Tag #1
Welp I'm new to this so... LET'S GO! 😂 kms
I've been tagged by Mp10514
Hi, my name is Kuwai. So, for those who read my bio and saw a name, that's my middle name. I use it as like my anon name or something 🙃
I am a student who has a bad habit of procrastinating.
I was born in Hawaii
I now live in um... Hawaii lol I'm still here 🙃
One day I hope to visit JAPAN!!! And other places too lol but mostly Japan 😂😂😂
With my family and best friends
I'm always craving literally anything Green tea, ESPECIALLY a ventilation Green tea frappuccino from Starbucks 😍👌
My pet peeve is frickn open mouthed chewing like dude... are you a cow? (No offense to those who chew with your mouth open 😅)
My favorite smell is ... you know that's kind of hard to decide but it's either Green tea, fresh hot tea, or what I think smells like "home"
(I know... I'm probably confusing you soo... MOVING ON! :D)
Currently binge watching Yona of the dawn or also known as Akatsuki no yona. I got other anime's I'm watching too but that list is loooong 😂😂
Currently listening to
Your name Kuwai... dats it, don't feel saying my whole. Not only because it's a little long but as a precaution.
Four letter word Cute
A boys name Isaiah
A girls name Destini
An occupation is being a student count? Lol I'm not employed or anything so... 😅 some people is probably like "look at this dumbass" 😂😂
A color Blue 💙
Something you wear Jackets, Jackets is what I wear eve..ry...day 😂
A food/drink GREEN TEAAAA!!! 😭😍
A place Las Vegas
A TV show Project Runway, hell yeah! 😂😂
A song title Derinere Danse (Speechle2s Remix) (Without Drop)
It's on SoundCloud and it's dope 😎
A country China
A game Fortnite 😂😂😂 I know.. I'm one of those people, but I'm gonna tell you now. I'm pretty trash lmao
A fictional character I CAN'T PICK!!! THIS IS HARD!!! WHY??!?! WHY YOU DO THIS??!?! I'm just not gonna answer this one 😂😂😂😂
.... you know I just realized that I didn't use my first initial to answer all these questions for the second image but... who cares?! 😂😂
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