Welp Samoan_Flo tagged me and today I must complete it...
Let us begin
Le rules are
1. Mention person who tagged you.
Well in case you couldn't read that or the title or just incredibly stupid I'm gonna repeat again Samoan_Flo tagged me she writes great books, a fellow TMNT fan if you haven't checked her out before please do, after this tag.
2. Do this in less than 10 days
Did it in two suckas
3. Say 10 things about you
1. I have blue eyes but at times i have green eyes so im sort of part of the 17% of the populaționale that has blue eyes along with the 2% of the population that has green.
2. Im about 5'1 to 5'3 I haven't checked in a while but I don't care as long as I'm taller than Icerthedragon9 the person who is practically my brother.
3. My two favorite colors are blue and black
4. I like sculpting
5. I like painting
6. I know some sign language
7. I'm learning Greek
8. I love making blue food
9. My hair is long
10. I hate painting my nails even if I have a shit ton of bail polish because of my family members
4. Tag 28 people on here
2. Jezy2142
5. Put a Title on this tagged
Boom its titled
Quality content here people
6. Tell a joke
And if that wasn't Funny enough for your ridiculously low standards like seriously why do you even read my stories? you could be doing something useful with your time, like watching Teen Titans original. But enough of my existențial crisis lets see the other joke
Funny right?
7. Tell a spoiler for one of your stories.....
Fuck. Im not Gonna reveal anything about my Avengers fanfic, neither my Ninjago fanfic so I'll just say this one. INTHEFUTURETHATILLPROBABLYEITHERNEVERGETTOORTAKEAREALLYLONGTIMETOGETTOTHEMAINCHARACTERGETSMUTATED. good Luck trying to read that mess that I made, like everything else on this account.
8. Put le rulez in your tag
Now le thankz you and those people who got tagged. Tough luck bud
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