1:12 am
cute guy??:
I need vacation
Inobaka ○\\\○:
get yourself vacation then?
you're the chef of the company. No?
cute guy??:
Why are you still awake???
Inobaka ○\\\○:
I'm in college
I'm awake at night and sleep at my lectures
cute guy??:
That's not how it should be
Inobaka ○\\\○:
you're not allowed to decide
you never went to college
cute guy??:
Guess you have a point
Inobaka ○\\\○:
I always do
that vacation of yours
why isn't it that easy??
you're literally the boss there
everyone does what you say
cute guy??:
I need to also think of the company, not only about me
We have a lot of work too
A lot of meetings at the time
And so on
Inobaka ○\\\○:
how old did you say you are?
cute guy??:
Inobaka ○\\\○:
don't you have like other relatives you could give over the company
you are literally throwing away your life
even if you like your job what I can not imagine
you should live a little
I bet you never went to a party
cute guy??:
I did
Inobaka ○\\\○:
yeah this one meeting thing party
but did you ever get wasted
did you ever wake up in the middle of campus
or wake up in someone else's bed at like 2 pm and noticed that you missed half of your classes and clothes
cute guy??:
That's oddly specific
Inobaka ○\\\○:
you sound like the type of guy who doesn't have a music taste
what music do you listen to?
cute guy??:
What comes on on the radio
Inobaka ○\\\○:
you know
you sunk low in life
cute guy??:
I'm running a successful company
Inobaka ○\\\○:
but your life is boring and you didn't achieve anything else except the success of your company, right?
cute guy??:
Didn't know you could do these deep talks
Inobaka ○\\\○:
I can
and now
when was the last time you had a day off?
cute guy??:
Probably not once
Inobaka ○\\\○:
call in sick or however it works with you guys
cute guy??:
I can't
Inobaka ○\\\○:
you are their boss
your word is law to them
If they say anything against it just fire them
what is holding you back?
one day or week of relaxing and caring about yourself won't destroy your company
cute guy??:
How do you know that?
Inobaka ○\\\○:
Hannah Montana was very successful then she had a huge breakdown phase thing
now she is herself and is doing well I think
cute guy??:
You mean Miley Cyrus?
Inobaka ○\\\○:
that girl who sang
nanana beeeest of both worlds
cute guy??:
You're cute
Inobaka ○\\\○:
I'm not
cute guy??:
Can you send me a picture of you
I'm sure it'll cheer me up
Inobaka ○\\\○:
If you promise to take an one week break
self care and stuff
cute guy??:
"And stuff"
Inobaka ○\\\○:
shut up
cute guy??:
Okay I promise
Inobaka ○\\\○:
If you won't I'll block you
cute guy??:
You're serious about it huh
Inobaka ○\\\○:
promise you'll take a week off
cute guy??:
Inobaka ○\\\○:
the things I do for you smh
cute guy??:
I am
Inobaka ○\\\○:
shut up
It's just me
cute guy??:
I haven't met someone who cares for me like that in a long time
And I guess I really needed that now
Inobaka ○\\\○:
you're welcome I guess
since you're too dumb to take care of yourself
someone needs to do it for you
cute guy??:
You're right
You could be that someone ;)
Inobaka ○\\\○:
only in your dreams
cute guy??:
Then I need to sleep more often
Inobaka ○\\\○:
at least something will now motivate you to go to sleep smh
cute guy??:
Can you blame me?
Have you like seen yourself and like talked to yourself?
Inobaka ○\\\○:
I spend a lot of my time alone and you don't know what's going on in my head
cute guy??:
Not what I meant
Your words are really uplifting
And you have a really nice personality
Inobaka ○\\\○:
wow you really have lost your mind
now you really need some rest Gonpachiro
cute guy??:
It's Tanjiro!!
Inobaka ○\\\○:
now go
cute guy??:
I wanna talk to you tho
Inobaka ○\\\○:
you can do that once you get your week off
and for now go to sleep and dream of me or whatever your plans were
I won't respond anymore for the night
cute guy??:
Are you serious??
cute guy??:
I guess you are
cute guy??:
Then good night Inosuke
Talk to you tomorrow I guess
Inobaka ○\\\○:
good night idiot
cute guy??:
Btw all the art I put here, I found on Pinterest so credits to artists
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