broski <3:
yo bro
answer this when u wake up
7 hours ago
well hello
broski <3:
dude how do you feel?
like I got hit by a car
broski <3:
you did,,,
by tanjiros to be exact
my boyfriend tried to kill me?
broski <3:
more like his chauffeur
talking abt ur bOyFrIeNd
isn't he next to you?
im back at his house
I didnt even notice
but now I dont need to walk here myself
broski <3:
you've got a lot of explaining to do
you too
broski <3:
my hands are clean
I dont want to know what you're doing with your hands
broski <3:
bro can you shut up for 5 seconds
I can,,, under special circumstances
broski <3:
was that a sex joke
I didnt say shit abt sex
ur the one who brought it up
you're the dirty minded not me
broski <3:
literally why am I still friends w u
cuz u love me
broski <3:
thats questionable
so our bestest bros anniversary doesn't mean shit to you?
broski <3:
ofc it does
i even have a present for you
can't say the same
I just got hit by a car apparently
and dont have any money
broski <3:
im giving your present to sabito
fuck you
tanjiro will later :p
broski <3:
im blocking you
cliche lover:
listen idk where you are but I hear someone downstairs so jma take your probably expensive night stand lamp and go attack the intruder
pray for me
Just as Inosuke walked down, he heard a lot of crashing, unimpressed by the intruder, even probably ready to teach him to rob correctly, he of all people knows how. But before he could throw the lamp, blindly in the direction of the noise, with his eyes closed, he heard the intruder running in his direction.
Inosuke held the lamp over his head and slowly opened his eyes, only to sigh in relief "Dude, I was ready to commit a crime" he walks around himself, like a dog, the lamp still in his hand, calming down.
"You're seriously calling your boyfriend just 'dude'? Inosuke im deeply hurt" Tanjiro still held some distance, just to not be the victim of the night stand lamp.
Inosuke stops walking and takes a look at Tanjiro, a long look. Just to make sure he's not some kind of illusion, maybe to just take his presence in. Its been a little over two years after all.
Right before Inosuke greets him properly, he brings up his free hand to his face to cover it "Oh my god" he wasn't talking to Tanjiro, more like to himself or a hidden reality TV camera (Tanjiro is a popular man after all, never know whats going to happen). And just like that, the first tears are rolling down his face.
"Inosuke" Tanjiro coos "C'mere" he walks slowly up to him, closing the roughly two meters between them, and takes Inosuke in his arms.
Inosukes head between his shoulder and neck, one arm hanging with still the lamp in the hand, the other awkwardly holding onto Tanjiros upper arm. While Tanjiros arms made it around Inosuke, hugging him as tightly as he could.
Closing the distance after these couple of years. It feels like the other would disappear, if any of them lets go now.
"Fuuuck" Inosuke says after a while, pulling his head up, looking at the place where his head what a few seconds ago "Sorry, your clothes are wet" he takes a short pause after that sentence "From my tears I mean" he tries to say steadily, but the tears just keep coming.
"Don't worry about it" he tries to pull him closer, realizing its not possible. He pulls his arms away and brings his hands up to Inosukes face, seeing the mess of tears and snot "Lets go clean you up, okay?" he finally takes the lamp from Inosuke and sets it on the floor "I made us food" Inosuke nods and follows his lead.
They went and Inosuke washed his face, only then he noticed Tanjiros clothes on him, a bit too big for him, but thats barely noticeable. A plain withe shirt and sweats.
On the other side, he saw Tanjiro still wearing his fancy clothes, as in, just his work clothes.
"You go, also change your clothes"
Tanjiro looked down at himself, sitting on the bathtub edge, beside Inosuke, waiting for him washing his face.
He sighs "I rushed over from work, as soon as I heard that my chauffeur hit you with the car" he sighs deeply again, annoyed by himself for doing so, but more by his chauffeur.
Inosuke fries his face, takes Tanjiro by the hand and drags him back to the changing room "I'm okay now" he says on the way.
Tanjiro stopping him halfway "Inosuke, you're full with bruises"
"It doesn't hurt"
"I'm worried"
"I'm worried about you too" he drags him again "Lets go change, then eat, and then the promised two hours crying in your arms, because im not finished yet" he explains and that puts a small smile on Tanjiros face.
The changing clothes was quiet, walking back to the kitchen was quiet, dinner was quiet. It never was like that, either one of them had always stories to tell, this house was never left in such silence.
Just when they were in the living room, sitting on the couch, Inosukes head on Tanjiros lap, Tanjiros hand going through Inosukes hair, the silence was broken.
"You know how I told you, I was staying with this woman named Krista, at this orphanage?" Inosuke didn't wait for an answer "So, I wouldn't really say it was an orphanage, at least not a correct one" he spoke quietly, still recovering from crying "There was this guy, Doma, he was like the boss there? I don't know he was an important person and he collected kids like Pokémon cards and made us work, this and that. Krista was a person who was the nicest one there, and probably the closest to a family member"
Inosuke took a little time to think, where to continue, and how to tell basically, his life story, without making it confusing.
Tanjiro waited patiently, listening to every word. Glad to be able to hear his lovers voice again, but also having an open ear when he's sharing something personal.
"So Doma was using us, we were working for him and stuff. And obviously living for his expenses. Ehm, this was a really shady business, drugs here and there, you know" he took a deep breath "Anyways, I worked for him until I turned 18, after that I left, but kept coming back because I was so unstable and needed financial help here and there, he helped out every time. So, obviously I needed to pay him back this that, through his business I met Bob early on too" he sits up and faces Tanjiro "I spend the last two years working for him to pay all the money back. Only touched the stuff that wouldn't get me fucked up too much. End of story"
It took the both of them a while to take that in. Inosuke facing his past, Tanjiro to learn something new about Inosuke.
"Now im never going to get involved with him again" he lies his head back on Tanjiros shoulder. Tanjiros hand in his, to play with it.
"Are you better now?" Tanjiro really didn't know how to start to talk, what exactly to say, but he tried.
Inosuke hums in response "Yeah. These years with Zenitsu, Sabito and so on where the best I've ever had. And you of course"
"Thank you for sharing"
"You're not angry?"
Tanjiro slightly furrows his eyebrows and shakes his head "Im not, I was just worried"
The two of them didn't do anything for a while. They shifted a little every once in a while, switching positions, but staying in each other's arms.
"I really missed you" Tanjiro starts "I'd never stop loving you, Inosuke" he cups Inosukes face again "I love you so much, I want to stay by your side"
"Is this a promise?" he asks smiling, Tanjiro nods "Now kiss me you idiot, it's been two years"
Tanjiro giggles, not believing that his loved one is in his arms again. He places his lips on Inosukes. Innocently, as if its his first kiss. Soft and carefully.
"I love you too" Inosuke says after their lips part.
broski <3:
so did yall fuck?
not proof read. hope that made sense more or less.
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