Chapter 1
BEEP BEEP BEEP! My alarm blares, barely a foot away from my ear. I jump, still groggy from sleep as I slide out of bed. I snooze my alarm and stomp over to my dresser, with a yawn. I grab my Capri and an oversized tee shirt, my favorite outfit. But it's not there. Well, my shirt isn't there. "BRANDY!" I yell, running out my bedroom and towards hers.
I hear a commotion as she runs over to her bed, and the collapse of springs as she lies down. When I barge into her room with a shout, she jumps and looks at me groggily. "Wha-?" She begins, but I cut her off. "YOU TOOK MY SHIRT!" I yell, pointing an accusatory finger at her. Before I can continue chewing her out, her alarm goes off. She reaches over to turn it off, and I see the sleeve of my shirt tucked securely under her pillow.
"Ha! I KNEW it!" I shout gleefully.
"What? Knew what? I don't even know what your talking about." She replies smoothly.
"Oh, yes you do!"
"Um, no I don't. If you lost your shirt, how is that my problem? I know you like that shirt a bunch, but I'd never take it."
"Says the girl who has it stuffed under her pillow! And if you didn't know what I was talking about, how did you know it was a shirt- and the exact one?"
Her faces pales, and then reddens. "FINE! TAKE YOUR STUPID SHIRT!" She shouts, taking it out from under her pillow and flinging it at me. I catch it gracefully and leave. I smile as I get dressed, happy she didn't get the best of me. Once I'm dressed, I jog down stairs, but Brandy is already there, watching tv.
I pour myself some coffee, courtesy of mom, and pour my younger sister a bowl of cereal. I'm in eighth grade, while she's in second. I walk over to the dining room table while she watches the tv. "Well, are you gonna come and eat or not?" I ask, getting a little annoyed. This is the third time I've had to ask her. Finally, I wander over to the tv to see what she's watching. It's the news. And what they say makes my skin crawl.
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