I was tagged by JustARandomFangril
1. Name?
2. Zodiac sign?
3. Favorite food?
4. Jeans or shorts?
I prefer dresses and skirts.
5. Where are you from?
My heart is from Middle Earth
6. Dream vacation?
New Zealand!
7. Eye color?
Dark brown
8. Height?
5 foot (I'm half hobbit)
9. Introvert or extrovert?
Introvert, I don't talk much in reality.
10. Tea or coffee?
Tea. Especially breakfast tea.
11. Favorite beverage?
Milk, cream soda, hot chocolate, and breakfast tea.
12. Ideal day?
Either write all day long, or have a movie marathon like Lord of the Rings or Star Wars.
13. Relationship status?
14. What makes you unique?
God made everyone special and unique in their own way.
15. Selfie?
I am not doing a face reveal, but here's a live portrait maker my friend made of me.
Tag 20 People
1. Ahsoka_snips_fangirl
2. crazychickinacorner
3. dream-is-reality
4. medievalmaide715
5. Raven-shadows
6. nightsisterkaris
7. 1Lily11
8. TakeAGiantStep
9. TheMasterShipper100
10. JoeyKirkpatrickJr
11. Lightblade
12. ChristianFangirl1219
13. NoctusFury
14. scruffy-nerfherder
15. goldielion
16. IsilwenofRivendell
17. Skyward-Sword-Link
18. LotRJesusFreakMarvel
19. Indiana_Solo
20. Asa92227
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