So, -SeizeTheGay tagged me. (Thanks for giving me something to do lol)
1. Current favorite song- "The Internet is for Porn" from Avenue Q
2. Biggest Fear- Spiders
3. Pessimist, Optimist, or neither?- Pessimist, probably
4. Favorite Season- Either Fall or Winter, I just really like cold weather and the way it looks when it's raining or snowing
5. Something I'm excited for- I get to see Hamilton on Thursday
6. Favorite animal- Taylor Louderman's dog
7. Favorite YouTuber- Either Amy Lovatt, mushie r. Or Jeffree Star (he's funny fite me)
8. Any pets?- Nah
9. Relationship status- Single Pringle
10. Netflix or YouTube? That's difficult. But I'm gonna have to say Netflix because I'm not sure I could survive without Supernatural.
11. Cats or dogs?- Probably dogs.
12. Dream Job?- Idk, I would love to work in Theatre, but not on stage, like the sound crew or something like that.
13. Ever dyed my hair- Nope
14. Apple or Android- I'm probably the only person who really doesn't have a preference.
15. Favorite band- either Fall Out Boy or Panic! At the Disco
16. Favorite quote- "And even though I didn't see the blast, I watched glitter in the sky blow past, and that's legacy. The bloom. Kaboom." ~ From "Kaboom" by George Salazar and Joe Iconis.
17. Current mood- Sleepy
18. Introvert, extrovert, or ambivert?- Introvert, definitely.
19. Nilla or Chocolate?- I have an unhealthy addiction to chocolate, so probably that
20. Talk or Listen?- Yes.
(I'm very talkative, but I also like listening to people, it's weird)
21. Beach or Pool?- Probably beach, less crowded and lakes (I'm in Michigan, there are no oceans heere) don't have chlorine in them
22. Ariana Grande or Selena Gomez?- I don't really like either but if I had to pick, Ariana Grande, probably.
23. Sexuality- Bi, probably
(I say probably a lot, don't I?)
24. Yanny or Laurel?- I can hear both, but I heard Yanny first so..
25. Ever left the country?- I don't think the Bahamas are part of the US so, yeah
26. Riverdale or 13 Reasons Why?- Riverdale, easy. (All hail Queen Cheryl Bombshell)
27. Blue or Purple?- Blue
28. Last thing I ate?- A brownie and some ice cream
29. How long did I sleep last night?- about 8 hours ish. (It's still summer vacation)
30. Favorite emoji- 🙃 this one and I don't know why. It just makes me laugh.
31. Insta or Snap?- Insta
32. France or Spain?- France, for no reason
33. Australia or New Zealand?- New Zealand, Australia's spiders are too big
34. Favorite story games account?- what even is this
35. Country I'd like to live in?- Canada. It's close to where I live, they don't have Trump, and from what I've gathered, Canadians are pretty chill people.
36. Baths or Showers?- Showers
37. Favorite Holiday?-
Is this even a question?
38. Spring or Fall?- Fall
39. Last song I listened to?- "Schadenfreude" from Avenue Q
40. Books or movies?- Books, undoubtedly
41. Pop or KPop?- I'm not a huge fan or pop, but I hate KPop, so Pop it is
42. Pizza or Sushi?- Pizza
43. Best Friend?- Idk her Wattpad, but her name is Rickie
44. Favorite fruit- Pineapple
45. Do you like Horror Movies?-
46. Do you drink Pop? (It's pop, we can fight)- Yes, way too much
47. Cake or Cookies?- Cookies
48. Do you like Rollercoasters?- Kinda. I'm ok with drops, but going upside down is a big no no
49. Favorite animal- Lizards
50. Do I enjoy these random questions?- Yes I do, they give me something to do
So, the person that tagged me tagged 10 people so, I'm gonna do that
Ok, sorry if you didn't want to get tagged
(Sorry I say so a lot, I tend to type in my speech dialect, and I say so A LOT irl)
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