It feels like it was just yesterday when I received my first Pokémon, a Rattata I named Rattina.
Samuel looked so proud of me. I was like a daughter to him. I had no other family to go to, so meeting the young man was a blessing.
I had turned 10, and he thought I was ready to become a Pokémon Trainer like he once was.
He had made something that he said would help me on my journey to collect gym badges and discover more about the Pokémon around me. A Pokédex. And let me tell you, it had everything on it. Well, at the time anyway.
Samuel gave me a Rattata because it was a common Pokémon he could've easily replaced if he needed to do more research on them. He wanted to give me a Charmander like he had when he first started, but the only one we could find was very sick, and needed to be treated.
I enjoyed being with Sammy. Sam and Sammy were his nicknames he used in his even younger youth, as if 25 wasn't young enough, just graduating from Celadon University. It was like I was an assistant to him, as if he was a crazy famous Pokémon Professor or something ridiculous like that.
But that was years ago.
Nobody but him no longer remembers me.
I'm different now.
I'm from a time before Pokémon were constantly researched.
I'm not like you.
I'm not like the other Pokémon.
I'm different.
I'm special.
My name is Eievui.
And I wasn't ready to become a Trainer.
"Eevee," cooed a gentle voice, "Eevee... Time to wake up."
"Veeee," I groaned in protest as I steadily reached consciousness, the blazing fiery sky orb penetrating through my eyelids.
I felt myself lift off the ground, before being sat back down in the person's lap. They stroked my fur tenderly, which finally motivated me to at least comply with their demands. I opened my eyes at just the right time to see the young boy grin at me, pleased with the simplicity of his accomplished task.
"See," Tracey smiled, scratching the back of my ear, "now that wasn't so bad, was it?"
I shook my head.
I didn't hold a grudge against the boy. He was simply doing what he wanted most in his life, to help his idol out in any way he can. I've got to at least give him some credit.
I heard chuckling, which made us turn toward the now world famous Professor Oak who was walking our way. It was sad to see him age when I couldn't. Sure, I'm 35 now, but Eevee don't age nearly as quickly.
"Are you finished with the morning feeding, Tracey?" the professor asked.
The dark green haired watcher shook his head, "Not yet, Professor. I've still got to feed Little Vee here and the Ninetails. I haven't found her yet."
I scoffed to myself. They call me Little Vee around here. I'm 35, yet I still look like a two year old Eevee. This pathetic nickname only reminded me why I didn't want to come back because I knew they wouldn't recognize me.
"Hm, is that so?" Sam inquired, "I'd say she's probably in the forest again."
I nodded to myself. Ninetails does usually like to lay in the sun in those woodlands. They reminded her of home. Home...
Tracey smiled, collecting up his supplies, some of them were Pokémon food, while the rest was his drawing tools, "That's what I was thinking too, Professor."
"Vee," I nodded, but more forcefully this time. You would think the more I tried to act like a human, the more they'd understand that I was. But no, they don't even notice. They never seem to do, really.
"Well then," the professor said, amused, "after you're finished, Tracey, I have a few things I'll need from the Pokémart I'd like for you to get for me."
"Like what, Professor?" the boy replied joyfully, eager to help out his idol. Just like I used to be...
"Oh just a couple dozen more Potions and several more Pokéballs. Just the usual, really."
"Alright!" Tracey exclaimed excitedly. I really wonder how he does it, you know, doing boring favors for him without complaint. I guess it was, perhaps, out of love. That must be it. I guess I'd probably be the same way.
Tracey left for the Pokémart right after feeding Ninetails her breakfast. It wasn't that much longer until I overheard Samuel on the phone with someone. He seemed pretty embarrassed and apologetic towards the person on the other end of the line.
"I'm sorry, I completely forgot that you were all coming today," he said nervously, "If I had remembered, I would've held him back from shopping so he could see them again."
See them again? What was that about? Was he talking about Tracey? Were friends of his coming here?
The distorted voice I could barely make out, was soon replaced by another, higher sounding voice, instead. This new person, who ever they may be, seemed to be very positive, as Samuel's spirits were soon lifted.
Sam laughed, "Calm down, Ash,"
That name clicked in my head somewhere. I had heard it before, I had to.
Ah, yes. Ash was a good friend of Tracey's who often traveled across the regions to collect all the badges and compete in all the leagues. Just like I would've done if things hadn't turned out the way they were...
"I get that you're excited about seeing Misty and Brock again, but please, all I did was ask them to help out."
Help out, huh? This Brock and Misty... Those names, too, were all too familiar to me.
Brock, a Pokémon Doctor, joined Ash in a lot of the regions, from Kanto to Sinnoh, I do believe. Also the eldest son to Flint and his wife, Lola, the Gym Leader and Stand-in Gym Leader of the Pewter City Gym. Although, they weren't the Gym Leaders anymore.
Misty, a water type lover and Pokémon Trainer, traveled with Ash and Brock through Kanto, then Tracey and Ash through the Orange Archipelago, and then back with Brock and Ash in Johto. Also being the youngest out of her sister models, the "Sensational Sisters", who ran the Cerulean City Gym after the death of their mother, who was the Gym Leader before them.
What were they asked to help out with? Are they the ones returning with Ash? Was that why Sam wanted Tracey to wait until later to going shopping if he had remembered? So he could see them again?
I found out my answer all too soon when I watched from the window as Professor Oak eagerly shook hands with a tan man that strongly resembled him that had just came in with Ash, Misty, Brock, and some other Trainers their age I've never seen before. I couldn't tell what they were saying through the glass but it appeared that Sam was congratulating him. But what really caught my eye was the hovering red computer screen. What in the world was that!?
The odd contraption bewildered me. It soon displayed looks of astonishment after analyzing Sammy and the other man. I don't know how, but something told me that those were the modern Pokédexes. I felt a heavy weight on my chest. There were so many things I've missed out on, it was hard to believe that it was really happening.
I couldn't take it any longer, as I stepped away from the window pane. There was so much I could've done when I was still a human. I know I would've been a great Trainer. If only I hadn't followed that blue beast, then they wouldn't have found me. I would've been a Champion! I could've followed in the footprints of Samuel's grandfather, as a close family friend, maybe even adoptive daughter if we had made it official. I would've given it my all. But no, luck was never on my side. And it seems like it won't ever be.
Not much longer after I left the scene, the raven haired boy and company came outside. I was to far away to hear anything, but the first thing that happened was Ash running toward his herd of stampeding Tauros. He may be a good Trainer, but man did that boy need to learn some common sense.
I didn't pay much attention after that, wandering around to the other side of the Carrol. There, I found a family of Bellsprout and its evolutions that looked upset, like something had been taken from them. I asked them what was wrong, while a Weepinbell explained to me that someone had stolen Bellsprout's special apricorn collection. He had been planning on giving them to his mother on her birthday, from what I've heard and hearing this piece of news frustrated me. Sure, we had a few rotten Pokémon on the plantation, but I couldn't imagine anyone who would want to do such a thing. Surely it had to be on accident!
I tried getting this idea in their heads, but they wouldn't listen to me. Everyone must've really been torn up about this.
I suddenly got a brilliant idea. If they wouldn't listen to me, then they'd at least listen to Bulbasaur.
Ash's Bulbasaur has always been a great help around the lab. He was naturally talented at resolving conflicts such as this, so I decided to go find him.
The search took far less time than I thought it would've, as he was talking with Ash's Heracross and Gary's Krabby. It was great to see them getting along, but they usually ignored each other, the Krabby and the Heracross, that is. So I hope nothing bad comes from it, though it doesn't seem like they were arguing, so maybe they're getting along just fine.
After quickly explaining the situation, Bulbasaur agreed with me that it was a misunderstanding and hurried back. When we got there, we were met with the same family of Bellsprout evolutions picking on another family of Oddish and its evolutions, bickering about the stolen apricorns. Bulbasaur instinctively went out in front of them, protecting himself by withholding them with his Vine Whip. Before I could get the chance to interfere, my sharp hearing picked up on a distant sound. A sound that did not sound like a Pokémon.
I tried to get Bulbasaur's attention, but it was already too late. I scurried away, taking cover in the bushes. Though, what happened next was unexpected.
I smiled, seeing my friend reunite with his Trainer. It's been way too long since they've last seen each other.
I left them alone, knowing that I shouldn't get involved. That was when I spotted a bunch of Paras strolling by, seeming oblivious to the round spheres caught in between their mushrooms. I rose my non-existent eyebrow at how peculiar the scene was. I don't know how that could've happened, but at least I was correct.
Later, I discovered that Sammy and who I later found to be his cousin, Samson Oak, had stayed behind while the students and gym leaders scattered. The Professor looked melancholy, while Samson seemed to give him a sympathetic gaze. I didn't get it until a second later, when my heart suddenly sunk.
"How could I have let it happen...?"
It. I knew what 'it' was, which only made me yearn to comfort him, but I suppressed the feeling. It would do no good. I've tried too many times before.
"I can't believe that it's been 25 years- 25 years I tell you! It's been 25 years since she disappeared!"
I sighed. I needed to stop this nasty habit. Eavesdropping is rude, even for a Pokémon that is actually a human.
"Tracey, Kris," the professor said, addressing his two assistants. It was after the dinner party with Delia Ketchum. They had left for Cerulean City the following day, to battle Misty and Brock, as they were gym leaders, while Ash and the shirtless fire type Trainer had what was called... Z moves? Yeah, I think that was it. I never really got any of their names.
Tracey was too busy with cleaning up Route 1 to attend and see his friends, after being coaxed by an old man that it needed to sparkle, despite the fact that it was a dirt road. He was quite embarrassed when he told of this to Sammy, and rightfully so as he burst out in boisterous yet friendly laugher when he told him.
Kris was also an assistant to Professor Oak. I never got to see her too much, however. She usually stays inside and looks over Sammy's research and Tracey's observations and determines if they're plausible. When she's not in front of a computer screen, she's out to for more Pokémon to capture and research at the lab, which was how I got here a year and a half ago, after avoiding this place for so long. I never saw it coming. Who knew you could kick a Pokéball for it to work?
"Yes, Professor?" Tracey said, with a tilted head.
"You called for us?" Kris continued.
Why they finished each others sentences, I will never know. They hardly ever made an effort to be friends, let alone develop feelings for each other.
Samuel sighed. I was currently sitting on Tracey's lap on the couch. It seemed as though I was favored by the young lad, as I was often allowed inside by him and sometimes I'll sleep on his bed with him when he had nightmares. To be honest, I almost favored him too. It was nice to feel higher above the other Pokémon, which also made them listen to me sometimes. Earlier today was just not one of those times.
Sam looked between them, hesitant about what he wished to say. The other two looked at him in concern. I, too, was displaying a look of pity.
"It's about time I about told you two about what happened on this day, 25 years ago."
"What?" Kris gasped.
"What happened?!" Tracey said, exasperated.
I observed Samuel's unsteady hands, trembling in nervousness. It had not yet dawned on me what he was saying.
"There... There was this girl.... Sh- she..." the professor looked away, like he couldn't get the words out to where he couldn't even look in the eyes of his most loyal assistants, "and she... she..." he gripped the edge of the desk he was leaning against even more so tightly, "she disappeared."
My head shot up, immediately catching Tracey's attention as I had abruptly stopped him from continuing his habit of absentmindedly stroking my fur out of anxiousness. I gaped at the old man, though only Tracey could tell as he looked at me curiously.
Finally, someone who's not completely dense or grief stricken to notice something out of the ordinary about this cute looking Eevee.
The blue haired Pokémon catcher went up to the researcher and urged him to sit down across from them on the other couch, providing him comfort and sympathized for the old man.
I could feel pondering eyes looming over me from behind. Tracey was thinking, probably. It's not like he'll ever get it though.
After a prolonged silence, Kris gently squeezed Sammy's hand in reassurance that they were there for him, ready to hear whatever he was willing to tell. Even the depths of the Tracey's dark eyes read understanding, even though I was looking at them through the reflection that was cast on the professor's equally shaded irises.
This silence was motivating. Never had I ever seen such emotional connections between human beings. They were not in any way romantically attached to each other, yet provided so much support. Like the togetherness of the Bellsprout's family that helped each other out, yet they were way deeper. I had never felt such sensations. It was so pure. So real, that it was unreal.
The professor let out a more steady breath, a sign that he was ready to speak up.
Kris began the first question, "Who was she, professor?"
My body tensed a little. The boy with the green shirt noticed my trouble yet again and petted me to settle me down, though he chose not to say anything.
He started slowly, my heart pounding with every movement as sweat rolled down my forehead, "Her name was Eievui. She and I were very close.
"You see, she didn't have any family. She was raised in the streets, being criticized for how she looked, how she smelt, how she talked, how she had to beg for scraps. It was horrible. No one in Pallet Town had the decency to stand up for her and for what was right. Until that one day...
"A group of older teens, a couple years older than you guys are right now, thought it would be fun to pull a prank on her. They told her that she could come over to the main guy's house to hang out. She was overjoyed. She had never been given the chance to have friends, and she was excited. She picked out her best rags- a hand-me-down that was thrown out that was in a roughly used condition- and eagerly joined them.
"The kids' parents weren't around, and there were no adults in the house. They hit her, beat her, bruised her, and stripped her, exposing everything while leaving freshly open cuts and wounds vulnerable. She was only eight years old. She had no idea what people were capable of doing to others... It was sick and twisted, and completely inappropriate. She was luckily able to escape from them, and she ran through the streets, cold, naked, and covered in her own blood."
"That's awful," Tracey exhaled, compelled to pull me closer. I wasn't sure if it was for my sake or his, but it didn't matter.
"That's when I found her. She was being followed by an Officer Jenny, as it was called on as suspected child abuse. She didn't know she was trying to help her, as she was too scared to trust anyone. I pulled her into the nearby alley to hide her from the officer. She tried to get away from me, not wanting to be anywhere near me. It was hard, but somehow, I convinced her that I wasn't going to hurt her. I took her back to Celadon City with me, as I was studying still at Celadon University. She wouldn't speak up about what had happened for an entire week. And when I found out, I didn't blame her.
"I gave her food, water, and a good home. It was hard to take care of her because of my studies. I couldn't always be there whenever she got very sick from the transition from scraps on the street and real food. She often cried when I wasn't there, and sometimes it happened at the strangest hours. But she was young and broken, and I had to give her all the attention I could give to fix her.
"It was difficult, but I managed to do just that. She was happy again, and more than ever. She had a family, and I was that family. She finally had a reason to feel alive, to feel like she meant something. She was like my assistant, doing whatever I asked with enthusiasm," I noticed Tracey shift in his seat a bit, "It wasn't that long after I graduated when she turned 10.
"I don't know what I was thinking back then. I shouldn't have let her go, but she wanted to do whatever it took to help me complete the programming for the Pokédex prototype."
Kris's eyes became as wide as saucers, "You mean she was the first DexHolder?"
"Yes," replied the aged creator of the mentioned Pokédex, "there weren't even 150 readable Pokémon on that thing, but I still thought she was ready.
"I have her a Rattata. She named her Rattina."
"Why didn't she get a Bulbasaur, Charmander or Squirtle?" Tracey asked curiously.
Samuel shook his head, "There weren't enough, and there wasn't any specific Pokémon you had to start with to choose from. Back then, I simply wanted her to have something to defend herself with that I could simply replace, that being a Rattata. I would've given her a Charmander, but the only one we had was sick.
"Anyway, it was today when the signal of Eievui's Pokédex went out 25 years ago, and after years of searching, no one could find her. What kept taunting me, was every time they found something of hers, and her no where to be found."
I hadn't been paying all of my attention, as a sniffle caught me off guard. The muffled sound soon became tears, which soon turned into sobs. I watched as Kris moved to hug the professor while he broke down. The ground around me shook, making me believe that it was an earthquake, until the realization that it was Tracey weeping struck me. He pulled me as close to him as possible, wetting my brown and tan fur with his tears. I didn't know how to feel. Everyone around me was crying. They heard my story, and now they're crying. I didn't know what to do.
I thought long and hard later that night, with Tracey's chest against my back, the warmth of the cozy bed surrounding me from all sides. That's when it finally occurred to me, I could do something.
I am not just an Eevee, but the first Eevee.
Yes, I am the first.
As the first Eevee, they gave me something a little more special then the rest.
I could change my form at my will, without DNA mutation and modification.
Not only could I become a Vaporeon, Flareon, Jolteon, Umbreon, Espeon, Leafeon, Glaceon, or Sylveon and devolve back into an Eevee, but I could take on the forms of the undiscovered, unresearched ones.
Shakleon, the Haunted Pokémon. A ghost type.
Flinteon, the Rough Stone Pokémon. A rock type.
Breezeon, the Light Feathered Pokémon. A flying type.
Beatleon, the Energized Pokémon. A bug type.
Soileon, the Agriculture Pokémon. A ground type.
Bladeon, the Edge Pokémon. A steel type.
Dojoeon, the Martial Arts Pokémon. A fighting type.
Scaleon, the Viper Pokémon. A dragon type.
Toxeon, the Mutated Pokémon. A poison type.
These were the things that I created. Though I didn't know it. All I made. All I stood for, were in my drawings.
I had made them on my journey, so I don't know if he has seen them.
But, if he had. If he had.
Then.. then there was the slightest change.
The slim possibly, that he'd recognize me.
The acute factor, that he may just be able to recognize them.
The tails, of the undiscovered Eeveeloutions.
~Words: 3818~
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