Because I was asked to make one. And I even got some sort of request. It was more of a "You didn't involve this genre", but eh. Request enough.
Let's not take too much time for this.
♬ Idol ♬
So, um, yeah, get to know me time. I don't watch a lot of idol shows. Before I decided to make this, I had only watched one idol show. So I decided to go do a little investigation. Still not a fan, but there are some interesting ones out there.
Number 2:
An idol show about a girl named Honoka who wants to save her school by becoming a school idol. The group forms until there are 9 members of their group called μ's.
Well, to be honest, I started watching it because I wanted to understand why people liked idol shows so much. And I didn't exactly like it a lot. It was nice, don't get me wrong. But the story developed too slowly, or I missed the excitement, I guess. But the second season made up for it, because shipping is a good way to motivate your sorry ass to finish a show. Also, some of these characters are just worth watching it for.
And we're not gonna talk about Love Live! Sunshine, because that was a disaster.
So if you're already accustomed to idol shows and like the genre, I would recommend this anime. It has some very nice songs and especially the characters are top quality comedy. If you were looking for something serious and heartfelt, some moments fit, but I think you're looking for something a lot angstier. If you were looking for something exciting with action in it
Why didn't you scroll past this genre yet?
Number 1:
IDOLiSH7 is about a girl who was assigned as manager of a group of 7 idols (who all managed to be gay) trying their best to get into the entertainment industry.
Now when I started watching this I was looking for some random shoujo anime and I came across this one. After watching Love Live I had just accepted the idea that I wasn't fond of idol shows, so I honestly didn't expect much.
I loved it.
The characters were so unique and loveable. The manager, whom I honestly expected to be yet another annoying girl not being able to choose which of the guys she liked, was just a hardworking woman that loved the job she chose. The drama spices things up, and the problems presented are not impossible issues that are just there for the sake of plot. I mean, they're there for the sake of plot, but it's not like it's over the top drama. In my opinion.
I'm not that much a fan of Japanese music, so that doesn't allure me, it was the story and great characters that made me fall in love with this show.
So if you're into drama, idols, hot guys, this precious bean of a manager, and overall good plots, I highly recommend IDOLiSH7.
❣ Shounen-ai ❣
Anime, manga, or fanfic that depicts non-explicit relationships between two males. Usually focuses on the romantic/ loving/ emotional side of the relationship, unlike yaoi which focuses on the passionate/ lustful/ physical side. Usually no more than PG-13 rated.
A very mediocre genre, which I personally hoped had better content than it actually had, but I can pick out at least two I think are good. I hope.
Number 2:
The story of a young boy living a life that seems to be a little too perfect...
When he encounters a boy his age in his room, soaking wet from the rain and with wounds all over, for the first time in his life Shion doesn't mind the consequences of his actions and helps the boy, which goes against the government. He gets punished and loses his right to get the scholarship he wanted.
Years later he and Nezumi meet up again and Shion finds out the truth behind the place he's been living in.
I'll be honest, the actual story was very confusing and it all moved a bit fast, but the romance between Nezumi and Shion is why people are watching it, and it does not disappoint.
One of few gay romances I can genuinely enjoy watching, without being slightly disgusted by rape, abuse, lack of consent, etc. Despite the fact shounen-ai is known for being non-explicit gay romance manga/anime, they often do put in some sexual scenes, though very mild. For example kissing scenes in which you can see the tongues. Which is still very tame compared to full on yaoi, but that's not the problem. Sex is fine. Sex is Gucci.
But why can't people understand that sex is only Gucci with consent? iwi
Okay, sorry for the rant. But I recommend No.6 for literally anyone who's sick of sexualised anime. And people who liked Yuri!!! On Ice.
Idk, it just be gay like that.
Number 1:
Okay, so this technically isn't a shounen-ai anime, but fuck you, I'm adding this one.
It's about a guy named Ash, who got dragged into gang fights in America. (Think it's New York, but Idk for sure.) He met up with a Japanese photographer who wanted to do an interview about him and Ash happened to meet the photographer's assistant (more like son, lmao), who incidentally will become the second protagonist.
Ash's life has been hell, honestly. No spoilers further than that. While Eiji's life was pretty normal. And then they're both getting mixed up in the same bullshit revolving around the two keywords "Banana Fish."
Did the name make you think the show was a comedy with a gay romance?
I'm gonna love visibly seeing the face you make when you find out what exactly you got yourself into, and once you start, there's no way of stopping.
Now Eiji and Ash haven't been confirmed to be gay for each other, but we all believe so, and it's not that unbelievable, so let's just roll with it.
So if you like anime that makes you suffer and cry so much your eyes are going to sting, lucky you! Banana Fish is here to fill your eyes with tears.
ღ Shoujo-ai ღ
Literally the same as shounen-ai, but lesbian.
Now, one of these two is not gonna be an actual shoujo-ai anime, because I haven't watched that much, I prefer the cute shows where the two female characters were very heavily hinted to be lesbians, but never confirmed to be.
Because those are actually better than most of the content we're expected to watch.
Number 2:
It's comedy, and it's beautiful.
And half of the reason I love this is because I've got a big phat crush on Tohru.
It's about a girl named Kobayashi who was drunk one night and accidentally stumbled upon a dragon and offered the dragon to go live with her.
The next morning she was sober again and suddenly got a dragon in front of her door, ready to move in with her.
You know. Relatable.
There are some other dragons who're gonna come and say hai, and most of them are gay, but one of them is just interested in food.
I say if you like comedy, top quality gayness, a family written right, more gayness, dragons and wholesome children already being gay, watch this. You will not regret it.
Number 1:
It's called Izetta: The Last Witch, and it's... too beautiful of a creation.
To sum it up quickly: It's about a hot lesbian witch, who's helping her tomboy girlfriend, the Princess of Eylstadt, win a war against the ruler of Germania. And there's some pie tasting.
This story has an amazing plot, beautifully portrayed characters, well thought out magic, and slightly sad city/country names. And all of the plot was neatly divided into 12 episodes.
I loved it.
It's not a binge watch series, which most of the anime I watch are, but it's still worth your time. To see these interesting character interact with each other and growing even stronger bonds... it's just too wholesome for me not to like it.
I recommend this to everyone. No matter if you're into that gay shit or not, or if you like military or magical anime or not, this is definitely worth your time. I hope.
So uhh... definitely an underrated anime. And to some of my friends who I think would enjoy this...
Go watch this!
✬ Sci-fi ✬
I love sci-fi, I just haven't seen a lot of it, but I'll do my best!
Number 2:
When I first started watching this, I actually wasn't that interested, but damn, did this show deliver.
There were quite some cringey scenes in there, yes. But the overall plot was well thought out. The male characters were written really well too, though the female ones could've improved a lot.
Anyway, it's about a group of 9 kids getting lost in space and trying their best to find back their way to their home planet. Somehow almost all these kids are geniuses or something, and they actually manage to get through quite a lot, slowly figuring out who got them stuck in space, why and how the hell to get back.
Okay, okay, if you're interested but not sure yet, just watch 2 episodes and decide whether or not you like it from that. Sounds fair, right?
Number 1:
It hasn't even finished airing, and I'm already recommending it to so many people.
First off, Senku is a fucking legend.
Second off, this plot is so interesting, I immediately got hooked. It's about a mysterious light that caused the entire human civilisation to turn into stone. Several millennia later, Senku and later his friend Taiju break out of their stoned *finger guns* situation. Senku then asks Taiju for help with his goal to build up the human civilisation again from scratch.
There's some chemistry in there, and I hate chemistry, but it was interesting to learn how useful shells are and how to make gunpowder. Like, you're not learning that shit at school, now are you?
So yeah, if you like shounen, adventure, sci-fi, chemistry or just general interesting plots, I do very much recommend this show.
But you know, it hasn't finished, so it may be possible it'll go downhill at the end.
✐ Mystery ✐
Number 2:
A 29 year old man has the ability to go back in time when something dangerous or criminal is happening. When his mother gets murdered one day, he goes back in time to when he was in elementary school, just before a series of kidnappings happened around there. He finds one of the kids that was kidnapped and came to the conclusion that if he prevented her from getting kidnapped, he could prevent his mother's death.
It was on my to-watch list for quite a long time already once I started getting to it, and I was actually pretty glad I did. It was a refreshing, unique kind of story. Yet also suspenseful and it constantly kept you thinking. Not only about the obvious question of who the kidnapper is, but also questioning why humans are such wretched creatures that some even resolve to kidnapping or child abuse. It's a very intriguing and slightly concerning show. With a hint of romance hidden in there.
Certainly worth a watch.
Number 1:
Summing up:
✓ Great characters
✓ Beautiful art style
✓ Interesting abilities
✓ Good mysteries
✓ A suicidal maniac
✓ Lots of ships
✓ Them backgrounds
✓ Some of the best quotes in existence
✓ All characters are named after a famous Japanese author, and their abilities after their most famous work
It's about a boy that ran away from the orphanage he lived at, finding a man attempting suicide by the river and then getting told he has some strange ability he can't control. Then he gets hired at the detective agency the suicidal maniac works at.
Sounds fun.
I'm getting out of commentary to give, so I'm just gonna say it's a good series.
♜ Psychological ♜
Number 2:
Kakegurui has one character who is widely known amongst all anime fans. And that would be Yumeko Jabami, the girl you see in the picture. It's usually portrayed as a pretty insane anime, with card games and slightly sexual.
And I mean, none of that is wrong, but when Yumeko first comes to the school, I expected this insane and over the top character, but no. She is insane, but only when it comes to gambling.
You see, the school Kakegurui plays in has an interesting caste at school. It's entirely focused on gambling. If you have a lot of money, you're in a position of power, if you're in debt, you're a servant until you've paid back your debt. These people who're in debt get bullied. No questions asked, everyone just automatically does it.
Yumeko, the new transfer student, turns out to be a beast when it comes to gambling. And I loved every second of this show.
Very interesting series, and with good games. UwU
Number 1:
On the list with the other shows that definitely should get a second season. Especially with the frustratingly awesome end of the first season.
Ayanokouji got into an elite school that teaches in its own way, preparing its students for the society they'll step into after. He meets a girl Horikita, who is anything but social. They both got placed in the lowest class, class E.
Ayanakouji got an average score on every single test he took, and constantly seems capable of figuring out mysteries or giving other people a hard time. Fishy, to say the least.
Well, I can't say much about this that doesn't spoil the show, but it's definitely one of the most interesting anime I've seen, getting chills up my spine.
I'm leaving it at this.
Anyway, uh... just a bit of randomness.
Wrote this, like, 4 months ago, lol.
Bai. XD
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