kung fu fists, activate. its not him it's his squip.
Tagged by no_homo_but_im_gay
1. Kelli Elizabeth Redwooder
Ha jk not really. I don't want people showing up at my door. My middle name is really Elizabeth, but the first and sirnames are made up. Sorry. jUsT caLl mE keLlI
2. 13
3. 5'
4. Single.
5. Lavender or Indigo
6. Maybe? Idk.
7. Rising 8th grader.
8. A lizard, a rabbit, a fish, and sOoN a kItTen, i cAnT wAiT, aLl tHe oThEr oNes gOt adOpTeD so iTs pReTty mUch cOnfIrmEd wE'Re gEttInG a cAliCo nAmeD hOlLy
9. im more of a dog person, but both are great.
10. Green party. (Jk Idk i really haven't looked into it much but green party seems cool and not very political so yeeee)
11. Phineas and Ferb. Because i am a kid.
13. Straight. But that doesn't stopping from thinking girls are cute.
Also i had this crush on this one girl at the beginning of 7th grade, but i legit think it was a phase. hey but maybe it's not? I just have never felt that way about a girl ever since then.
14. 108lb
15. Female
16. Wait what does that mean? Like my online friends on wattpad? Well let's see.
tacopancakemonster and i are pretty cool buddies. tell billy i said hi, too.
Siekkdheiwijdbej and I fangirl over john laurens together. and kleinsen, that too.
too-much-anxiety and I were in a comment lyric chain together that literally lasted days. 108 comments. or something like that.
Kinky-Killjoy is obsessed with will roland just as much as i am. so obviously i have to like them.
ofc those are just online people who i feel like i talk to the most on wattpad. I don't know them irl. Then there's also my friends:
norskoot - skoot.
purple6544 - miranda
Pink6544_Official - makenzie
KittenNature - olive
madvictoria13579 - mads
Blitz_7812 - chase
17. i like to think I'm good at singing, but I've never really had many people tell me that..
I'm decent at art. It's really cartoony but hey.
I'm a great writer according to my teachers and friends.
18. Makeup. Instruments. Controlling my emotions. Being optimistic. Being a good friend. Roasting people. Getting out of my comfort zones.
Ok now i gotta tag more people? Or do the people i already tagged have to do it?
If you were tagged as good acc, just do the tag.
Or don't. Your choice.
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