Tag #2 ᕙ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ
So yup. I was tagged by the fabulous SenpaisBadass to give you people 13 wonderful- probably irrelevant - facts about meee. Yay.
Here we go.
1- My star sign is a Sagittarius. WhOoP
2- I play piano. Much cool very wow.
3- My favourite colors are grey and teal blue. *why is this literally what a 5 year old says to their friends*
4- I probably just drugged your cereal irl.
5- I have short hair??? Yay?
6- I enjoy writing fanfic and probably have about 50 drafts on here.
7- I wear glasses. *woa sexy ikr*
8- I'm right handed *grasping at the back of the barrel here*
9- I is older then 12, but it's probably still illegal for me to read half the shit I read on here.
10- I have three other Wattpad accounts- one of which I've had for almost four years. But I don't use any of them and I literally have like 2 followers on there. (ી(΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵)ʃ)
11- This may come as a shock...but I like anime. oMegOsh. THe woRld iS enDeD.
12- I stole my friends pen like three weeks ago and she still hasn't noticed- even when I was using it in front of her. Hmmmmmmmm.
13- And finallyyy thirteeennnn.
*thirteenth reason why- o lAwyDy iM soRrY fOr thAT shiTtY pUn.*
I have a pet hamster. WhOoP.
Okay well that was a disaster.
Here's me now tagging some other people to do this. Yay.
hAvE fuN wiTh tHis oNe
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