Tagged by: no_homo_but_im_gay
1. No thanks, I don't feel like being stalked. My pen name's Kelli Redwooder, so keep it at that.
2. It changes like daily. I know in another tag I said Words Fail from DEH, but now its probably DEH's Finale. Which is weird because who likes the finale song?
3. some dude in my class. very stoopid.
4. Be More Chill's my favorite. Then there's also Dear Evan Hansen, Hamilton, Waitress, Heathers, RENT, The Guy Who Doesn't Like Musicals... and thats it so far.
5. Undertale fanfictions. I wrote one, and it was my first fanfiction, so I wanted people to see it. I think I unpublished it, but it was called Integrity and was the story of the first fallen child after Chara, the blue soul. Her name was Terry. It had a really disappointing ending.
6. hmm ok
a) I'm feemallee.
b) I reallllyyy want to see bmc
c) i have a sister, who I call Kathrine (on wattpad, but it's not her real name), and a brother who I call James.
d) im like really short.
e) i have a bad habit of biting my nails.
7. I bet literally everyone reading this is expecting me to say Will Roland. But I probably look up to my mom more than anyone. Oh and did I mention Will Roland?
8. done and done.
9. Oh shoot that's a lot hmm.
Chances are some of those people have already done this.
10. ok hmm lemme think.
Oh I got a funny one ok. So I was at Olive's house and it was like 9 or something, and Olive was in the shower, so Skoot, Makenzie and I were playing Uno. Once we finished the game (i won hahaa), Skoot was like "wait wait a minute-" and then she started arranging the Uno cards into a pentagram. Once it was done we all just kinda T-posed around it waiting for Olive to get back from the shower. When she walked in, the three of us started chanting "Yatzee, Yatzee," It was interesting. And now that I'm typing it, it seems very stupid.. But hey, fun.
Ok have a nice day.
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