I know you said you're always free but I don't want to come if you don't want to see me
hi to you too
found some weed in my room bouta blast B)
please don't
at least not until youre better
I could do this all day
what do you even want
your business partners not gonna have sumthin against it?
I know I fucked up
mhm and not for the first time
and I don't want to do all this over text
so we apologizing in rl this time
and I'm surprised that you aren't ignoring me
yeah I have better things to do than ignoring someone
either way I'm still mad
idk what else you have to say for yourself or how you're gonna apologize but let's see how it turns out
but honestly if you still won't change and fix your problems this might as well be it
be it?
if you will ditch me for rich men and their money and alcohol and won't make time to see me at least for a little but,, this really will be one sided and I'm not here for it
then I think it'll be better to break up
but like I said
I'm ready to hear you out
if you don't have anything to say then,,,
so can I come over?
if you bring me a happy meal
be there in 10 mins
you live 30 mins away,, by car
I said what I said
if you say so then bring me some sushi too
okay jokes aside
can u bring me a bandaid
a candle exploded next to me
wdym next to you??????
like literally
there's hot candle wax all over my arm
I'll be there in less than 10
this some supersonic speed
don't come over
I wanna sleep
okay then
bring class material tomorrow or sumthin
if you say so
For a second Insouke forgot that he was mad at Tanjiro. It was like a normal day where Tanjiro didn't text until late at night, he wished it was one of those nights. He hated to be in a fight with him. But he hated being ignored more.
He'd rather him work more than drink with other men.
He hopes that now, when Tanjiro arrives, everything will go well. Tanjiro will apologize and won't overwork himself.
This does feel one sided.
On the other hand, he just waits for his bandaid. Even though it won't do much because his whole arm is hurting.
So, while Inosuke was sitting in his dorm, thinking if he should clean it or not, Tanjir was rushing to get a happy meal, sushi, and something to help Inosukes arm.
He indeed was there in ten minutes.
"Yo i was kidding about the food" and so they were standing by the door just staring at each other "But I'm not complaining. Let go" he took the food and sat down on his bed
"How's your arm?"
Inosuke wanted to start to eat, but stopped "Well I can't get the wax off, cause it hurts"
Tanjiro sighs and takes out a first aid kit, then sits down besides him.
It was an awkward situation, well for Inosuke. Tanjiro was focused to help. He knew he did a lot of bad stuff, so this is the bare minimum.
"Please don't move, you have glass in your skin" he looks over to the night stand and there it was, half of the exploded candle.
How hot was the flame for the glass to explode?
"Does anything else hurt?"
"My stomach, cause I didn't eat the whole day" he looks at his arm, which was half covered in bandages, and the looked up at Tanjiro "Can I eat now?"
"Yea, yea"
And so Insouke started with the happy meal.
Tanjiro took a moment to think where he should start. He has so much going through his head, yet nothing at all.
"You can start, I'm waiting for your apology" Insouke leans back on his bed. He's never been so long in his dorm.
"I'm sorry"
"We've established that" after Tanjipr still staying silent, Insouke sighs "Here have a fry, to calm down" and shoved one in his mouth
Inosuke looks him up and down. Tanjiro looked tired, it seems like he hasn't changed his suit in a couple of days, his hair was a mess, he reeked of alcohol, and he was sweating, probably because he was hurrying to him.
That's the lowest he saw of him.
Inosuke was feeling alone. Tanjiro never had time for him, but once he had, he ditched him for rich people.
At a moment like this he wished to be rich, just for Tanjiro to pay more attention to him. He really likes Tanjiro and thought attention would be one of the things he won't need try hard for.
Hell for some time it even seemed like he doesn't even need Inosuke, and it hurt. Tanjiro was very much happy just with his work, so why was Insouke even there.
These thoughts were killing Insouke. This is problematic.
"Want another fry?"
Tanjiro looks up and shakes his head "I got it for you"
"We can share" he looks down at his food "You know I had a dream that I ate fries and they were so disgusting, now that I'm eating them, I'm relieved that it's not reality" then he looks up at Tanjiro "I still can taste it" he makes a disgusted face and ten shoves more food in his face
Tanjiro started to feel more guilty. Inosuke acts as if nothing has happened. It's just another regular day for him. Right now he adores every action he does, how did he not appreciate having Insouke by his side?
"How can you act as if nothing happened?"
He shrugs "I guess I'm just happy to see you right now? I mean I mad, but I haven't seen you in a long time so" he keeps eating
The guilt keeps building up in Tanjiro.
"Anyways, your apology?"
"Right" he collected his thoughts once again and sighs.
This can't be harder than presenting new plans in the meeting room, right? It is.
"Okay, I know I was an ass. I kept ignoring you and ditching you, for my work. I hardly even tried to keep this going, all I was thinking about was my work, and acted like I didn't even care about you. And I guess it says something about myself too, that I didn't put any effort in this relationship. I'm really embarrassed that it took me such a long time and others to realize that I was hurting you. I couldn't even keep a simple promise and let you down multiple times. I was selfish"
Inosuke stopped eating and was listening carefully. While Tanjiro's eyes always were either focused on his own hands or the blanket, Inosuke kept looking into his eyes. Now waiting for him to continue.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have ignored and ditched you. And I only cared about myself, didn't show that I care for you. I was used to keep my focus on work and forgot you at times, and I'm deeply ashamed and sorry. I'm actually happy to have you and want to change. I want to spend more time with you and show that I care for you" and he finally looked up
"This is the most sincere apology I've ever gotten" he changes his position to sit more comfortably "Listen, maybe we should take a break"
Neither of them wanted it. Inosuke just didn't really know if it will work out, if Tanjiro breaks the promise or not.
"I mean, you should figure out how you will have free time. You were never free and I don't know if it will work out. I don't want to, but maybe it will help?"
He looks down at his hands and after some time, Tanjiro takes Inosukes hands in his "I know you don't trust me right now, but can you give me a chance. If I break my promise you can ignore me, block me, break up, curse me to hell. One chance, please"
Inosuke tried to hold in his tears, it didn't really work. His eyes were an ocean, not letting a single tear fall.
"Please don't hurt me again"
He has never been hurt this much. Yea his childhood was traumatic, but getting your feelings hurt by a person you have romantic feelings for, this hurts differently.
Tanjiro lifts his head and right as he does it, the tears start to roll down Inosukes face.
Tanjiro wipes them away with his dumbs and pulls his into a hug "I'm sorry. I won't"
After Insouke calmed down he hugged back "Don't knock over my food"
They part from the hug and look down at the food "Want to share the sushi?"
"And I don't know if it's suppose to be like this, but my arm is bleeding again" he holds out his arm
"Fuck. Does it hurt?" He starts to change the bloody bandages
"Not really"
At the end of the day, th3y watched guardians of the galaxy together and ate the sushi and what was left from the happy meal.
Inosuke fell asleep on Tanjiro's shoulder and Tanjiro decided to stay.
He put Inosuke in his bed and he lied down to sleep on the small couch.
He didn't want to leave Inosuke tonight.
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