On a dark cloudy night, a small figure is seen walking lifelessly on the road
Her eyes red due to constant crying
Hair disheveled
Palm bleeding badly
Not able to keep herself on her feet,as the haunting memories of what she had witnessed a few hours ago flashed before her eyes, she fell down on her knees and cried like a mad person
Hiding herself inside the wooden cupboard, riddhima peeped outside to see a man walking inside ragini's room
It didn't took her even a second to recognise that the man was her very own husband VANSH RAI SINGHANIA
Staring at her lifeless form, vansh sat down beside her
V: three years ragini
Three years since you are lying here silently
There hasn't been a single day when I didn't pray for your wellbeing
Every time my phone pings, my heart races that maybe, maybe i would get the good news of your consciousness but iam left disappointed
I can't take this anymore ragini
Plz wake up
Iam tired, really tired
I can't fake my love for that betrayer anymore, I can't
It kills me a thousand times seeing her infront of my eyes every fucking day
My hands ache to catch her throat and suffocate her until she dies
What did she think that she would betray me along with that kabir and i wont know
She thinks that iam a fool who doesn't know her reality
Oh she has no idea what i have planned for her
She will get such a painful death that every fucking soul will shiver million of times before betraying me
Iam just waiting for you to wake up ragini
Plz don't make me wait more plzz
Riddhima cupped her mouth trying to muffle her painful screams and cries
The man whom she had started loving with every once of her being was faking his love to her
Everything was fake
Those hand touches
Those eye locks
His care
His love
Everything was fake
He considered her a betrayer
Hadn't she tried to tell him about her past several times but he always shushed her
She thought that he trusted her and had no interest in her past but he did so because he already knew
He didn't loved her
He loved his ragini
As tears of helplessness rolled down riddhima's eyes, she felt suffocation engulf her being
He would kill her once ragini gains consciousness
Kabir can save her
Yes, kabir would definitely help her
Seeing vansh walking out of the secret place, riddhima came out from her hideout and ran as fast as she could
Reaching kabir's office, she was about to barge inside when she heard laughing sounds
She peeked inside only to get yet another betrayal of her life
Kabir and anupriya
They were laughing and enjoying wine while reminiscing how smartly they used her as a pawn in their dirty game
And now that she had told kabir that she was in love with vansh, they were planning to finish her once and for all
Flashback end
Riddhima felt as if she was trapped in a web
A web where each and every person was playing with her feelings and using her as a pawn and when she was no more useful for them, they were now planning to kill her but no, she would never allow that.
Making her way back to VR MANSION, riddhima opened the cupboard to collect her belongings when her eyes fell on a piece of paper hidden under vansh's clothes
Her already broken heart broke a little more as she realised that they were
A little ray of hope that was present in her heart, that vansh would give her a chance to explain her side of the story when she would reveal about his mother's evil intentions to him, died out
Soo he had made all arrangements to get rid of her
Fine than
She would not bother him with her presence
Picking up the pen, her shaking hands managed to scribble her signature over the papers
Pinching the pen hardly across the paper, she broke the pen's nib as tears blinded her vision
Unhooking her mangalsutra that bounded them together, she tossed it over the divorce papers
Dressed in a beautiful black saree, a girl is seen entering inside a big mansion which was shining with fairy lights and candles
Riddhima my child you are finally here
R: namaste dadi
Riddhima greeted the elderly women who hugged her tightly
D: iam soo glad you came
R: I don't understand the purpose of my presence dadi
This was supposed to be a dinner for his business partner right??
D: riddhima bete
Ap sirf hamare agastya ki mangetar nhi hain, balke iss ghar ki hone wali bahu bhi hain
Har mauke par ap ki mojodgi (presence) zroori hai
A: dadi is absolutely right riddhu
Riddhima smiled seeing their care and hugged dadi tightly
D: oh no
I forgot to order your business partner's favourite cake
R: don't worry dadi
I will go and get it
D: really! thank u soo much riddhima
R: which flavour??
D: chocolate
R: chocolate??
Riddhima mind drifted back to the time when she used to make it for him and he literally used to stuff it all in his mouth, and thereafter kissing her hand praising how much he loved it when she did such small gestures for him
D: riddhima riddhima
Where have you zone out to??
R: nothing
I'll go and get the cake
Saying soo, riddhima grabbed her car keys and went out
As the sound of a car pulling over in their parking area made its way to agastya ears, he said
A: oh i guess he is here
As the guard opened the door, an utterly handsome man dressed in a black three piece suit stepped out
A: welcome
Thank you
Both agastya and his business partner entered inside and after greeting dadi, settled down in the hall and started talking about business
It was then agastya saw riddhima entering inside the mansion with a huge cake in her hand
Smiling he got up from his seat and walked towards her
Asking the servant to take the cake to the kitchen,
He took her hand in his and walked towards the hall
The ground slipped beneath riddhima's feet as she saw the man standing infront of her
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