled. “DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?”
“Yes sir,” one of the kids up front nodded, trying to show off.
“Oh, so this is the class clown?” coach asked, “There is always one in each class. Now run around the court, give me 20 laps.”
“Sir, I haven’t dressed out,” the foolish boy argued.
The boy dropped all of his things and started running around. He was already panting before he made it all the way around.
“Now, I was the general of war a few years ago, I was released from my duties so I decided to go back to high school, but this time I was going to teach a bunch of hormonal teenagers to grow up,” he started, never was there a whisper from anyone as he spoke.
I stared at coach while he ranted about the importance of bringing in gym clothes. After a few moments of staring at him, I could see that his teeth where crooked and spaced out as he never heard of a dentist. A few more seconds later, I caught a glimpse of his fangs, FANGS! “What is up with this school and fangs?” I thought. ”Oh yeah, rattle snakes have fangs and they are our mascot.”
The boy that had been running around the court finally stopped and started to head for his seat. He had sweated right through his Hollister shirt. He definitely was not going to have the best High School experience ever.
“What are you doing?” the coach asked. “I SAID 20 LAPS NOT 16, YOU THINK THAT I CAN’T COUNT? MOVE MOVE MOVE!”
The student quickly started to run again, like a dieing horse that is forced to keep walking even though it hadn’t stopped for two days. The coach started going on again, I continued examining him. He didn’t seem any more different from what I had seen before, but he always looked like some monster to me.
“STORM MCCAW!” coach shouted, causing me to jump.
“Yes?” I answered.
He lifted a paper into the air as he then shouted “ANDREW MCDONALD!”
I moved between the inconsiderate students that sat in my way to the coach in order to receive my schedule. I opened it and started reading it while I went back through the legs of people in order to get back to my original spot. Other people were looking at their class schedules, comparing it to each other in hopes of having classes with each other.
A foot was stuck out, causing me to trip. An arm was stuck out, catching me before I slammed face-first into someone’s knee. I regained my balance and saw that it was a girl, she was alone like me. “Thanks,” I mumbled as I sat by my bag, which happened to be right next to her.
“You are welcome,” she told me. “What book were you reading?”
“The Lightning Thief, I’m reading it for the fifth time,” I answered. “Can I see your schedule?”
“Sure,” she answered as she took a piece of paper out of her pocket and unfolded it. On the top it said “Katrina Olympus.”
I held my schedule next to hers and compared it to see what classes we shared. “It looks like we only have this one and third period together,” she sighed. “At least we have the same lunch.”
I nodded and folded my paper then stuck it into my front pocket. Katrina’s hair was a dark chocolate brown and was in beautiful ringlets. If I had seen her before, I would have thought of her to be one of the mean cheerleader type of girls, but apparently someone can look perfect and be nice at the same time. “What color are your eyes?” I asked her, I swore that they were gold.
“Um, depends. Most people see brown but they are actually gold,” she answered. I sighed, I was finally not seeing things that didn’t exist.
The bell rung to cut class. “IF ANY OF YOU PLAN ON SKIPPING CLASS THEN I DEMAND 20 LAPS!” coach warned as the class started to run for the doors.
While Katrina started to zip up some of the loose zippers of her bag, I asked her if I’d see her in third period.
“I hope,” she answered, and then we headed for the next class.
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