Tag #13
I don't even remember how many people tagged me with this tag, so I'm finally getting to it!
Poké Ball - Who is your favourite Pokémon character?
Barry, obviously.
Premier Ball - What is your favourite Pokémon?
Well, I haven't seen every season yet, not even close. But up until now...
Great Ball - What is your favourite Pokémon type?
I don't have a favourite Pokémon type. But I guess I do like Fairy types a lot... But I also like Fire, Ice, Electric, Grass, Normal, Fighting, Ground, Water, Psychic, Dragon, Bug (somehow they're cute in the pokémon world), Dark, Ghost, Steel, Flying, Poison and Rock types. In other words, I don't have a preference.
Ultra Ball - What is your favourite Pokémon game?
Haven't played the games, yet.
Master Ball - If you could have a real Pokémon what would it be?
I could say Jigglypuff, but I don't believe I could catch it. I guess I'd go for... Charmander. I love all Kanto starters, and actually Squirtle is my favourite, but I think Charmander is the one I would want to have myself. If that makes sense...
No, it doesn't.
Nest Ball - What is your idea of the perfect home?
A place where I can be happy and have enough space for whenever I need it. And with enough space means that I can be alone whenever I need it. But I do like to be around friends and family! Sometimes I just need a bit alone time.
Net Ball - Would you rather go fishing or bug catching?
Fishing. I did it once and I liked it! And I'm kinda afraid of bugs, so...
Safari Ball - Have you ever been to another country?
Certainly! I mostly stay in Europe though, but sometimes I go further away. I've been in the USA twice now, once in California and once in Chicago and Cleveland. I've been in Suriname, since that's where my grandmother lives. And I've been in Canada for about two hours. And I still want to go to Japan!
In Europe I've been in Greece, England, Italy, France, Belgium, Sweden, Finland, Denmark and the Vatican City, which is a different country. And of course my own country!
Level Ball - What is your best talent?
Okay, this is the conversation I had with my sister. I keep laughing because of this.
Me: Hey, what's my best talent?
Sister: Writing?
Me: Nope.
Sister: Writing doesn't qualify as a talent?
Me: No, it does! But I don't think that's my best talent.
Sister: Waterpolo?
Me: Nope!
Sister: Hmmm... What are you good at?
Me: *starts laughing loudly*
Sister: I didn't mean it like that! *laughs too*
But, well, we came up with languages. I'm good at learning new languages.
Sport Ball - Do you have a favourite sport?
Yup! And it's called waterpolo.
Timer Ball - What is your favourite pastime?
Writing, listening to music and drawing.
Dive Ball - Do you enjoy swimming?
Well... I swim three times a week. So, yes, yes, I enjoy swimming.
Park Ball - Do you enjoy spending time outside?
Actually, depends. I'm not really good and happy when it's cold. And in the summer I'm also rather inside where there is a fridge and airco. But during springtime I do enjoy spending time outside.
Dusk Ball - Are you a night owl or an early bird?
Even though I prefer the night, I sleep really well and long. So, I guess I'm neither. Mostly a night owl, though I can't have my phone in my room when I have to sleep, so that's why none of you know that I'm still awake.
Heavy Ball - What is your idea of the perfect meal?
Something that doesn't contain a lot of calories. I don't want to become fat. And I prefer it if there's a salad with it too. Salad with mozzarella. 😋
Luxury Ball - What is your guilty pleasure?
Eating too much. I just love some candies or cookies!!
Repeat Ball - What is something you'd love experiencing again?
I don't want to experience anything again, because I changed and don't want to go back to square 1. I'm actually proud of who I am now. I'm also proud of who I used to be, but I don't need to go back to experience the old me again. I'm afraid I'll ruin my memories by doing that.
Quick Ball - What motivates you the best?
Something to look forward to for when I'm done. Like, watching an episode Pokémon with my sister, or drawing Nico in my math exercise book (I did that not long ago).
Fast Ball - What is your best personal accomplishment?
There are actually several things I see as an accomplishment (for example, getting so far with False Hope). But I think my best accomplishment is the person that I became over the past few years. That is certainly some sort of accomplishment.
Moon Ball - What is your idea of the perfect evening?
Listening to Taylor Swift music on the background and talking to my sister/writing. Something simple, but it's all I need.
Friend Ball - What do you look for most in a friend?
Wait! Taylor Swift quote that is so freaking accurate for me at the moment!
I actually remember this quote as, "I'm not that complicated. All you need to do to be my friend is like me and listen." but whatever. This is still accurate.
Heal Ball - Have you made a friend who started as an enemy?
Yes, actually. For a long time she hated me, for unexplainable reasons, but in my last year of primary school we started getting along just fine! And she turned out to be really nice!
Love ball - What do you find most attractive in a person?
I honestly don't know. I would say someone who actually cares about me, but I honestly don't know. I have had 2 crushes that hated me. But, you know what, when it comes to love, I don't know sh*t.
Lure Ball - What is the best way for someone to get you into bed?
You can just ask me to go into bed. If I won't, then you gotta promise me food. Or a new Taylor Swift CD.
Dream Ball - What is your biggest dream?
I actually don't remember my dreams. Though I guess it's the one I do remember, which is too long, weird and complicated to tell.
Cherish Ball - What is that you hold most dear?
My friends and family. I can't afford to lose the people I care about, since there seem to be so few of them.
Tag 26 people
That many?! Too lazy. Instead, I'm gonna try something new. You have to guess if you're one of the people that I tagged by the one fact/thing I know about you I write down.
The person that...
1. ...I made fan art for.
2. ...can't stop spamming on Discord.
3. ...is the only one who admits that I spam her.
4. ...I absolutely didn't know was older than me.
5. ...keeps surprising me with how much anime she has seen.
6. ...is awesome, no matter how many times she denies it.
7. ...is best friends with her cousin.
8. ...is the reason for my blue hearts. 💙
9. ...likes Lapidot just as much as I do. (There are two, you've gotta guess who's on my mind. 😉)
10. ...never stops making me laugh.
11. ...is annoyed that I ship him with another Wattpad user.
12. ...I recommended First Light to.
13. ...loves cookies.
14. ...is obsessed with Fairy Tail.
15. ...made me cry of happiness. (Yes, someone did.)
16. ...should be president of the US.
17. ...I follow on Instagram.
18. ...doesn't like hugs.
19. ...recently lost all her shinies.
20. ...has seen my bad side. (She probably won't read this, but believe me, she's out there. And there are more people, but that was after I wrote this.)
21. ...will never get angry.
22. ...was the first amourshipper that didn't ignore me as soon as he/she found out I was a pokéshipper.
23. ...made me a co-host. (Truth or Dare book)
24. ...was the first person to vote on False Hope, and still reads. (And no, it's not AWistfulWanderer)
25. ...created the name HostilityShipping.
26. ...talked to me about Snorlax and Barry sleeping (my profile pic).
Lol, this took more time than just tagging people. 😂 But it was fun.
I won't do it again though.
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