Somethings Never Last
Jax's POV
It's been a week since the talk about Dani. Unknown hasn't said a word to me. Today Christopher and Jason are coming over. Josh would come too, but he got sick. School has been grim, but that is understandable. Two kids were murdered, so it's not a surprise that school is gloomy. The three of us are going to play video games to brighten up the mood. I sit at the table and mess around on my phone until they show up.
It takes them ten minutes for them to knock on the door. I walk over and open the door for them. They both walk in.
"Everytime someone comes to your house that person dies," Jason jokes. I laugh.
"Come on, everything is set up in the living room," I tell them. I lead them over to the living room. "I have everyone's favorite stuff to eat too. You don't even have to share." Jason sits down. Christopher smiles at me and then joins him. I sit with them. I turn the tv on and then switch it over to the ps4 setting on my tv. We each grab a controller and begin to play Cod. Jason grabs a handful of potato chips. He shoves the chips into his mouth. He cleans his hands on his pants.
"Guys," Jason says, "I have something I need to tell you."
"Go for it," Christopher tells him. We all keep playing the game, but both Christopher and I are listening to Jason, well, I am listening at least.
"Well, um, all I want to say is, I, um," Jason begins, "I'm, um, gay."
"Knew it," Christopher says. Jason turns to Christopher. He dies in the game.
"You did?" Jason asks. Christopher laughs.
"Yeah, it was super obvious," Christopher tells him. Jason looks back at the screen.
"Dang it!" Jason yells. We play for a couple hours. "Hey, where is your bathroom?" I point upstairs. "Thank you." He starts walking over to the stairs, but stops.
"Hey, are you okay?" I ask him. He falls to his knees and gasps for air. "Jason!" I stand up and run over to him. He clutches his stomach. "Jason?"
"It h-hurts s-so much," tells me. He falls over and I catch him. "Why does it hurt so much?" Tears start forming in his eyes. "Jax." He stares into my eyes. I move his red hair out of the way of his eyes. His beautiful bright blue eyes stare into my grey ones. He smiles at me. "This is my end." He winces in pain. "I'm s-sorry." A tear from his right eye rolls down his cheek. I wipe the tear.
"Jason, you can't die. Please, don't die," I choke. The life in his eyes slowly starts to fade away. "Jason!" I feel tears pouring from my eyes. "Jason, please."
"Goodbye, Jax," he quietly says. The life that was still in his eyes fades away. His breathing has stopped. He is dead, but how?
"I called 911," Christopher tells me. I nod and stare at Jason's lifeless body that is sitting in my arms. How did he die? We wait about five minutes before an ambulance and a couple of police cars get to my house. They take Jason's body away. The police start to question us, but don't get a lead on what happened. After about an hour of interrogating us the police leave.
"Um, what the hell?" I blurt out. Christopher looks at me.
"I'm going to call Josh and tell him what happened," he tells me. I nod and he walks into my kitchen. I put everything away that we were using. "Hey, I'm going to go home."
"Alright," I yell back at him. The front door opens and then closes. "Unknown, come here now." I made sure I didn't sound happy. He didn't show up. "What the hell. Come here or atleast answer me." Again, no answer. Walk around the room, while feeling the wall. "I know you are in here, so come out." Nothing. the wall doesn't even feel different. "Are you embarrassed from hugging me?" Still no answer. I sigh. "Did you leave?"
"No," a familiar voice answers me. I turn to face the wall where the tv is.
"So you are in here," I state. I hear him sigh. "Hey, why have you been avoiding me?"
"It's easier to watch you when we don't speak," he tells me.
"Is there another reason?" I ask him.
"Yes, but I won't tell you why. I'm sorry," he answers. I give the wall a puppy dog face.
"Please don't leave me," I beg.
"I won't," he states. I put my hands against the wall.
"Now that I have your attention, why did you murder my friend?" I question.
"The monster," he answers, "now, please don't ever beg me to do anything ever again."
"Unknown, you are my friend now and I don't want to loose you," I say. Someone runs into the living room. It is my best friend, Christopher.
"So you killed Jason," he yells at the wall.
"Oh Christopher, you saw what that thing was. I had to kill him before he became that things henchman," Unknown explains.
(A/n) Yay!!! Another update today!!! I'm so tired though, lol. I'm so sorry about that trashy death scene. I legit didn't know what to do, so that is the best thing I could come up with. I hope you enjoyed. Bye. ~Tiny
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