Jax's POV
I sit down in the bland classroom. It's the same as the other classroom. All the classrooms are the same. It's bland and boring, plus it makes you want jump off a bridge. I sit in the right corner of the classroom, since we get to pick our seats. I pull out my English notebook, so I can take notes.
"Hello," I hear a familiar voice say. He sat next to me. The teacher's pet and fancy dork Christopher Lang, sat next to me. I turn to him. "Are you ready to start the day?"
"Yes, by jumping off a bridge," I answer. His smile turns into a concerned look.
"Why?" he asks. The tone he used was very concerned. He's really trying to be nice. Why though? Why does he care so much?
"Because I hate school," I answer. He sighs, probably from the relief that I didn't say something like 'I hate myself' or 'I hate life'. The bell rings again and I turn to the whiteboard. Yay, more stupid notes to copy down. I mindlessly write down the notes. I'm never going to remember this and I really don't want to. My phone vibrates in my pocket. I look at it. It's a text from 'Fancy Dork'.
(A/n) Yo! It's me again. FD = Fancy Dork and J = Jax. Kk got that? ~Tiny
FD: Hello, Miss River, how are you?
J: Dude, we're in class.
FD: I understand that, but I have finished copying the notes.
J: I haven't.
FD: I know, but I'm bored and wanted to talk to you.
J: I'd rather get good grades and do well than talk to you.
FD: Oh.
J: I'm sorry if I came off rude, but I really need these notes.
FD: You can copy mine.
J: I can?
FD: Of course, you are my friend and I only let my friends copy my notes and homework.
J: No wonder your friends pass school. XD
FD: Yeah, they copy my homework a lot.
"Jax River!" the teacher screams. I look at him. "Come here." Everyone in the class makes an 'oooooooo' noise. I stand up and walk up to our short teacher.
"Yes, sir?" I ask. The brown haired teacher stares at me.
"The office wants you," he tells me. I nod my head and walk out of the classroom into the hallway. It's bright and white, just like everything else in this dumb school. I get to the office and push the stupid glass door open. The tiny plump secretary smiles at me and then points to the principal's room. I walk over to the dark oak door and knock three times.
"Come on in," a quiet female voice answers. I open the door and slip in. It's another white room. It's smaller and only has a desk and two chairs. A window sits neatly behind one of the chairs. It's raining outside. It matches how I feel about school, awful. "Your mother." My mother? Why would she bring that woman up?
"What about her?" I question. She looks down at her desk.
"She's dead," she tells me. I don't like my mother, since she's never home and is an asshole to me, but I force myself to cry. I have to. If I don't then she might catch on to my home life problems. "Look I'm sorry." She doesn't have to be sorry. I really don't care. I put my face in my hands and force myself to cry harder. After ten minutes of my fake crying episode she puts a hand on my shoulder. "Sadly, you have to go back to class."
"Can't I go home?" I say in a depressed tone. She shakes her head. I get up and walk out of the office. I feel a smile plaster itself onto my face. One person that I hate is gone. Today is getting better by the minute.
Christopher's POV
She returns to the classroom with a smile and tear stains on her face. Is she faking a smile to make it look like nothing's wrong? The bell rings again, releasing us to second period. All of my classes are with Jax which is nice. I arrive in the white classroom and sit down in the seat in front of the right corner seat. She walks in with the same bright smile. My River Princess looks almost the same as she did when we were kids. Her hair is a bit longer than I remember, but it reaches the mid section of her back. Her hair is pure white, which is beautiful. It's not even dyed, which is bloody brilliant. Her eyes are light grey and silver. I thought she was blind when I first met her, but I was wrong. Instead of the pink she used to wear she has a black jacket and black leggings with black flats. A lace choker sits around her neck. She's about an inch shorter than me, just like back then. God she's beautiful. She sits behind me. Jeremy walks in. Jeremy Frost, an idiot blonde that I love to death. He never goes outside and his skin complection shows. He hits on everyone too, which sucks whenever any of us have a girlfriend. Well I've never had one, but the others have and it annoys them a little. He's tall and only wears white, grey, red, or blue. Today he is wearing a grey t-shirt with red sweatpants. His eyes are dark green like pine needles. The only girl he hasn't hit on is Jax, which I'm glad, because she really doesn't need him hitting on her.
"Hey, how are you, Cris?" Jeremy asks me. I hate when he calls me that. I sigh.
"Please don't call me 'Cris'. My name is Christopher and that is what I want to be called," I answer. He looks angry with me.
"Sorry, I forgot how formal you can be," he says lighty. I feel bad for correcting him. I should have did it in a different way. Now he must think I'm an ass. "You okay buddy? You look depressed."
"Yeah, I'm sorry about correcting you," I tell him. He laughs.
"Dude, don't worry about it. I should of just called you Christopher," he says. I chuckle and turn around to see if Jax wants to join our conversation. She looks up into my eyes with her silver ones.
"I want you to meet another one of my friends," I tell her.
"Okay?" she questions.
"This is Jeremy Frost," I say pointing to Jeremy. He smiles. "Jeremy, this is Jax River." I point to Jax.
"It's nice to meet you," Jax says with a smile.
"You are one fine lady, but damn did you sit on a pile of sugar?" he asks her. She looks at him very confused.
"No?" she answers.
"Well, because you've got a pretty sweet ass," he says. I mentally facepalm and start writing the mathematical equation down. I really don't want to talk to them anymore. Well I can talk to Jax, but not Jeremy. There is no way I can talk to him for a while after that. Every girl he talks to gets something stupid like that said to them. I should have known better and not have said that. My phone goes off. It's from Jeremy.
J: Would smash.
C: Stop.
J: What? I totally would.
C: No, just no.
J: You're no fun. :(
After the lesson finishes we go to science class, where Jeremy continues to hit on Jax and I sit there and do absolutely nothing, because he'll never listen. Science ended, thankfully. It's now time for lunch. I sit with Jason, Josh, and Jeremy just like normal, but I becon Jax to join us and she agrees.
"Hello foxy lady," Jeremy greets her. She sighs and scrolls through her phone.
"Dude, don't talk to her, she's weird," Jason says. Josh nods in agreement.
"But she's hot," he whins.
"So?" Josh and Jason ask in unison.
"Hot girls can't be weird," he tells them.
"Jeremy, would you please stop?" she asks him. He makes a puppy frowny face at her.
"But why?" he asks like a two year old.
"Because it's annoying and I really don't like you calling me hot and stuff," she answers. He puts his head on the table in defeat. She smiles again. She is s beautiful when she smiles. The rest of the day is basically the same as third period. We finally get to leave school.
"Hey, may I walk you home, Miss River?" I ask her. She shakes her head no. "I understand." I walk home and flop on my bed. Today was awful thanks to Jeremy, but it was perfect, because of Jax.
Jax's POV
I sit in my dark room waiting for sleep to arrive. My phone goes off, so I look to see what it was. First, I noticed that it was midnight, then I noticed that I received a text from Fancy Dork.
FD: Are you awake?
J: No.
FD: Jax, yes you are.
J: You called me Jax, are you alright?
FD: I call all my friends by their first name, is that not okay with you?
J: It's fine, but it's just super weird for you to call me Jax.
FD: Sorry to cut our chat short, but I'm about to fall asleep.
J: Don't worry about it, goodnight.
I switch off my phone and roll over and go to sleep.
(A/n) Hello! I hope you enjoyed chapter 2! Have a nice night/day! Please give me feedback too! Thanks! ~Tiny
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