Tagged by Burgerainp. And more people but I'm too lazy to check.
Favourite anime
Boku no Hero Academia. uwu
First anime crush
You know, I'm kind of inclined to say Buttercup from PPGZ, but that wasn't really a crush. (Back then, at least.) So uh... Barry from Pokémon?
Favourite male character
Actually, it's not one of my top husbandos for once. I'm not only attracted to this guy, his character is someone I would actually get along with if he existed in real life. He's definitely my favourite character-wise.
Houtarou Oreki from Hyouka.
Favourite female character
I've got a few female characters I just love. Not only on appearance, but mostly on their amazing personalities. But yes, there's an appearance pattern as well.
Yona from Yona of the Dawn. Undoubtedly my favourite female character ever.
Izetta from Izetta: The Last Witch, because who doesn't like a cute (and hot) lesbian witch.
Morgiana from Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic. Adorable from the very start, and a strong woman. I'm on board.
Definitely my favourite Magi character.
Nico Yazawa from Love Live! School Idol Project. Now I'm not the greatest fan of Love Live, but Nico is a special case. I just can't not love Nico.
Ochako Uraraka from Boku no Hero Academia. Many have said Uraraka is like my waifu, but you're wrong. She's got the child status. The favourite character status. The "I will protecc you until the day I die" status.
Last, but not least. My number 1 waifu, who's also a great character.
Marika Tachibana from Nisekoi.
This turned into me showing off my waifus, but shhhhh.
First anime
Ponyo. A really beautiful movie. You should watch it if you've got time.
Worst anime
From the ones I'd finished, it's currently standing on Say "I love you". Many people adore this anime for some reason, but it really ticks me off.
Maybe because it's the stereotypical popular guy who falls in love with the unpopular girl that hates him. Plus, I love that girl and she deserves better.
Character you dislike
I've got a few.
Elizabeth from The Seven Deadly Sins. Because we definitely didn't need another annoying, useless girl who's just there to play the love interest and for the fan service.
Hinata Hyuga from Naruto and Naruto Shippuden. She may look cute, but she's annoying as fuck, a stalker, only there to play love interest, weak, useless, etc. I cannot fathom how she's loved so much by the entire fandom, while Sakura (who I admit was a terrible character in Naruto, but actually did shit in Naruto Shippuden) is hated so much on. Sakura actually contributed to the story, and she's still the one called useless.
Lmao, are you all blind or something?
Hiromi Shiota (Nagisa's mom) from Assassination Classroom. She creeps me out, okay?
Mostly because she dared touch my baby boi Yukine, and she's about to get it now.
Advisor Kye-sook from Yona of the Dawn, because he's annoying. And it only gets worse in the manga. Fuck you, Kye-sook.
Talking about hated Yona of the Dawn characters.
Priest Gobi from Yona of the Dawn. No one touches my boi Zeno and gets away with it. No one.
Favourite genre
I like romance, action, psychological, horror, comedy, fantasy, mystery. Basically almost everything. I've got a few idol anime I like, but I've got high standards with those.
Favourite OTP
KiriBaku. My bois.
Last anime you watched
Well, I finally finished the first season of The Seven Deadly Sins. But I'm currently watching Parasyte.
Tag 10 friends if you are tagged
Kyuyua (I see you've fallen into the HxH fandom. Same, buddy.)
NataliexisWolf (Haha, payback.)
Gimme. More. Tags.
Actually, wait, I still need to do one. Expect another chapter, like, tomorrow or something. Let's hope I'll be active again.
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