Tag #1
My first tag in the world (aside from DeviantArt tags) Thanks for the tag paul_shinji
1. Weird Fact About Me
Let's see, is having a PSP obsession weird? I'm not sure.
2. Favourite Food
Yay, the hard questions start. Umm, probably my mom's pasta though. Especially with cheese. (。>﹏<。)
3. First Fandom
My first obsession was Pangya Fantasy Golf (a very unown game) so I guess I can call it a Fandom. On the other hand, my first online fandom was Fairy Tail!
4. Best Friends
This is impossible! I basically see all of my current friends that I talk to a lot or just my friends as best friends. Except people irl, pretty sure they hate me so I have no respect for them.
5. My Current Lock Screen
(Kinda funny, but not even a milisecond after I took this screenshot I got a discord notification)
6. Favourite OTP
This is really hard so I am going to sort it by fandom.
Pangya; Definitely Hana x Nuri (a.k.a Scout if you know the english). Second is Arin x Max
Pokemon; Either Oldrival or Contest humanwise. Pokemonwise, definitely Xerneas x Yveltal
Fairy Tail; Gruvia all the way. Jerza and Gale are pretty high too.
Tales Franchise; Iria x Luca, Kana x Zephyr, Cheria x Asbel and a bunch of others I don't remember
Shugo Chara; Amu x Tadase, Utau x Kukai, and a couple other I don't remember
Sonic; Silver x Blaze, Tails x Cream and Amy x a bunch of people
BNHA; Jirou x Kaminari 100%
Food Wars; Alice x Ryo! And maybe Soma x Erina
Danganronpa; Either KuzuPeko or Kaimaki
DC; Spitfire 。゚(゚'Д`゚)゚。
Assassination Classroom; Nagisa x Kayano
OCs; Kiri x Yuno (my girls!)
I probably missed a lot of my favourite ships, but I don't have the best memory when I'm tired.
7. (Finally) Birthday
March 21
8. Five Fears
One; Umm, bugs creep me out
Two; Etto... the Pizza Party minigame in FNAF VR spooked me
Three; I guess not be able to talk to someone, which is sometimes really hard to do at school
Four; I have no idea
Five; Acting like a girl, even though I'm a female
9. What You Look Like
Best way to describe me, I'm a short girl who's kinda wide, wears glasses, has black hair and brown eyes and usually is wearing a hoodie and has a headset
10. Favourite Song
Impossible, I love every song in my playlists
11. Why You Made Your Account
I made it for 2 reasons originally. First was to read fanfiction, obviously, but the other was to help myself fool my teacher to think I had done a project he never marked or even looked at.
12. Favourite Character Ever
No, again impossible. There are too many, but I'll list a couple.
Hana, Kooh, Arin (Pangya), Pasca Kanonno, Kanonno Earhart, Kanonno Grassvalley (Tales), Gumi, Vflower (Queens), Hime Meika, Mikoto Meika (Cuties), Pichu (My Baby), The entire 77th class, Celestia Ludenberg, Blue (female), Rima (Clowndrop herself), Leila (Perfect Cinderella), Jirou (Earphone Jack), Lucina (She's really fun in smash), Natsuki (Soo many cute cupcake descriptions), and all my OC girls!
And remember these are only some of the girls and like non of the guys.
13. 20 Of Yout Favourite Accounts
This is hard, so I'm only going to tag a couple of my friends.
thetwofacedhope HonestyIlikeDogs milkandhoneytea (you better do the others cake or Steve will haunt you)
To get to 20, I'll just say you guys who actually read this are tagged too, ok? Well enjoy the rest of your day or evening guys!!
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