well the years start coming...
I was tagged, one again, by the magnificent Edgy_Space_Prince
1} Your nickname?
I have a lot of nicknames so I'll just say the few I get a lot.
Shelbs, Shels, and Shebelba
2} Eye color?
I'm going with easy answer today.
3} Hair color?
My hair is brown, but I was gonna dye the ends green.
4} One fact about yourself?
I basically live in parents' closet.
5} Favorite color?
Mint green
6} Favorite place?
The park by my house! It's so nice there.
7} Favorite celeb?
Amanda Seyfried
8} Favorite animal?
Pangolins are so cute. They're like tiny dinos.
9} Favorite song?
This is hard, but either
Lessons by mxmtoon or Taking Care of Things by Cavetown
10} Favorite book?
The holy Bible jkjk
Daughter of Smoke & Bone (the entire trilogy is great!)
1} What's your full name?
Constanze Amalie von Braunschbank-Albrechtsberger
2} Do you have any hobbies?
Drawing, singing, whittling, and watching old Disney movies
3} What's your favorite song?
As stated before
Lessons by mxmtoon or Taking Care of Things by Cavetown
4} What's your phone's home screen background?
^ Hades and Persephone from Lore Olympus
5} Do you have any big dreams?
Biggest dreams are moving to France and working on a lavender farm, but my realistic dream is to go to beauty school. Maybe I want to become famous for my cool cosplay makeup, who knows.
6} Did you sleep well last night?
7} How many friends do you have?
Irl: 6
Online: 8
Wow, I'm really good at this, aren't I?
8} Do you like math?
I like it only because it makes me feel smart. Otherwise, it's just busy work.
9} What's your favorite subject?
10} Where are you from?
Illinois, United States of America - I just love hearing about all the shootings in Chicago
11} Do you like sports?
Yes, I used to play volleyball. I was going to try out for the badminton team, but Covid-19 said no.
12} Are you healthy?
Considering I rarely drink water and only eat once or twice a day, I'm going to have to say no.
13} How much do you cost?
Considering cost for fixes and tax, that will be $25,000.38
14} Do you have any favorite singers?
mxmtoon, Cavetown, and Elliot Lee
15} Do you have siblings?
Four older brothers ranging from the ages 29 - 19
16} Can you draw?
Anyone can draw if they put their mind to it.
17} How many lessons do you have on Monday?
With my new E-learning schedule, I only have three classes on Monday.
18} Do you have a crush?
19} Are you single or taken?
This here is a single pringle in it's natural habitat
20} If you had a chance taking home an idol, who would it be?
Probably no one because I want to keep a distance from artists and stuff because knowing someone may ruin the experience.
And I'm too lazy to put more. Bye!
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