Tag 10
I was tagged by the lovely SiriuslyBlack4life! We've got 100 Q's to give some A's to, so let's get started, shall we?
1. What is your middle name?
2. How old are you?
-🎶Dancing queen, young and sweet only (?)🎶
3. When is your birthday?
-May 6th
4. What is your zodiac sign?
-Taurus ♈
5. What's your favourite colour?
6. What is your lucky number?
-7 (I don't know why, I've just always liked the number 7.)
7. Do you have any pets?
- For now, I have one cat.
8. Where are you from?
-In from Ontario, Canada
9. How tall are you?
10. What is your shoe size?
-7.5 women's
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
-I wish I had more, but I spend my money on books, so I only have like 4 pairs of shoes.
12. What was your last dream about?
-In notorious for having ridiculous dreams, okay? Last night I dreamed I was Elizabeth Bennett from P&P. But Mr Darcy was actually Danny DeVito. It was weird.
13. What talents do you have?
-I have low self-esteem, why are you asking me this? Well, I'm pretty good in the kitchen, and I've been told I have talent in acting, music, and figure skating.
14. Favourite song?
-I have many favourite songs, but at the moment I really like 'Fat Bottomed Girls' by Queen.
15. Favourite movie?
- No matter how many times I've seen it, I'll never tire of BBC's Pride and Prejudice. I can recite every line.
16. Who would be your ideal partner?
-Have you ever heard Tom and speak? Basically him, but around an age that would be more appropriate for me.
17. Do you want children?
-One day, yes.
18. Do you want a church wedding?
- No. I want to find an old castle somewhere. I also want Frodo to be my ring bearer, and have the priest do an impression of that guy on The Princess Bride. "MAWWIAGE...." You're all invited to my wedding if you can find me a man who'll agree to this.
19. Are you religious?
-In a Christian, yes, but I don't really refer to what I have as "religion" so much as a relationship. Does that make sense?
20. Have you ever been to the hospital?
-Oh, many many times.
21. Have you ever gotten in trouble with the law?
- No, but I've been the cause of OTHER people getting in trouble with the law. (Yay custody cases, amirite?)
22. Have you ever met any celebrities?
-I wish. (Btw, SiriuslyBlack4life can you hook me up with signed merch?)
23. Baths or showers?
-Baths. I love to read in there for an hour or two in water hotter than the fiery pits of Hades.
24. What colour of socks are you wearing?
- My feet are naked at the moment.
25. Have you ever been famous?
-Nope. If I ever do become famous, though, every one of you is getting a shoutout!
26. Would you ever like to meet a celebrity?
-um... BITCH, YES! Who wouldn't!?
27. What kind of music do you like?
(If the link doesn't work and you want my playlist, just DM me for it. Basically anything but country. Classical and opera are also amazing, though they're not on this PL.)
28. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
- No, but I'm open to it. If it's at night. In a secluded place. With people I'm comfortable with.
29. How many pillows do you sleep with?
- As many as I can find. Usually 3.
30. What position do you sleep in?
- On my stomach, one leg bent, with an arm under one pillow, while another pillow is over my head to block out light.
31. How big is your house?
- Its a temporary apartment right now, until we can move into a bigger house. So tiny.
32. What do you typically eat for breakfast?
- If I wake up on time to eat breakfast I'll just grab cereal or toast, unless it's the weekend. Then I make homemade pancakes!
33. Have you ever fired a him?
- Only a water gun.
34. Have you ever tried archery?
-I have! I'm actually very good at it, too. I spent three summers taking lessons so I could feel like freaking Legolas. It worked.
35. Favourite 'clean word'?
- Supercallifragalisticexpialidocious
36. Favourite swear word?
- Colisse. It's a French-Canadian word that means something like "fuck" or "shit".
37. What's the longest you've gone without sleep?
- 4 days and 3 nights.
38. Do you have any scars?
- Yes, too many to count. I injure myself alot and my skin is very pale, so I scar VERY easily. Seriously, paper cuts and bruises leave scars on me sometimes.
39. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
- If I have, they've bee very good at staying secret. ;)
40. Are you a good liar?
-Not really. In the moment I am, (strict mum) but I'm so scared of being found out, I'll usually admit I'm lying to you before you find out.
41. Are you a good judge of character?
- I think so, yes.
42. Can you do an accent other than your own?
-Yep! I can do Irish, British, Italian, Aussie, French, Native American (Cree), Indian, and (sometimes) Russian.
43. Do you have a strong accent?
-I'm Canadian, and probably not. If I spend time talking to someone with another accent, or even watch TV I'll start to subconsciously develop that person's accent. It's really bad, and it offends people because they think I'm mocking them. (@TheNewSaviorOUAT If I ever start doing this to you, I'm very sorry, I can't help it! XD)
44. What us your favourite accent?
- I like British, New Zealand, and Irish accents the best.
45. What is your personality type?
- Guys, c'mon. The way I am here is exactly what you'd get from me IRL.
46. What us the most expensive piece of clothing you own?
- If you don't count my $120 emerald ring, than I'd say my $40 pair of jeans. I don't like buying expensive clothes, honestly.
47. Can you curl your tongue?
- Yep!
48. Are you an innie or an outie?
- Outie.
49. Are you left handed or right handed?
- Its funny; I'm right handed, but when I do sports, I tend to lead with my left.
50. Are you afraid of spiders?
- Yes. Very much so.
51. Favourite food?
- I made these really cool white wine, goat cheese, and chive stuffed mushrooms once that I loved!
52. Favourite foreign food?
- Chinese or Greek
53. Clean or messy person?
- Usually very clean, unless I'm in a mood.
54. Most used phrase?
- "Chill your beans"
55. Most used word?
- probably "shoot" or "crap"
56. How long dies it take you to get ready?
- Half an hour, as long as I'm not showering or straighten my hair.
57. Do you have a big ego?
-HA! no.
58. Do you bite or suck lollies?
- What kind of psychopath bites a lolly!? My mother, that's who. I suck 'em.
59. So you talk to yourself?
- Yes. When I'm in the shower I pretend I'm on a talk show telling my celebrity friends about my traumatic and shitty experiences in a light and humourous way.
60. Do you sing to yourself?
- All the damn time. It usually includes an epic dance routine.
61. Are you a good singer?
- I'm decent.
62. Biggest fear?
- Failure; becoming a disappointment.
63. Are you a gossip?
- Only when I'm triggered and need to vent about someone.
64. Best dramatic movie you've seen?
- Les Misérables (Its a music all as well, but whatever. Its amazing.)
65. Do you like ling hair or short hair?
- I like both.
66. Can you name all the 50 states of the United States of America?
- probably freaking not.
67. Favourite subject in school?
- Science, Language, or English Literature. Can't decide.
68. Introvert or extrovert?
- I seem introverted, but inside I'm an extrovert. So.... amvivert I guess?
69. Have you ever been scuba diving?
- Not yet!
70. What makes you nervous?
- Being put on the spot.
71. Are you afraid if the dark?
- I used to be. Now I love it!
72. Do you correct people when they make a mistake?
- As long as I know they won't get all mad about it, yes.
73. Are you ticklish?
- Only my sides. If you tickle me, I'm not responsible for your injuries.
74. Have you ever started a rumour?
- I don't think so.
75. Have you ever held a position of authority?
- Does babysitting tiny Satans count?
76. Have you ever drank?
- I've had wine, scotch whiskey, and Bailey's liquor, but I've never gotten drunk or anything. Small doses, dudes.
77. Have you ever done drugs?
- No, but a friend once tried to truck me into eating marijuana brownies.
78. Who was your first crush?
- it was either Draco Malfoy or Jarreth from the Labyrinth, I'm not sure which.
79. How many piercings?
- Only 2 for now. I want several more, though.
80. Can you roll your R's?
- Yes, I absolutely can!
81. How fast can you run?
- As fast as I need to get away from whatever is chasing me. Or however fast ice cream truck go.
82. How fast can you type?
- On a phone, not overly fast, but on a keyboard I can type about 110 wpm.
83. Hair colour?
- Dirty blonde, but I sometimes have it dyed.
84. Eye colour?
- Blue.
85. Allergic to?
- Pineapple and stupidity
86. Do you keep a journal?
- Yes, but it's a language journal, not a personal journal.
87. What are your parents' names?
- Sorry, can't say! ;)
88. Do you like your age?
-Ehh, the way I see it, you only get to be the age you are for 365 days. You'd better try to make the most of it.
89. What makes you angry?
- Arrogant, ignorant know-it-alls Who think they're better than others. And Lord of the Flies. That entire book/movie makes me want to scream.
90. Do you like your name?
- Its not bad, it suits me I think.
91. Have you thought of baby names? If so, what are they?
- I'm keeping them a secret until I can use them, Sorry!
92. Do you want a boy or a girl for a child?
- Perhaps one of each?
93. What Are your strengths?
- My loyalty, humour, and mind.
94. What is your biggest weakness?
- The people I care about. If I love you, I'll do almost anything for you without hesitation. This makes me vulnerable and easily used by those I trust. I'm working on being more bitchy lol.
95. How did you get your name?
- My biological mother stole the name her sister wanted to use when she had a daughter. Joke's on my bio mum, I've been adopted by her sister! :)
96. We're your ancestors royalty?
- Nope. We had pirates though!
97. Do you have any scars?
- I answered this already. YES!
98. Favourite book?
- That's like asking a mother to pick her favourite child! I can't answer that, but if you've spoken to me before, you know my tastes.
99. Colour of your bed spread?
- I HATE it. It's white sheets with teddy bears on them, and a patched quilt.
100. Can you tag 7 people?
- With ease, my dudes!
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