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Okay I'm thanking the person who gave me the last push to make me make this book so thanks KingOfNyanCats 😑 so I have bunch of screen shot which I'm not putting here so if you want to find the chapter check out his book Random Me.
Name: Adrian
Nickname: Apollo
M or F (male or female): male
Primary school: I not saying
Middle school: don't you ask
Hair color: brown now blonde
Tall or short: tall
Phone or camera: camera
Health freak: I have to stay healthy
Oranges or apples: this sounds like something else but apples
Eat or drink: eat
Piercings: next question
Pepsi or coke: coke
Have you ever:
Been on a airplane: yes
Been in a relationship: yes
Car accident: five times
Fist fight: two times
First piercing: next question please
First best friend: Luna
First award: music award
First crush: Luna
First word: don't ask I don't know
Last friend talked to in real life: Luke
Last person I texted: Max
Last friend I watched a movie with: Dylan
Last movie I watched: The Curse of Sleeping Beauty
Last song I listened to: Monster by Skillet
Last thing I bought: a sandwich from Subway
Last person I hugged: Lexi
Food: burritos
Drink: orange juice
Flowers: tulips
Pets: my kittens and puppies
Color: black and white and blue
Movie: Annabelle
Subject: History
Have you ever:
Fallen in love: yes
Celebrated Halloween: this is Halloween this is Halloween Halloween Halloween in this town we call home everyone hail to the the pumpkin song (don't care if it's wrong)
Had your heart broken: yes
Wanted to smack someone; I have smacked many people
Wanted to do something but failed: no
Did something you regret: yes
Broken a promise: no
Hid a secret: yes
Pretended to be happy: yes
Met someone who changed your life on the internet: yes
Met someone who changed your life in real life: no
Pretended to be sick: no
Left the country: yes
Try something you never did and liked it: yes
Cried over the slightest thing: nooooooo okay yes
Ran 5 miles: we don't say miles but yes
Went on a field trip with your friends: yes more than once
Got into a argument with a friend: to be honest yes
Stayed single for years: yes
Eating: kale chips
Drinking: orange juice
Listening: to myself sing
Thinking: of lyrics
Plans for today: stay in the recording room in my room and play music and sing
In the future:
Want kids: let's go with that
Get married: yes
Careers in mind: I have a job
Which is better in the opposite gender:
Lips or eyes: eyes
Shorter or taller: shorter
Romantic or spontaneous: both
Nice stomach or arms: both
Hookup or relationship: relationship
Looks or personality: personality
Have you ever:
Lost your glasses/contacts: my glasses
Snuck out of the house: my apartment yes
Held a guy or knife in defense: a titanium baseball bat yes
Kissed someone: yes
Broken someone's heart: no
Fallen in love: yes
Cried when someone died: my best friend and parents so yes
Do you believe in:
Yourself: yes
Miracles: never ask me this heck no
Love at first sight: no
Heaven: uhhhhhhhhh
Santa Claus/North: no it died a long time ago when I was 3
Is there one person you wanna be with right now: Vicky
Do you know who your true friends are: yes
Do you believe in god: yes
Would you change something in your life: yes I would want my parents back
So if you're reading this do this tag cause I'm hecka tired
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