Oak Branches
Jax's POV
It was beautiful out. I was wearing a mask, since I was sick, again. I hate being sick. It seems like everytime I get better I get sick again. It's not fair. I cross my arms. I sit under my favorite oak tree and wait for Christopher.
The tree was huge and its branches stretched out in every single way it could. The bark was rough, but beautiful. The trunk was to thick for me to wrap my arms around it, but I try to do it anyway. I might not be able to now, but maybe one day I will. Around the tree is a field. The field is a beautiful shade of green It has patches of flowers that top it all off. I wish I could live here, but I can't, since I'd probably freeze to death. I can dream though. I can imagine myself living here too. I'd live in a tree house that would sit in the oak tree.
"Hey!" Christopher yells. His yelling slaps me out of thought. I look at him straight in the eyes and smile. I pat a root that is next to me. He smiles and sits next to me. "I'm sorry that you are sick, again." He stops smiling and stares at me with a worried expression.
"Don't worry about it. It's probably another dumb cold," I tell him.
"Yeah, but it still sucks that you are sick," he argues to me. I look away from him. He puts his hand on my chin and makes me look at him. "I'm sorry. I just worry about you." I smile, again. I push him over. "Hey!"
"What?" I ask while laughing. He gets up and pushes me over. "Hey!"
"Well you did it to me, so it is only fair!" he yells. I stand up and glare at him, while crossing my arms. He rolls his eye and we both burst out laughing. Since we were laughing so hard, we fall to the ground and land on our backs.
"Hello," a quiet voice greets. We stop laughing and we both look at the stranger. The greeting came from a boy who was kind of pale, but not as pale as me. He has Jet black hair, which bring out his bright green eyes. His eyes are really pretty. He wore a red hoodie with black shorts. He is smiling shyly and is staring down at the ground. I get up and walk over to him.
"Hi, I'm Jax," I greet back. I hold out my hand to him. He weakly grabs it and shakes. I frown at him. "Hey, I don't bite, so why are you scared?" Christopher joins us.
"I'm just not used to people being so nice," he answers.
"Oh, well we can be your friends, um, what is your name?" I question. He looks at the ground. "Oh, um, hey introduce yourself." I push Christopher.
"Oh, um, my name is Christopher, it's pleasure to meet you," Christopher says. The black haired boy smiles with more confidence.
"Um, my name is Daniel, but you can call me Dani. Actually, I prefer if you call me Dani, but you don't have to," he tells us.
"Alright, Dani, do you want to hang out with us?" Christopher asks. His eyes light up with joy and he forms a huge smile on his face.
"I'd love to!" Dani answers with glee. We smile and grab him and run over to the tree. Quickly, Christopher jumps up and starts to climb up. I climb after him. We both get to different branches of the tree and sit on them. Dani stares at us from the bottom. I gesture to him to come up. He closes his eyes and begins to climb. He reaches a branch. "This is awesome!"
"Yeah!" Bost Christopher and I shout. Dani smiles even bigger than he did before. He is really happy about climbing to this branch. He jumps up.
"I can't believe how fun this is!" he shouts. He starts jumping up and down. The branch gives out and it snaps. The ground disappears. Both Dani and the branch are falling.
"Dani!" Christopher shouts at him. He falls into the void of nothingness.
I open my eyes and sit up. Sweat is dripping from my face. I look around the room. Nobody is there. It was just a dream
"Where did you go Dani?" I whisper to myself. I shouldn't have dreams about him. He left years ago, so it doesn't matter anymore, but I still wish I knew where he went. Oh well. I'll never know, since it seems like he earast from this world. Maybe after that meeting I'll ask Christopher if he remembers him. Yeah, I'll ask him.
(A/n) Sup, it is late, but I'm not tired, so I must write. I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Hope to see you again! Cheerio! ~Tiny
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