the itsy bitsy spider went up the Washington Monument
I was tagged to do this by @goldblossom and I may have taken forever but I am here! I got a chance to do it!
1. Post the rules
2. Tag 13 people
3. Answer 13 questions
4. Come up with 13 questions
5. You must respond
6. Tag backs are allowed
7. If you don't do the tag you will suffer the "consequences" of the tag (at the end of the chapter)
8. Be creative with the title (make something up.)
1. Who's your favorite YouTuber?
I am subscribed to so many people, and I like them all, but I guess my favorites are Polandbananasbooks (mostly when she uploads her writing episodes), Natalia Leigh (because she has great writing advice), ShaelinWrites (can you see a trend here) JustMattie, doddleoddle, Ariel Bisset. Emma Giordano because I love psychology and love what she is going to teach people about mental illness. I also like Julia Sapphire. SO so many more, but those are the first to really pop in my head.
2. If you could have your own TV show what would it be?
I really don't know? Maybe going around the world and interviewing people who aren't that well known but have made a difference in their town or invented something that isn't world-changing but still helped out their family or their town/village etc. I don't know if that makes any sense, but . . . moving on.
3. What's your favorite beverage?
4. What color scheme does your bedroom have?
Mint green, grey, and my desk is a vintage-y pink color.
5. What evil scheme do you have?
Um . . . I have a SCHEME that I don't think is evil (my government teacher might but . . .), but it might be slightly . . . spiteful? So my government class is taught by the most Republican White Guy ™ I have ever and hopefully will ever meet. He is very anti protesting, even when it is a cause so worth protesting, such as racial inequality (EVEN BACK IN THE DAY!!!). So I am wearing a shirt to our homeschool co-op tomorrow (where we go once a week for classes, such as my government class). It says " 'Nah' ~ Rosa Parks, 1955" on it. Which, if for some sad reason you don't know, is what Rosa Parks said when told she had to give up her seat for a white person, when the white section of a buss was filled. She is known as the mother of the Civil Rights Movement. Funnily enough, tomorrow in history we are discussing protesting, so . . . it fits oddly well. Again, some people might think it's an "evil" scheme, which is why it's my answer (and I couldn't think of anything else) but I mean . . . I don't.
It's not like I will ever go and protest, but I think that people have the right too, especially people back in the 50s when black people couldn't even sit wherever they wanted on a buss.
6. What do you think happens when we die?
I believe that we will "come back to life", with a new body and live in the new Jerusalem with Yeshua.
7. Have you ever written an entire novel and then scrapped it without showing anyone?
I have started stories and never shown anyone, but I haven't even written a whole novel yet. Hopefully this November!
8. What are you most self-conscious about?
I am not really super self-conscious, I am more of a worrier about things that I do. I worry for days at a time about some little thing I said. I think I would say I am most self-conscious about doing something stupid or awkward in public and embarrassing myself over it. I am not even so much worried about the moment itself, it's how I will feel afterward. I don't know if that makes any sense, but I have always been that way. It's way better now since I have become more social with our homeschool co-op and just getting older.
9. Have you ever believed yourself to have a condition that you have never been diagnosed with?
I am not big on self-diagnosis, but I DID have Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder a few years ago, to the point where it stopped me from living a completely normal life. It was caused by being overly shy and lonely too the point that it . . . caused it (duh). I didn't quite have social anxiety, but I did, and still do have a few of the symptoms. Just more mild and fewer than required to actually have it in the form of a disorder.
10. What is your favorite day of the week?
I like Thursdays for some reason . . . and then Fridays are pretty good, and then "Saturday" (Shabbat) is my favorite.
11. Do you ever draw on your skin when you're bored?
It's a problem. I like the feeling of markers, pens and paint on my skin for some reason. I also tend to get really carried away . . .
12. How old were you when you learned to ride a bike?
(I'm assuming this means without training wheels.) I don't know for sure. 6-7? I was never a very graceful child. To this day, I still trip over my own feet and am the leading cause of dish-doom in our house.
13. WHY are you happy?
At the moment? Sukkot! We head out to do the second half of Sukkot at a campsite with people we know, and I will get to see my best friend who lives in another state (we skype more then anyone else on this earth I am sure. We will just leave skype going throughout a whole sometimes. Even if that means one of us is gone for an hour at a time doing chores or something, we just leave it going, and come back to it when we're done.) and then after that, I will go home with them for a week! We only see each other in person once a year (sometimes not even that). This also means we will get to watch our new favorite movie (and obsession) together for the first time (Spider-Man Homecoming). I am really excited! I love this time of year anyways. Chanukkah is ONLY 2 months away.
Ok, I tag @camphalfbloodmascot @monalisaok @ohsooriginal @Little_Lorelei @Ruby2598u
@wirdoworld @bluebubblecheese this is yet another tag where I do not know enough people to tag, but when I do I will come back and add them! We swears! (this makes no sense if you have not seen the Lord of the Rings . . .)
The questions YOU have to answer are:
1. What's your favorite music to listen to when writing?
2. What's your dream pet?
3. What's your least favorite book that you hate with a burning passion (mine is the great gatsby let that book burn forever why is it a classic ????????????)
4. What's a book you would recommend to everyone and anyone?
5. Where is your number one place in the world that you want to see?
6. What's your dream job?
7. What is holding you back from your dream job? (If you can't think of a certain thing, then hey! Why not?)
8. Favorite school subject?
9. What is your favorite way to pass the time?
10. What is your biggest fear?
11. What is something that you would want to collect?
12. What is your favorite art/writing tool? (Pens, markers, paint, colored pencils, etc.)
13. Will you ever participate in NaNoWriMo?
The consequences are that you have to clean the messiest thing in your room.
ugh !!! can someone please tell me how to make the "mention user" thing actually work? It should be orange right? Ah!
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