Tagged by Lukenotskywlkr.
Wooo. Long one. Finally some content.
Who knows?
But honestly, if you haven't figured out yet, have you truly been paying attention?
3 fears
1. The future.
2. Insects. They just tickle and I'm really ticklish.
3. I'm scared of myself? Does that count? It's just kind of like... I've got these moments that I'm not completely in control, sort of. I've got quite a temper, and I'm just scared of the things I'll do on a whim.
3 things I love
1. My friends. IRL and online. Give them love, affection and an amazing future, please.
2. My family. My sister is the best sister in the world (I know, cheesy. But shush.) My mom is super kind. And my dad has his bad moments, but he's really cheerful and caring. uwu
3. Fictional worlds. Like, books, movies, series, even those half assed stories my IRL friends and I write. It's fun to imagine a different world.
4 cute things (totally didn't change the question)
1. Honesty. I don't know why, but when people are being honest with me, I think it's really sweet and I actually become more affectionate. Don't ask me why, it just is.
2. Ambition. If people are really into what they're doing and get really excited when you ask about it, I think that's incredibly cute.
3. When people fangirl/-boy. Do I need to explain?
4. I think "no u" is way cuter than it should be.
4 unattractive things
1. Lying. Not those small lies nobody cares about, but those big ass lies. No, thanks. I prefer honest words, even if they hurt.
2. I get really annoyed when people gossip. I always start to wonder if they're gossiping about me when I'm not there, and it makes me uncomfortable.
3. Abuse. Uhuh, of course. Was gonna come up eventually. I really, really, really cannot handle abuse. And abuse is not just hitting and saying your partner is nothing at all. It's injury, assault, violation, rape, unjust practices, crimes, stalking, yelling/screaming at your partner, putting them down, intentionally embarrassing them in public, preventing them from seeing friends/family, telling them what to do or wear, damaging their property when angry, using online communities or cellphones to control, intimidate or humiliate them, blaming their actions for their abusive behaviour, accusing them of cheating or often being jealous of outside relationships, threatening with suicide to prevent them from breaking up with the abuser, threatening to harm people they care about, manipulating them via gaslighting techniques, making them feel guilty or immature when they don't consent to sexual activity, threatening to expose secrets, starting rumours about them or other types of aggression.
4. Discrimination. Don't discriminate people. Just don't.
My best friend
No picking favourites.
Sexual orientation
Not sure.
My best first date
Haven't had a first date.
How tall am I?
158 cm tall. I know, I'm short.
What do I miss?
Mental stability and my childhood innocence.
At what time was I born?
I don't know. Around midnight.
Favourite colour
Do I have a crush?
My crushes are purely fictional, and when they're not, I deny I have a crush until I crushed on that person for months. So IRL, not really.
Favourite quote
It's never the same quote, 'cause I don't have a favourite.
Favourite place
The living room.
Favourite food
Do I use sarcasm?
If you haven't used sarcasm in your life, do you truly know what the word means?
Yes, I have used sarcasm.
What am I listening to right now?
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
First thing I notice in a new person
Their clothing. Idk. I never really look at people's face at first. Too scared, I guess.
Shoe size
34 European size.
My feet are extra smol.
Eye colour
Hair colour
Favourite style clothing
Comfortable but not out of date (sounds really bitchy, but I don't know any other way too put it), and I try not to wear too much white. Oh, and not too revealing either. Not really that proud of my body. XD
Ever done a prank call
Yes, once, I believe.
Meaning behind my URL?
My username? Um... I just like Lapis, as in Lapis the SU character.
Favourite movie
A Silent Voice.
Favourite song
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Favourite band
Queen. But ABBA's cool, too.
How I feel right now?
Okay, I guess.
Someone I love
My sister.
My current relationship status
I don't think I can become much more single. :3
My relationship with my parents
They care a lot about me, but I haven't been the easiest daughter lately. Which is most likely a result of my lack of care about anything and the negative vibe I give off lately. ._.
Favourite holiday
Women's Day.
Jk. Jk.
I love Christmas for its songs. But Easter's always been fun, too. And not only because of the chocolate.
Tattoos and piercings I have
Tag ??? people
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