I feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket and check it instantly. It has been a few days since I last heard from Alex and I'm feeing the urge to talk to him, but I refrain from reaching out because I don't want to scare him away.
Dad. Again. I love him, but I was really hoping that it was Alex.
Dinner tonight? Gabby can come too.
I'll never turn down dinner with my dad. We try to see each other at least once a week, though that hardly ever happens with our busy schedules. I especially love that he invites Gabby. Ever since she came out to her parents about being bisexual they have pushed her away and she hasn't heard a word from them in over six months. When I told my dad what happened, he automatically welcomed her to into our little family. You can see his face light up every time she calls him "dad".
Sure! We will come over at 6?
Perfect. Can't wait to see you both.
"Gabby, can you set the table? And Leah can you make the salad?" My dad asks as he pulls the chicken parmesan and garlic bread out of the oven.
After the table is set and the food is served, the three of us sit down for our family dinner.
I shove a huge bite of food down before I start the conversation. "How was your day, Dad?"
"Work has been pretty brutal, but once I finish this project it will be a breeze."
"Good one! I know retired life can be sooo difficult," I laugh, nudging Gabby's arm, but all I get in return is a confused glare from both of them.
Oh great. Not again. My dad retired in 2019 and it's still 2018. I really need to start thinking before I speak. That has always been something I needed to work on, but more so now that I'm living in the past.
"What I meant to say was work can be so difficult, but life will be so awesome once you retire next year!" Gabby and Dad still look confused but they aren't on such high alert anymore.
"Yeah, if I get the chance. I might need to work another year or two before that happens."
As I look across the table, I can't help but smile knowing that this time next year he will be stress-free and won't have to worry about working ever again.
Gabby and I offer to clean up so my dad can relax and watch some TV. I'm washing the dishes and Gabby dries, but I stop when I feel my phone vibrate again. It has to be him this time.
My eyes light up when I see his name plastered on the screen.
I'm having a few friends over at my place tonight. Wanna come by? No pressure.
My excitement is cut short as Gabby tries to get my attention. "Hello. Earth to Leah. We are never going to get these dishes done if you don't get off your phone."
"Gabby. It's him! He invited me over to a small get-together at his place tonight! Come with me? Please?"
"Hmm. I think it's about time you formally introduce me to him. Before you fall for him too hard."
I throw my arms around Gabby and she hugs me back, both of us jumping up and down in excitement for what tonight will bring.
After we finish cleaning up, I respond to Alex.
See you at 9? I'm gonna bring my friend with if that's okay.
The more the merrier(:
"How do I look?" I ask Gabby while we stand on his front doorstep.
"You look amazing. He's gonna love you more than he already does."
"Don't jinx it!"
Gabby shakes her head and laughs as she rings the doorbell.
A familiar face greets us at the door, but I have to pretend that I've never met him before. I think I'm getting better at this whole back in time thing.
"Hey guys! Come on in! I'm Chase. You must be Leah."
I feel this excitement rising inside me. Alex has talked to his friends about me.
"And you are?" he asks Gabby.
"I'm Gabby," she responds, extending her hand out to him. "I'm Leah's best friend."
"Nice to meet you. You guys can follow me out to the back."
As we step outside, I am in awe. Gabby and I's little "backyard" aka our tiny balcony doesn't compare to the backyard of Alex's house in Laguna Beach. He has lights strung across its entirety with a long table perfect for summer barbecues. To the right is the built in grill, mini fridge, bar, and TV. To the left is a grass area with a jacuzzi off to the side.
I think Chase notices our silence, wide eyes, and agape mouths. "It's pretty cool, huh? I would never be able to afford this place. Luckily Alex comes from a lot of money and I happen to be his best friend, therefore the most suitable option for a roommate."
"The benefits of a rich best friend huh?" Gabby chimes in.
"I don't want you guys to think I'm only friends with him for his money. We go way back to first grade. This just happens to be a perk that comes along with having Alex in your life. He's a genuine guy. You'll see," he says, directing the last sentence to me.
Speak of the devil, Alex runs over from across the yard and joins the conversation. "I hope you weren't saying anything too bad about me," he winks at Chase.
"Oh just the usual. You're a crazy axe murderer with your eyes set on a girl you met at the airport."
We all laugh at Chase's departing joke. Alex smiles at me and leans down to give me a big hug.
"Alex, this is Gabby. Gabby, this is Alex."
Gabby extends a hand but Alex goes straight for the hug. Gabby smiles at me over his shoulder and gives me a huge smile and a thumbs up. "Nice to meet you Gabby! I finally get to meet Leah's best friend."
"Nice to meet you too. I'm gonna grab a drink and give you guys some time together," she says, smirking as she joins Chase and some others.
"Would you like something to drink?" Alex asks.
"Umm I'll have whatever you're having," I nervously respond.
"Moscow Mule it is. Follow me inside to the kitchen." He grabs my hand and I follow in step after him.
He grabs a fancy glass from the cupboard and adds a few ice cubes. Then he combines vodka, ginger beer, and lime juice, stirring them together and adding a lime slice to the brim.
"Ta-da! For my lady." He hands me the glass and bows.
"Bravo!" I smile in return.
We sit at the barstools in the kitchen and sip on our delicious drinks.
"I'm really happy you came tonight. If I'm being honest, I've really been wanting to see more of you, but I didn't wanna jump the gun and scare you off," he confesses.
"That's funny because I've been feeling the same way. Ever since the airport you've been on my mind, a lot." I nervously look down at my glass. Did I put myself too far out there? Am I making this too easy for him? Does he want a challenge?
"Good. Then I hope that you would be interested in a date with me next weekend?"
I can't help but smile. "I'd love to."
"Great! I'll get everything set up for the most romantic date of your life."
"I'm looking forward to it," I smile back.
Alex rises from his chair and moves towards me. I know what's coming. This is what I've been waiting for. For the first time since we broke up, his sweet lips are moving towards mine. The suspense is killing me and the force between us is magnetic, so I tilt my head up to meet him halfway.
It's electric. I can feel the shock of our lips first touch sending waves through my body. This is the feeling I never want to lose again. The desire I always want to feel. The falling that I felt a year ago. The falling that won't turn into a crash this time around.
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