He Found Out
Unknown's POV
I shouldn't of left her at that house alone, but I locked the front door, her door, and her windows, so she should be fine. I need to tell master what happened. I teleported into the house and hid in one of the walls, so no one could see me. Master is alone, but I can't see him, since it was dark in the room..
"Master," I whispered. I get no response. I sigh. "Master." This time I said it a little louder.
"Oh, you're back," my master says. Something, probably the chair in his office, gets pushed in. Master walks around the room, finally, he reaches the spot where I am. "Stop calling me 'Master' it is not right. I am not your 'Master', so there is no need for you to call me by that name."
"Sorry, Master," I apologize. He sighs.
"You called me 'Master', again," he says. I chuckle.
"Yeah, I'll never stop calling you that," I tell him. He chuckles.
"I know, but I thought you would be watching her. Why aren't you?" he asks me.
"You see, I almost got her to murder someone. She would of killed him if he didn't stop her," I say, "the whole time I could see that monster in him. I shouldn't of killed him, but I had to." I can feel tears start to form in my eyes. I shouldn't of killed him. It was the wrong thing to do.
"Hey, you saw that monster. Killing it is the only thing we can do. It was weak, but you still had to get rid of it, so don't worry about it, alright?" he says to me. I can hear his hand patting the wall. It was like he was trying to pat my head, but since I was in the wall he couldn't. "Now, go back to her. You wouldn't want that monster to get to her now would you?"
"You're right, I'll be going. Please, don't tell anyone that I was here," I tell him.
"Don't worry, I'll keep you coming here to myself, but you'll have to see them one day," he reashers me. I teleport into her room. I slip into the wall. She was fast asleep, thankfully. Everything was just how I left it. All I have to do is watch.
Jax's POV
I wake up. It is pitch black in my room, so I reach for my phone. It wasn't on my side table. I carefully stand up and gingerly walk over to my desk. It, thankfully, was sitting there. I turned it on. I had received multiple texts and missed calls from Christopher.
FD: Hey.
FD: It's important, please answer.
FD: Seriously, this is important.
FD: Please.
J: Sorry, I was sleeping. What is it?
FD: Oh thank goodness that you are okay.
J: Why? What happened?
The memory of what happened to Jeremy flooded my mind. It was late afternoon, so I overslept. I sigh and look back down at my phone.
FD: You didn't hear?
J: Hear what?
FD: Jeremy is missing.
FD: He went out yesterday and never came back.
J: What?
FD: They found his phone too.
J: Oh no.
He didn't respond. It sat and stared at my phone for ten minutes before another message popped up.
FD: He was murdered.
J: What?!
FD: Yeah, they found a note by some blood in the woods. Apparently it said: Hello. This blood belongs to Jeremy Frost. I've murdered him. You won't ever find his body. You'll never find me either.
J: Wow.
FD: I know...
J: I.......
FD: It must be super hard for you.....
J: He is your friend too though.
FD: He was your boyfriend.
J: I know, but still.
FD: I'm going to go now...
J: See you tomorrow?
FD: Sure, bye.
I use my phone as a light and walk over to my door. I open it and walk down stairs. I sit down on my couch. Jeremy flashed through my mind. I stand up. I feel myself start to cry. The crying makes my eyesight blurry.
"Hey," Unknown says. I can't see him, since my eyes are blurry. He puts his hand on my shoulder. "Look, I know it's hard, but I saw that monster in him. He could of hurt you and I didn't want that to happen."
"But what if they find out?" I ask him. He chuckles.
"They won't," he answers, "I made sure that they'll never find out."
(A/n) YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET, I hope you enjoyed. Again, I know it's bad, but whatever. Peace out!! ~Tiny
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