Tagged by @Nezu_the_Stabby
It's been a very long time since I've updated this book and I sincerely apologize but life's been kicking my ass lately. To all those people who tagged me but I didn't respond to I'm sorry, I wasn't feeling good or at my best at the time and I completely forgot to write down who did tag me and what the tag was, if you're one of those people you can write it down below and I will respond.
So, now that we're past all that sappy shit lets get into the good stuff. As you can see in the title (or not if you're blind but if you are I don't understand why you would be reading this tag book, weird flex but ok)), Nezu_the_Stabby has tagged me this time, ah my role playing friend. The rules are:
And if that picture doesn't load for you or your country don't worry, I'll write them all down as I go.
1) Do I like someone?
For the first time in forever, yes, I have a love interest, if you do not know I am of the female species in the human race. Aka I'm a girl, a very pansexual girl. I have fallen for another woman and if that's not your cup of tea leave but yeah. We take ballet classes together (I'm going to see her today) she's really hot and pretty, slightly muscular due to ballet but still has a feminine figure. She's beautiful. Though, I don't know her sexuality.
Enough of her, let's get onto the next question cause I know ya'll don't want to know about my love life.
2) Do they like me?
I don't think so, she has said that she enjoys dancing with me because if either of us forgets something we can copy off of one another but as I had mentioned, I don't even know if she's into other girls.
3) Middle name?
It's Nicole. All of the people who have a problem with me sharing my middle name let me say these two things, firstly, I don't give a fuck, if you want to criticize me go ahead and leave. Second off, nobody can recognise me by my middle name, they'd need my last names cause there's lots of people with Nicole as their second name.
4) Single or taken?
Singlepringleforlife my guys, gals, and non-binary pals, too young for that mess.
5) Last person I texted?
I spammed Danisa yesterday and now she just responded so I guess her. If you mean an actual conversation then it's H, cause she's actually talking to me now that it's the weekend.
6) Last song I listened to.
I accidentally listened to anchor by Skillet cause I accidentally turned it on when I woke up this morning but on purpose then I'd say Nomad by Jeremy Renner.
7) Battery percentage
94%, I'd say that's pretty good for an hour and a half of being awake.
8) Girl best friend.
Don't have one, I don't like to choose and not only that I don't consider people close enough to be my irl friend. But online I'd say that there's so many I can't name them all so yeah, if I talk to you a shit ton then yeah, consider yourself a best friend.
9) Guy best friend
GayRussianJesus , and a few others, again, can't be bothered to name them all, if I talk to you a lot then consider yourself part of this list.
And if you want to be one but you don't talk to me, feel free to PM me or talk to me through anywhere, even the comments of this chapter. I'm open to anyone.
Oh, and is anyone else kind of annoyed that this tag doesn't have gender neutral questions about best friends. Just a thought I decided to add in.
10) Fave OTP
I'd be here for hours, Klance, Solangelo, Percabeth, Prinxiety, Logicality, Phan, and so many more. I can't even remember a fraction of them because they're so many.
11) Why you made your account?
Ah, the origins of my identity on the social platform that is Wattpad. It all started when Aphmau mentioned Wattpad in one of her videos and I decided 'why not look it up'. Best decision I've ever made in my life, and while I might not like Aphmau anymore ((especially after she rebooted MCD)) I still am grateful for the help to discover this platform or else I wouldn't be here.
12) Current lock screen?
I can't find the goddamn picture anywhere in my gallery so I'll just put up a meme instead, there you go, have your meme fuel.
13) Birthday?
May 31st, 2005, currently fourteen years old, single, depressed, traumatised, and doesn't want to do anything special for her quinceañera besides take aerial silks classes.
Tag 20 people
Have a great tagging everybody, and have a great morning, evening or night! See you my guys gals and non-binary pals, peace out!
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