The School Trip//Lams
okay so... a bunch of students at the school are forced to go on a retreat for the long weekend to a really fancy hotel.
"Yo." A cute guy smiled at me from a few feet away, he winked at me and swam away.
I turned to my sister. Well, adoptive sister, as soon as he walked away. "Don't look now. A hot guy just smiled at me."
"Who where what?" Eliza blurted glancing all around the pool.
"Eliza I swear to god can you just be cool for half a second like my god." I hissed at her.
Eliza chuckled. "Sorry Al, but whoooo? Who who who who?" Not only was she my sister, but I was her designated gay best friend.
"The one with the poofy hair... Jack?" I trailed off, trying to find him in the crowd.
"John? John Laurens?" Eliza gaped. "He is the heart throb of literally everyone. He's bi and used to have a thing with Peggy, which could be a bit awkward but who cares?"
"Seriously? That will be funny to talk to our kids about." I joked.
Eliza dead-panned me. "Pegs, he smiled at you, you're not getting married."
"Mmm... let me work some magic on him, won't you? I can probably get him to say yes tonight. Don't you think?"
"Yea, probably." She muttered.
I pulled my hair up into man bun before swimming over to him. I placed a hand on his shoulder, and he turned in surprise. "Hi. I'm Alex." I said coolly.
"I know. Er-" He shook his head. "I've heard about you- wh, I dated your sister. Kind of. Before she was your sister, for like a few days. My friends told me about you... we have mutual friends. I think you know Lafayette?" He stammered awkwardly. "I'm John." He added.
"Yea, Lafayette is in my French class. He hasn't said anything about you though." I waited for a second before continuing flirtatiously. "I wish he had."
John blushed slightly. "Uh- yea. And my friend Hercules is-"
"On the debate team. He's kind of quiet, right?" I asked, grinning at John.
John nodded in agreement. "Right, he says you're really good at debate. You defeated Thomas Jefferson, I was pretty astonished actually when he told me that."
"Ugh! That Thomas guy just makes me want to punch a wall." I clenched my fists.
"Well then maybe we should change the subject." John muttered.
I smirked, I liked this kid. "Do you have a girlfriend?" I asked innocently, but not that innocently I wanted him to get the idea.
"Uh... no. Do you?"
"Nope. Do you have a boyfriend?" I stared into his eyes, but he glanced away.
He stared down at the water. "No... I haven't actually dated anyone in a pretty long time. A couple months. Do- do you have a boyfriend?"
"Do you think I'd be over here with you if I did have a boyfriend?" I whispered.
He lifted his head and looked into my eyes. "No. Probably not." He paused for an awkward moment. "What kind of things do you do for fun?"
"Well I'm on debate, I hang out with my sisters, I love to read and write. I do a lot of reading and writing. What about you?" I asked, placing my hand that had been rested on his shoulder, on his chest.
He glanced down at my hand and then back up at me. "I- I sometimes write... uh... poetry." He shifted uncomfortably under my fingertips, which were now tracing his abs. "And uh... I like to- er... I draw a lot. But uh, I love animals too. I-I work-" He let out a deep breath. "I work at an animal shelter. "
I nodded slowly. " What's your favorite kind of animal John?" I asked, taking my hand off his chest.
"Oh!" He exclaimed, relieved that I had removed my hand. "Turtles! I totally and absolutely love turtles. They're the best."
I let my eyes trail his figure. "Wow, I never thought anybody could make turtles sound so sexy." I whispered.
"Uh..." He looked shocked that I had been so forward. "Yea. They're pretty cool. I wouldn't say they're sexy though."
I couldn't help but laugh. "I wasn't saying that turtles are sexy, I was saying you are." I said with raised eyebrows.
He too, raised his eyebrows. And stared at me for a moment, his mouth slightly open. "I, I- I see. Thanks. You, too."
"You think I'm sexy?" I said winking at him. He had seemed so good at flirting when he winked at me earlier.
He waited a bit before responding. "Yes- I mean, well... yea. But- I... well, you know. You're- yea. Yea... yea. Yea?"
"I hope you do." I muttered, inching closer to him in the pool.
He gulped. "Well I mean... yea. I do." His voice was faint, and he was blushing a deep deep scarlet.
"Well-" I linked my fingers in his, and made it so our chests were touching. "that's very," I stood n my tip toes so our faces were close together now. "nice of you." I breathed.
His eyes traveled down my face. "You're welcome." He whispered right as I pressed my lips to his. He just stood there as I kissed him for a couple seconds, until his body jumped into action. He placed his hands on my back, and kissed me back, until we heard the whistle of a lifeguard. There was to be no PDA on this school trip.
"I'm in room 432." I sighed before I swam away, leaving him speechless.
Eliza grabbed my shoulders when I resurfaced next to her. "What did you do? What on earth did you do?" She shook me.
"What are you talking about? I invited him back to my room." I smirked at her.
She shook her head. "You have to talk to Peggy first! Even if what she had to him was just a fling, it was her first fling Alexander. She's your baby sister, she'll be heart broken. You need to talk to her. I can't believe you made out with him."
"We didn't make out-"
"Oh? What would you say you did then?" Eliza demanded, looking angry.
I stared down at the water. "Okay, okay I'm sorry."
"Don't say you're sorry to me. Save it to say to Peggy." She let out an angered sigh.
I nodded. "Okay, okay, okay. I'll talk to her when we leave the pool. I promise Eliza, nothing will happen if Peggy doesn't want it to."
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