13 Fact Tag
Anyway, I was officially, unofficially, sort of officially tagged by Impendingambervice to do this tag. I don't know if I've done this one before so bear with me.
1: IT TAKES ME FOREVER TO UPDATE THINGS AND IT ANNOYS ME! (sorry everyone reading Speed Demons. Give me another day or two)
2: I think reading a Thesaurus is fun.
3: My dad recently gave me a giant plastic container of comics and I'm reading them all.
4: I now really want to learn more science. Thanks Nerdist.
5: I'm on Team Captain America to the end of the line.
6: I make references whenever possible.
7: I am a superhero fangirl.
8: I have so many story ideas it kills me. (I'm resisting the urge to write a story from the point of view of Tony Stark's super powerful sister, don't ask where that came from)
9: I can't think in first person. It's just impossible.
10: My mind is constantly creating a story that is usually based on some sort of superhero or TV show that I've recently seen and really liked. I usually am not me either. I'm usually a super powerful hero that can basically control everything. (I like to call this Writer's Mind)
11: I actually really enjoy getting tagged.
12: I hardly ever write in black ink.
13: I wish Netflix got TV shows faster. I finished season 1 of The Flash and I know they're making season 3 but Netflix doesn't have season 2 yet... hmph.
I tag two people. I'm restraining myself.
If you have done this tag you don't need to do it again.
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