Tag War with @dawnaIIen
dawnaIIen come at me because I already know the dark, I live in it for gods sake! Come at me bro! I love a bit of friendly competition so let's see who comes out on top
The people who I tag are
I'll save some for the next tag
1. First thing you think of when you read the word squelch?
My third answer for this question is someone getting squished under a truck, I'm morbid and very dark I love dark humour so I'm not surprised you my answer
2. Favourite flower/plant
Lilies, enough said. They're very pretty and I like them a lot
3. Writing/ art inspiration
I'll just say Vincent Van Goh because I love starry night
4. What's the weather like right now?
The same it's only been like 20 minutes since the last tag so it's still clear night
5. What's the weirdest thing someone has given you?
Idk the things I get are very on point with my personality so I'll just say Barbies
6. What's your most prized possession?
My books
7. Favorite writer
samseaa Samoan_Flo leylalovescats HomicidalLunatic I love them all
8. Who's your role model?
NetNobody, he's a big inspiration to me for me to keep going when the things get tougher
9. What's the song that's stuck on your mind right now?
Camisado from surprise! P!ATD
10. What's the animal most people associate you with?
Idk just edgy animals in general
This has only just begun
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