It Has Been Done
Jax's POV
I sit at my desk with my head down. I replay how I'm going to kill Jeremy multiple times. I said my plan outloud to myself. I never wrote it down, since I could get caught.
"Alright, I'll go over it one more time," I say to myself, "I'll take a steak knife and put it in between the right couch cushion and the side of the couch, so it'll be easily accessed and hiddened. Next I'll invite him over and get him into the living room. We'll sit down, with him on the left and me on the right, so I can grab the knife. Once he is not paying attention I'll pull the knife out and push him to the floor, while covering his mouth, so he can't scream. I'll push the knife through his neck and hit something that will cause his death to be easy. Finally, I'll clean everything up and bury his body in the forest that is close by." I sigh.
"Sounds like a good plan to me," a male voice says. I look around the room and try to find the source. "It's me, the one you call 'Unknown'."
"Oh, wait, why are you here?" I ask him. He chuckles.
"I'm here to help you. I'll be here just in case you back out or things start to go very wrong. Like, if he doesn't show up or he runs out of the house," he answers. I sigh, again. "Look, I already hid the knife in the couch. Everything is prepared, all you have to do is call him and get him here and then strike."
"But," I start.
"Yes, it might be scary, but you have to do this. He is dangerous and I don't want him hurting you. Even my closest friend is worried that he might hurt you," he tells me.
"Your closest friend is worried about me?" I question.
"Yes, he is. I told him everything. If things get to rough I'll move you over to his house. It's a little crowded, but he'll be happy to have you," he answers. I look back down at my desk. "Call him."
"Alright," I say. I pick up my phone and call him. We chat for about ten minutes. He agreed to come over, thankfully. We end the call and I put my phone on the desk and head to the kitchen.
Ten minutes pass. A loud banging noise comes from the main door. I shoot up and quickly open it. There he stood. He wore a plaid shirt and a pair of ripped blue jeans. His smile was big and excited.
"Hey! Can I come in?" he asks excitedly. I nod and gesture him to enter. He walks in and gives me a 'thank you' nod.
"Would you like to watch a movie?" I ask him. His face lights up even more.
"Sure!" he answers. I start to walk to the living room and I sit down on the right side of the couch. I pat the left side and he happily takes the seat. I give him the remote.
"You can pick. All the buttons lead to different things, but I suggest Hulu or Netflix," I tell him. He gives me the happiest look in the world. He starts looking through Netflix. Now's my chance. I put my hand in between the cushion and side of the couch. Slowly, I move my hand around to find the knife. I don't want to get cut, or for him to notice, so I have to move slowly. I glide my hand across the blade and grab it. I look over at him, he isn't paying attention, so I quickly pull the knife out and jump onto him. We both fall the the ground, but I wrap myself around him, so I can have better aim of his neck. Quickly, he shoves me off of him and pins me to the ground. The knife in my hand is quickly taken and thrown across the room away from us.
"What the hell?" he says sadly. My eyes start tearing up.
"I have to, I'm sorry, but I have to," I tell him. I choke on the words. He looks at me and starts tearing up as well.
"You don't have to do this. This isn't like you," he tells me.
"But," I say.
"No, don't say that. You choose what to do. Don't let someone else choose for you," he says. Tears run down his face. One hits my cheek and runs down it. It hits the hardwood floor. "I won't tell anyone that this happen, alright, Jax?" I nod. I didn't want to kill him in the first place, so him telling me that I didn't have to is relieving. All of a sudden, he winces. He begins to shake and slowly turn around. Once his head was as far as he could get it he started shaking more.
"J-Jeremy?" I ask. I jolts backwards and faces me, again.
"This i-is not y-your f-fault," he tells me.
"What?" I ask in a concerned tone. I remember what was said earlier. Unknown said he would step in if I backed out or something bad happened. I couldn't move and I clearly backed out, so he must of stepped in. Pale hands are placed onto Jeremy's shoulders. The right hand held a knife. Slowly, the hand moved over to his neck. The pale hand and black sleeve made a quick motion and his neck started bleeding. Jeremy falls on top of me. I can feel his heartbeat quickly start to slow and fade. It was gone and he was dead. His body was picked up off of me.
"Alright, you will put the knife back, since it was untouched. Next, you will take his phone and put it on a table in the park. Finally, you will come back here and clean yourself and the house. I will handle the body, alright?" Unknown asks me. I nod and quickly grab the knife. As I walk passed Jeremy's phone is slide into my pocket. "Remember to use your sleeve when you hold his phone." I nod, again. As I get to the kitchen I glace back to see Unknown's back. He has all black on and he has his hood pulled up over his head. He was tall too. He had to be over six feet tall. I put the knife away and run outside. I started sprinting to the park.
After three minutes of running I finally arrive at the park. Everything is glum and dark. I use my sleeve and place the phone on the table. It starts vibrating with messages. His phone turns on, so I can see that the messages are coming from my phone. Hopefully, Unknown is sending them to make it seem like I'm worried. I run back home and change. Quickly, I clean the house and make it seem like nothing happened. Out of nowhere, sharp pains pierce through my stomach causing me to fall to the ground. It felt like someone was ripping my insides out. I curl up trying to get rid of the pain. My eyes slam shut, since the pain was so intense. The ground disappears and I start moving. Someone was carrying me. I was placed down onto my bed.
"The first kill always hurts the most," Unknown tells me. He brushes my hair to the side and pats my forehead. "For now, get some rest, okay?"
(A/n) HEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYY, I hope you enjoyed!!! Sorry that it was bad, lol. Hope to see you in the next chapter!! Cya later!!! ~Tiny
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