Jax's POV
I wake up and sprint down the street. I overslept. It's Christopher's fault for waking me up at 3:30 a.m.. I sigh and sprint faster. I get to school before the bell to homeroom, which is good for me.
"Hello, Jax, why don't you come and talk with us?" Christopher says. I walk over them. Josh and Jason both look angry and start whispering to each other.
"I'm not a photographer, but I can picture me and you together," Jeremy comments. Christopher facepalms. "What? I can picture you being mine." He grabs onto my shirt and pulls me closer to him. "Will you b-" He was interrupted by Christopher punching him in the face. He lets go of me and I back up. Jeremy's nose starts bleeding. A river of blood flows out of his nose. "What the fuck was that for?"
"She looked uncomfortable, I had to do something," Christopher answers. He hands Jeremy a tissue.
"Christopher, you shouldn't hit your friends," Josh says.
"Yeah, it's an asshole move, I thought you knew that," Jason agrees.
"Shut it, you almost broke Jason's arm two weeks ago," Christopher says, "plus you always try to get me to roughhouse with you, so those comments were unnecessary." There he goes sounding all smart and formal, again.
"Oh yeah," both Jason and Josh say in unison.
"So will you be mine?" Jeremy asks me.
"Hell no," I reply. He gives me puppy dog eyes.
"But, why?" he asks like a baby.
"Because you're creepy," I tell him. He sticks out his bottom lip. "It's not going to work." I walk away and start to head to first period early. I'm already done with Jeremy. He's so stupid. The bored has: Get paper out for an essay. Write a three page essay on 'Is Google making us stupid?'. I begin to write the essay.
"Hello, what is stance your stance on the essay?" Christopher asks. When did he even get in here? Why didn't I notice him sitting down?
"I'm going for the yes stance," I reply.
"Same here," he says. He looks at his paper and starts writing really fast. I turn back to my paper and start to write. Ten minutes pass and he stands up and turns his paper in. Of course he finished two minutes after first period started. He goes on his phone. I start to write even faster. Thirty minutes pass and I finally finish. I walk up and turn in my essay. I sit back down and go on Instagram to just scroll through it. Most of it was emo memes and selfies. A couple of things were about anime. I scroll and see a picture of two boys. It's Josh and Jason. The picture is captioned 'Just got thrown out of class XDDDD'. I chuckled. "What's so funny?"
"Your friends," I whisper back at him. I show him the picture and he laughs too.
"That's not the first time that they have been thrown out of class," he tells me, "they are good people, but this usually happens, a lot." I chuckle at the thought of them being good people, but I am bullied by most people, so them being nice is a possibility. The bell rings and I go to the next class. Right when I walked into the door Jeremy was there to greet me.
"Do you have a pencil? Cause I want to erase your past and write our future," he says, while winking at me. I push past him to my seat. "Hello?"
"Can't you see she doesn't like it?" Christopher says to him.
"Fuck you man, this is why you never have gotten a girlfriend," Jeremy yells. Christopher rolls his eyes and sits down next to me.
"Sorry about him," Christopher grumbles. He looks very angry, but it makes him look like a grumpy little kid who didn't get his way. It's kind of funny, but adorable at the same time.
"Chris, you're going to die a virgin," Jeremy states. Christopher looks very pissed off at the comment. He picks up his math book and opens it. "You're lonelier than the forever alone guy." That must have set him off, because Christopher chucks his math book at Jeremy. "Ow, wtf dude." Christopher walks to Jeremy and sticks his middle finger up and shoves it in his face. He turns around and sits back down.
"Can I have my math book back?" Christopher asks angrily. Jeremy chucks the book back at him, Christopher catches it. "Thanks." THe rest of the day went on smoothly, but it had more arguing between Jeremy and Christopher. I go home and lay on my bed. Thank God that it's Friday.
Christopher's POV
C: Would you like to come to the park and do homework with me?
RP: Sure.
C: Alright, meet me there is about five minutes.
RP: Kk.
I grab my books and walk out of the door. I walk to the park. No one was there. I guess I am the first one to show up. Josh shows up a minute after me, with Jason of course. They live right next to each other, so they always show up everywhere together. Sadly, Jeremy shows up next. I invited him because I need someone to laugh at. Finally Jax shows up, but she has a slight purple spot on her cheek.
"Are you okay?" I asks her. She nods and smiles. "Jeremy, don't you fucking dare say anything to her."
"But, why?" he asks me.
"Just let him say it," Jason says. Jeremy smiles and preps himself for his stupid pick up line.
"I don't have a library card, but do you mind if I check you out?" he says. I slam my head on the picnic table.
"Please don't check me out," she tells him.
"But, why?" he whins. She rolls her eyes at him and pulls out the math homework. It's completed already.
"Anyone want to check or copy my answers?" she asks. Josh sits down next to her and Jason sits on the other side. They both start to copy her answers.
"Are you two going to be nice?" I ask them. they look up at me and nod. I guess homework answers can change a person's view on someone. After an hour of doing homework and copying answers. We all go home. I'm glad that we all got along, except for Jeremy constantly saying pick up lines.
Jax's POV
(780-903-1267): Hello.
J: Um. Hello? Who is this?
(780-903-1267): Just a person.
J: Um? What is your name?
(780-903-1267): That is not important.
J: Um, yes it is, at least tell me why you are texting me.
(780-903-1267): Because I'm following you.
(A/n) Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please give me feedback! Have a good day/night! Byeeeeee! ~Tiny
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