Eye of The Hurricane Pt.3
Alex lay in the hospital bed, his arm was aching and he stared down at it. 'John.' He read it and reread it until his eyes couldn't focus on it anymore. A nurse came into his room and smiled at him. "Hello." She was pretty, but her smile was too fake.
"Thomas." Alex whispered, remembering how he had been carried bridal style down the stairs to Thomas' car before the ambulance had come. How Thomas had pet his hair and whispered that he was going to be okay. "Thomas." He said again.
The nursed nodded. "I will bring Mr. Jefferson in as soon as you are stable." She said kindly.
"No." She didn't understand. "I have to see him, now." Alex demanded. "Now." He repeated weakly.
But the nurse didn't listen she bustled around him, and it wasn't for abut thirty minutes that she left. "Thomas." Alex muttered again as she disappeared into the hospital halls.
Alex couldn't help but think of Thomas holding his hand on the drive to the hospital, and his worried face when doctor's had swarmed Alex's bed. Alex had been fading in and out of consciousness, and still was. He let his eyes drift closed, and opened them five minutes later. "Thomas." This time, when Alex said it, there was a reply.
"Hey Alex, I'm here." Thomas's voice was low, but not exactly quiet. "I'm right here." Thomas soothed, he had his hand on top of Alex's.
Alex managed to smiled for a second, before going back to his same blank expression. "Thank you." He stammered.
"I- I only did what you would've done for me." Thomas assured him, petting his hand.
Alex shook his head slowly. "No. You were amazing. You saved my life, and I don't know how to repay you."
"Repay me by getting help. You have to get help Alex. See a therapist. Please." Thomas pleaded, smiling at Alex.
Alex scoffed. "Therapists can't-"
"And if they don't help, you can stop going. But I insist that you go to one." Thomas was not going to back down on this. He had never hated Hamilton, but seeing him so helpless and defeated made Thomas need to help him.
"I can't pay for a therapist, I can hardly pay for my own apartment." As soon as he had said that, he knew it was the wrong move.
Thomas squeezed Alex's hand. "So you move in with me, I've been looking for company anyways. Or- I can pay for your therapist. Or both, just let me help you get better."
"I won't let you pay for my therapist-" Alex's voice wavered and cracked. "You're not paying for my therapist."
"Then you're moving in Alex." Thomas let go of Alex's hand and crossed his arms. "Now that that's settled, do you want to see anyone else?"
Alex nodded. "Can I see Herc? And can you tell John... um... can you tell him something?"
"Yes, what do you want me to tell him?" Thomas asked.
Alex sighed. "Uh, can you tell him that I'm sorry, but I need him to leave. I can't put him in anymore pain, and I need him to leave."
"Yes, yes. I can tell him that. And I'll send Herc in." Thomas muttered.
Thomas walked down the hall to the waiting room, and John leapt to his feet. "What did he say? Can I see him?"
"He actually-" Thomas paused. "He said he's sorry, but he needs you to leave. He said he can't put you in anymore pain, but he can't handle you being here either."
John stared at Thomas, dumbfounded. "You think I'm going to fall for that Thomas? I'm not leaving." John began to walk past Thomas, but he was stopped.
"Uh... okay. But, he asked for Herc." Thomas lightly shoved John backwards.
Hercules stood up, looking pleased to be released from the very awkward situation of Laf and James, who had returned from the parking lot. "I'll go see him, okay bud?" Hercules said to John.
James was glaring at Laf, and leaning on the wall. "Did you know?" James barked.
"Did I know what?" Laf said, his french accent was strong, and kind of annoying.
James made fists. "Did you know that Hercules had a boyfriend? Did you know he was dating somebody else?"
"Ah..." Laf nodded. "Yes, I did, he said he needed this to be a fling. Not a long time thing." Laf explained.
This didn't help with James' anger. Through clenched teeth, he hissed. "So you knew you were helping somebody cheat? You knew you were tearing apart a relationship?"
"Well... when you put it as that it sounds quite nasty, don't it?" Laf raised an eyebrow and laughed, but then saw that nobody in the room was on his side, and quickly stopped
James' glare became more intense. "Maybe you should learn some f*cking english and grammar."
This time, it was Laf who gt angry, he shot out of his seat. "Peut-être que tu devrais apprendre du français. Idiot."
James may not have understood it all, but he sure got Idiot. "Why on earth would I do that? It's the language of pussies."
Lafayette seemed infuriated by this. "Tu veux te battre fatty?" He taunted, lifting his fists.
"Oh screw you." James spat.
Lafayette laughed. "You're boyfriend already did!" He joked.
James lunged at the smaller man, tackling him to the ground. "This." Punch. "Will." Punch. "Teach." Punch. "You to not." Punch punch. "Mess around with." Punch. "People's boyfriends." Punch. James panted, his fists were bloody from Lafayette's nose and mouth.
Laf rolled on top. "If i' weren' me i' woul' ha'e been some'ody else." He muttered, his mouth bleeding so badly he could barely speak. He barely got two punches in before Thomas lifted the smaller man off of James. But Laf kneed Thomas in the crotch. "Ge' off me pinky." He spat blood onto Thomas' shirt, but Thomas was groaning in pain on the ground.
Laf got back onto James, and started to punch him again, until John pushed him to the ground, holding his arm on Laf's neck. "Stop! Enough!" He cried out. "Alex is in the hospital and you guys are fighting? Come on." John stepped on Laf's fingers when he got up. "You, french guy, you should probably check yourself in, seeing as you lost some teeth."
Thomas collected himself, and lifted himself up from the ground. "James, take my car, and go home. Clean up, calm down. You don't have to be here." He passed his friend the keys to his car, and James silently accepted, leaving the room.
Laf wiped his mouth of some fresh blood, gushing out of it. He walked away to the front desk, and began to talk to the lady there. Between his bloody mouth and his accent, she barely stood a chance of understanding him.
Once Laf was out of sight, John turned to Thomas. "You don't have to stay, you know. You could've gone home with James. You two do live together don't you?"
Thomas nodded. "Yes, but so does Alex now. He told me he couldn't pay his rent."
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