The beginning RUN
In the dead of night, of the sleepy town of Pensacola Florida was dark and silent. Every window of every home was black. Even the street lamps were dimmed much too low to be of any use to the rare street wanderings who happened to be out. It was an ordinary night for most residents, slumbering peacefully in their beds, but near the center of town a small park the atmosphere was so much different.
Blood pumped through their heated veins as hearts pounded like a massive drum.
Muscles flexed, footsteps pulverized among the brush and dirt.
Red Irises were blown wide, nostrils flaring in search of their prey.
The beasts chased them through the darkened woods.
Tree limbs slap them in their face has a sped up faster and faster---- knowing all the while they could never out run it. They stumbled into the moonlight clearing and turned, shuffled backwards, the fear at last overcoming them. Preventing their legs from taking another step. No more running no place to hide.
It emerged from the night-cloaked treeline on two legs it's fur glistening in the radiance of the light of the full moon its eyes burn like two pits of fire. Lips parted to reveal teeth that could tear meat from bone.
All that was heard in the quiet of the night was a blood curling scream then it went silent.
Then a laugh that was dark as the night and cold as the air.
Melissa groans and swats at her alarm clock to stop the incessant ringing. It's only after she sends it crashing to the floor that she realises it isn't just her alarm clock ringing, but her phone too.
She picks it up without even checking the caller ID and groans and mutters under her breath.
"What?!? This better be important."
"Hey, Melissa! You awake?"
She groans again. It's that stupid ass from work.
What was his name again?
Melissa doesn't care. All she knows is that it's too early for her to even be half awake on a Sunday her only day off in what feels like weeks.
"I am now," she growls.
"What do you want?"
"It's past nine! You sure aren't a morning person are you? Anyways the boss wants you to come in, there's been another one and it's worse."
"Fucking shit." She groans.
"Tell him I'll be there in a bit."
He trys to say something else but I just hung up on him.
He is so annoying. Thinks he's god's gift to women and gets on my damn nerves.
She rolled her eyes and jumped in the shower fuck this was suppose to be my day off. Today was her day.
At the Police station.
"Did she answer?" Becky asks Randy who had a look of indignance on his face staring at the phone in his hand looking as if he just been slapped in the face.
"She hung up on me..." Randy whines sounding like a child looking down at Becky who sat in a office chair on the other side of Melissa's paper littered desk.
Becky leans forward in her seat folding her arms across the desk looking up at Randy who still looked annoyed.
"Cut her some slack it's Sunday supposed to be her day off and we get shit kicked with four unexplained deaths in a row I'd be a little pissed off too."
Becky shrugs as Randy huffs rolling his eyes as another officer comes up dropping a file on top of the already growing stacks of reports Becky goes to reach for it only to have Randy snatch it up and read through it.
"Always thought there was something shady about this company."
Becky stands up grabbing the folder from Randy opening to see a black and white photo of Roman, Sierra and the Usos as she read the file hiding a look of concern.
"Reigns Corporation? What makes you think they are involved?"
Randy goes to answer only to look up and see Melissa come storming in looking rather pissed off Becky quickly closes the folder setting it down under a small paper pile.
"Well look who finally got out of bed good morning sunshine."
Becky gave him the 'I wouldn't' look as if to warm him not to say anything else.
Becky gets to her feet seeing the look on her partners face knowing it was too early and Melissa wasn't a pleasant person to be around before she had her coffee Becky goes to grab two cups of coffee one for her and one for Melissa who was rubbing the sleep from her face with her hands as Randy smirks antagonizing her more.
"So who was the lucky guy?"
Before Melissa could respond Becky reappeared with a cup of coffee in each hand setting down the steaming hot cup in front of her partner then sitting back down in her chair.
"We had a few drinks to celebrate Melissa's two year anniversary as detective."
Becky answers as a matter of factly seeing the non believing look on Randy's face.
"Now if you don't mind we have piles of work to do."
Becky watches Randy walk off turning her attention to her partner who gave her an appreciative look.
"Don't worry about it he's an asshole anyways...and anyway we need to figure out who or what is behind all these murders all the reports say the same thing bloody claw marks, bodies looking like shredded meat, throat ripped out."
She reads through the files but stops...except this one."
She hands it to Melissa who looks at it then up at Becky setting down her cup.
"What's the difference?"
Becky points to a small bag that had what looked like a 24k gold cross pendent hanging from a gold chain.
"This was found tossed in the bushes a few feet away from the body...but it gets even stranger then that and I think a visit to the crime scene might help...oh you might want to look at this."
She hands Melissa the folder that had Reigns Corporation on it. She turns and looks at Becky.
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