Welp I got tagged again by two people in the same day....
Almost 3 weeks ago
DON'T BLAME ME I just started school, now I remember why I hated and will forever hate it so much permanently but the two people actually tagged me on the same thing so I'll just blog it up into 1 chappie for those who are constantly groaning at reading my tagged shit. One of the people who tagged me I don't remember (sorry) but the other one was thebookwasbetter1313 so yeah I hope your happy.
Do I have a crush?
Every time someone asks me including real life I'm going to be blatantly honest, like the last time I had been tagged with this question, no I do not have a crush. #SinglePringle forever and I think permanently for at least my whole life, comment if you can relate. Please.
Middle name?
I have also been asked this question before on this book but I'll answer anyway before anyone starts screeching "DON'T SAY PERSONAL INFORMATION ON THE INTERNE-" I will cover your mouth with a bat, I Don't care, nobody will be able to identify me in public because of my middle name, second off don't you dare comment that my little squirrels.
I'm really really short compared to my other friends but I can't complain I have a friend that's my age but a year older because she skipped kindergarten and she's like a bit taller than half of my body but my height is 5'1 or 5'2 go on laugh your ass off I can't control my height because if I could goddam I would already be super tall
Blue cookies?
Shoe size?
I'm like adult 7 women. Yeah I don't give a fuck besides what you gonna do with my shoe size? Buy me a pair of shoes and send them to my location?
Eye colour?
Blue, people say my eyes are beautiful but fun fact did you know that 12% of the population of earth have blue eyes 84% has brown eyes but only 2% has green eyes. Look it up! It's interesting to think about.
Last time you cried?
I'd love to be badass and say months ago but I broke that streak when I cried in the bathroom watching a beautiful infinity war video that was so emotional I had to lock myself in the bathroom to conceal my shame.
Biggest fear?
Failing my family and friends and letting them die because of me but instead of dying with them I end up being the only survivor and having to drown in guilt but not being able to suicide because then they would be disappointed in me.
Depressing ik
Last song you listened to?
Believer from Imagine dragons but not the entire song just an edit but the most recent complete song I listened to is Boy in the bubble nightcore on SoundCloud
Last person you texted?
My friends because I was one of the first people at school and I was alone and a loner like usual
Favorite app?
I have three, Soundcloud, Wattpad, and Youtube which is basically a summary of my entire life.
Tag 20 accounts
I decided to go with 21 just to make sure and if I counted wrong scold me in the comments
And that is it for today's tag I love you my little squirrels BYE
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